
    • 日33

      Day 32 Conwy to Rowen

      2023年6月30日, ウェールズ ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      Friday : Up 06:30, away 09:30. I thought I would be away earlier without the need to strike camp, but not wanting to disturb the other 3 chaps in my shared room had delayed my departure. Yesterday, I had spotted a church that had a 10:00 service this morning. I had considered going to this before leaving Conwy because on Sunday, I will be on top of the Carnedd mountain range, so unable to attend a service. I decided against attending to get to next campsite earlier and pitch before forecast rain. I later regretted this because I arrived at site in good time and the forecast rain did not materialise.

      Once at Conwy castle I made the final of the 4 left turns I will make on my odyssey, this time southwards. Cambrian Way will be the hardest part of my journey at 298 miles and total ascent similar to Everest. All the walking up until Conwy has been training for this.

      First mile was along a pleasant seaside path then over a railway bridge before beginning ascent up Conwy mountain. Wind was strong in my face all the way up, prompting me to don my jacket. I was making surprisingly swift progress, passing 10 people on this stretch. As I crossed Sychnant pass a dozen cars were parked having presumably delivered people to walk up Conwy mountain. Next was a lonely walk up and down Maen Esgob where I met Ally and her Bulgarian dog. She was born nearby, moved as a child to Leigh-on-sea Essex but missed County Conwy so much that as soon as she could drive she moved back. Unusual to meet a southern accent, most people I met are from the north west or Midlands.

      A couple of miles further, I arrived at Maen Penddu - a huge stone - where I left the Cambrian Way to begin my descent to Cefn Cae campsite. Expensive at £20 including showers, but high quality facilities block, level neatly mown grass and owner Gwyn sought out a chair and folding table for me when I asked if there was a picnic table I could pitch near. They used to have picnic tables, but guests had set them on fire with their Barbecues! While pitching nearby campers Una and John invited me for tea and busicuits which I accepted as sun was shining. I have met so many friendly people on this trip and this was another example.

      9 miles from Conwy to Rowen completed at end of 32nd day of walking and 1st on Cambrian Way.
      Total miles so far : 335
      Average speed : 2.1 mph
      Weather overcast all day, strong wind, intermittent showers.
      Number of people passed : 12
      Objective tomorrow : Foel-Fras




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