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Craven District

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Craven District
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    • Day 33

      North York Dales NP

      September 3, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      We visited the North York Dales National Park on our way to the Lake District. First stop: the Brimham Rocks, weird rock formations that Miel couldn't resist climbing (no worries, it wasn't that dangerous). Second stop: Malham, where we climbed a waterfall to enjoy the amazing views of the dramatic gorge of Gordale Scar and the special limestone scenery of Malham Cove. A romantic riverside dinner made this the perfect day 🥰. The next day we were woken at our quiet park4night spot by some cute cows 🐮.Read more

    • Day 21

      Auf das Wasser

      June 19, 2023 ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Nach dem Morgenessen mit dem Bus zurück nach Barnoldswick zur Marina. Zu früh angekommen, daher Ausflug zum Co-op und uns mit Lebensmittel und Alkohol für 2 Tage eingedeckt. Um 13.00 Uhr Einschiffen und dann 3 stündiger Crashkurs in Booting und Schleusenkunde. Um 17.00 Uhr Mooring am Apero und nachher einfaches Nachtessen.Read more

    • Day 20

      Ein weiterer Reisetag

      June 18, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Heute reisten wir weiter südwarts mit Zug und Bus nach Skipton. Der ÖV funktionierte tadellos. Für die Busfahrt von rund 100 Minuten zahlten wir pro Person £ 2. Skipton ist ein hübsches englisches Dorf mit schönen Pubs in den Hügeln von Lancashire. Auch unterdessen ist das Wetter britisch geworden: es regnet!Read more

    • Day 23

      Strenge Tage im Narrow-Boat

      June 21, 2023 in England ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      In den letzten 2 Tagen übten wir ausgiebig Schleusen öffnen und schließen und bei strömendem Regen auf dem Leeds and Liverpool Kanal schippern. Dank Mithilfe von Volunteers und hilfsbereiten Engländern schafften wir die 20 Locks ohne Probleme, auch der Turnaround schaffte die Skipperin im 1.ten Anlauf.Read more

    • Day 8

      Cononley, North Yorkshire

      July 30, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      How stunning are the Yorkshire dales! Today was a tiring day of being on the road, and we are both happy to be relaxing in our next bnb. We are here till Friday.
      It was bad planning on my part to shift locations on a Sunday in regards to having a Memorial Meeting. We ended up zooming into Bedford while parked at a service centre, which was surprisingly OK! Bought Cornish pasties after our service then continued driving north.
      This farm runs sheep. Such a beautiful property! The railway line runs close by. We have a couple of train trips planned while we're here. But right now we just relax. I've just spotted a jigsaw on the shelf. Maybe I'll have a go at that.
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    • Day 9

      East Riddlesden Hall

      July 31, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      Today started off slowly and we didn't feel in the mood to do anything too adventurous. First job was to go into the next village (Skipton) and find a raincoat. I didn't pack one as I thought it was meant to be summer here! It's going to be rainy all week and Ian doesn't want me to catch my death of cold.
      Then we drove to East Riddlesden Hall which is only 10 minutes away from where we're staying. It's a manor house now owned by the National Trust. Wuthering Heights was filmed there apparently. Lots of old furnishings and beautiful hand crafted items. We had lunch in the Cafe (upstairs in the old barn) which was delicious.
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    • Day 22

      All Creatures Great and Small

      May 18, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      It’s hard to avoid the whole James Herriot / All Creatures Great and Small connections when you’re deep in the Yorkshire Dales.
      But we weren’t really trying to avoid them - in fact we sought them out. We are unashamedly fans of the books as well as the 2 series that arose from those volumes as they portrayed a rural life so different to ours in Australia. Beautiful, rugged, harsh, stark, majestic - the list of adjectives goes on. What we discovered today was all of this and more.

      But first things first.

      Indeed our destination today was Grassington in the Yorkshire Dales, but as we were so close to Liverpool after departing Chester, Loss insisted 😉 we take a slight detour to capture a couple of points of interest from the most famous of all Liverpudlians - The Beatles. Two songs were released by the band in February 1967 - Penny Lane and Strawberry Fields and both of these physical landmarks were on the ‘easy’ side of Liverpool so we sought them out.

      First stop was ‘Penny Lane’ and we snapped the obligatory photos of some of the landmarks from their childhood - the Barber, The Bank, The shelter behind the roundabout etc. We even took some video with the song playing quite loudly. No one batted an eyelid as I suspect it is an everyday occurrence for the locals.
      About 10 minutes away is ‘Strawberry Field’ which was also a childhood haunt, particularly of John. It was a children’s home ‘back in the day’ with large gardens and grounds. It is now a Salvation Army centre and they do a strong trade in Beatles memorabilia.

      Although Loss was keen to seek out other places such as their childhood homes etc, I dragged her away from her 60’s nostalgia and we headed for the Yorkshire Dales. The scenery changed quite abruptly after we left Liverpool suburbia behind us and before long we were marvelling at the beauty of the Dales as they started to reveal themselves.

      On the way to Grassington, we stopped at Broughton House (Mr’s Pumphrey’s residence) and then arrived in the absolutely gorgeous town of Grassington at midday. It was too early to check in at our accommodation (The Devonshire Hotel / Drovers Arms) so after exploring the town and appreciating its unquestionable beauty we went off for a longish drive through the Dales. The roads are impossibly narrow and winding and progress is slow - but that is a bonus because around each bend lies a new vista of beautiful rolling hills, little streams, bridges, stone fences and buildings dotting the landscape creating an ‘otherworldly’ sensation.
      We ended up passing through Askrigg (the Drovers’ Arms and Skeldale house of the original series) and Yockenthwaite (the Alderson’s farm).
      We’ve just returned to Grassington, checked in to ‘The Drover’s Arms’ and been assigned room 7 - the Tricki Woo room :)
      We’re just hoping that as a result we don’t end up with Tricki’s unfortunate, recurrent affliction😳
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    • Day 34

      Steam to Keighley

      May 26 in England ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      On a stormy day what else do you do but take a steam train to Cliffe castle in Keighley (pronounced keithley)
      The place was full of stuff. Including a wife calmer - see photo. Rocks, taxidermied animals, and furniture. what an interesting place and even better free to get in and see.Read more

    • Day 23

      Up hill and down (Yorkshire) Dale(s)

      May 19, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Nothing especially amusing today, but we do have a little bit of inside info for those who might be interested.

      It is apparent that there are a number of closet ‘All Creatures’ devotees out there, judging from the private messages we have received. It wasn’t our intention to devote any more space to this, but to satisfy the interest of said ‘Herriot-o-files’ here is a little extra we discovered this morning before leaving Grassington.

      After a full ‘Mrs. Hall’ breakfast - including some traditional Yorkshire Pudding which even Loss sampled, we went for a stroll around the village and came across a little street that looked (to our untrained eyes) as if it would be perfect for the series and both of us commented along those lines - cobblestone street, perfect looking little houses etc.
      As we looked further down the street we saw some activity happening. It was a group of tradies and people from the production crew of ‘All Creatures’ preparing another house to feature in the next series. It will belong to ‘Gerard’ - Mrs. Hall’s new romantic interest(!) They were preparing the house - external painting (replacing modern colours around windows and doors with appropriate shades of brown etc.) as well as internal furnishings.

      ‘Is it OK if I take some photos?’
      “Hmmm, you’re not really meant to….but I can’t see your camera…”

      Filming to take place on Monday. You saw and heard it here first.

      Our plan today was for another circuitous / scenic drive through the Dales. Again, it was fascinating to see the ever changing scenery and the amazing houses in little villages all jammed in together around the main road through town (which was often barely wide enough to fit the little Fiat through). After heading north and east through Leyburn, we headed across the more rugged part of the Moors to Tan Hill Inn - the highest Inn in England. A ‘signature drink’ Ginger hot chocolate was had before continuing on to Hawes
      - and the impressive sounding ‘Hadrow Force Waterfall’. This also laid claim to fame as being England’s largest drop waterfall.
      We drove in, paid our entrance fee and walked along the path towards the falls. With the hype about its vertical drop etc I was expecting a Niagara Falls type of experience, however this certainly wasn’t the case. Although very pretty, the water volume and height were relatively modest, perhaps more comparable to En Gedi falls (for those who have been) than Niagara - or even Fitzroy falls or similar, for that matter.

      Next point of interest was the Ribblehead Viaduct which is essentially just a photogenic railway bridge. We pulled over on the side of the road just long enough to snap a couple of shots, then it was onwards toward our main destination for today - the waterfall trail at Ingleton.
      This is a popular attraction in this area of the Dales. It is a series of waterfalls, gullies and chutes. The trail is about 8km and we took around 2 1/4 hours to complete it. Again, the falls were relatively modest but very picturesque and thoroughly enjoyable.

      We have settled into another very historic hotel tonight in Ingleton.

      And the weather has even warmed up a little - we were down to shirtsleeves for most of the day!
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    • Day 4

      Farmcamping in Buckden

      June 10 in England ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Heute Abend wird endlich im Dachzelt geschlafen.
      Wir haben einen netten Farmcamping gefunden und dort gab es auch ohne Reservierung einen Stellplatz.
      Direkt an der Durchfahrt sind ein paar Lämmer und ein Kälbchen.

      Ein Pub ist über die Straße und so sind wir auf ein leckeres Abendessen und ein Bier dort eingekehrt.
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