Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Academy Park

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    • Tag 18

      Albany, New York

      7. Juni 2023 in den USA ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Albany, die Hauptstadt des Staates New York. Wir hatten Gelegenheit das Kapitol zu besichen und einige Debatten im Parlament zu verfolgen. Schon optisch konnte man aus der Zuschauertribüne heraus die Republikaner und Demokraten gut voneinander unterscheiden. In den Parlamentssälen war das Fotografieren verboten.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 22

      New York State House at a sprint!

      16. August 2016 in den USA ⋅ 🌧 25 °C

      Arriving into Albany the weather changed: from biblical heat we descended into biblical rain. We had enough change for 36 minutes of parking but as we parked directly outside the state house we figured that'd be fine...until Visitors Information told us there was an observation tower. Queue a sprint to one end of the underground concourse to go up the tower, before a returning sprint to see the House and Senate Chambers and making it back to the car in exactly 36 minutes. The state house was less showy than some, a bit like D.C. but in sandstone. Everything about the underground concourse however was very American - big, bold and calorific...including a Dunkin' Donuts inside the state legislature. Pretty sure there's a Dunkin' Donuts no more than 100 metres from you at all times in America.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 31

      Day 31 - Whao-mart!

      8. Oktober 2016 in den USA ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      We awoke to the sound of rain against the window. Doh! We had managed to avoid a full day's rain since being in the States but today it arrived with a vengeance. It is a driving day which is handy although it would have been nice to see the vibrant colours of the changing season's trees without rain spattered windows. We still have plenty of time here in the East to see this annual marvel in more detail. A gentle reminder of our luck with the weather so far.

      We wanted a hearty breakfast that would lift the gloomy mood of perpetual drizzle. Alice searched for the nearest IHOP. We ordered large breakfasts that took a while to arrive. When the food arrived it was served with an ample side of apologies and it wasn't long before we felt full and content. IHOP just hits the spot, particularly on a wet weekend. The ultimate comfort food. We were now ready to embark on another six hour roadtrip.

      We have encountered many toll roads since Chicago and we decided to take the scenic and cheaper routes for all future journeys. The added benefit of these routes is seeing small town America close up. We pass though many small towns and villages that proudly display the stars and stripes and being this time of year, pumpkins too. I didn't realise how big a deal Halloween is here with the majority of houses having anything from a solitary pumpkin to a full-blown spooky scene with witches, ghosts, cats, lights and fake cobwebs. Some are particularly inventive with tombstones that have funny messages and skeletal hands on people's front lawns. In the supermarkets there are even Halloween cards. Happy Halloween! Driving through these towns there are also a lot of signs showing political support for a Presidential candidate, local DA or Senate Representative. It's noticeable how Republicans out number Democrats when it comes to showing political allegiance in these parts of the country.

      We arrived at our destination just outside Albany and quickly dropped our things off and went to get dinner. We had a noodle meal that was fast and healthy and then it was time to go to the biggest Walmart in the US. We were ready for this although it didn't look particularly big from the outside. We picked up a few items and the further we ventured inside the more disorientated we felt. We entered from what appeared to be the first floor, looked around, and descended to the basement floor and looked around. By the time we paid for our goods we left the store and were left staring at an unfamiliar carpark. We realised we were on the other side of the building and had exited from the basement floor. It was then easier to go back through the store, up the escalator and leave via the entrance we first come through. We could only assume that the building is on a slope as there are no steps obvious on either side of the building to explain why entering and leaving on different floors results in an outdoor carpark. I feel like I've now been inside an MC Escher drawing!

      We drove back to our hotel and gave the new kettle a test run. A movie, tea and cake were consumed before bed.

      Song of the Day:
      Walking on Sunshine (it may have been raining as we drove, but in our minds, we were walking on sunshine!)

    • Tag 7


      2. Juni in den USA ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Albany die Hauptstadt des Bundeslandes New York am Hudson River. Beeindruckende Verwaltungsgebäude aus den 30 Jahren und spektakuläre Neubauten, gedrängt auf engstem Raum.

    • Tag 2

      Albany, NY

      3. August 2013 in den USA ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Geo: 42.6514, -73.7553

      We are finishing Day 2 in Albany, NY. Gorgeous day. 77 and blueskies. Perfect. We started at Maid of the Mist. I was forewarned to start out early to miss the crowds and lines. We in fact missed the lines. The ride was amazing. I always wanted to go on the Maid of the Mist. It was really a breathtaking experience. We passed the American Falls first which are smaller but no less amazing. The boat then takes you right into the mist of the Horseshoe Falls. It is like being in a torrential rainstorm. Super fun and super cool. The kids loved it. They each have water cameras. There will be a lot of the same pix of Mist. Ha. [PHOTO_ID_R=maid-of-the-mist.jpg]

      [PHOTO_ID_L=water-of-the-winds.jpg] Then we hiked over to the Cave of the Winds though there is no cave. There is lots of wind and water though. It should be called Winds of Water or for short, Hurricane. This was really an awesome thing to do. You literally hike up a wooden staircase built over and around the falls. The water pours onto the decks in some spots. You can feel the rush and power. At the top is the Hurricane spot. Holy Crap! You've never done anything ike this or seen anything like this unless you stood outside during Hurricane Sandy. You are as close as you can possibly be without being crushed by the water. I can't post pictures right in there because I was protecting my cameras...and clothes. All for naught. Thank goodness I thought to buy water proof bags for cameras and wallets for Paul and I. They worked. We were soaked even though they give you rain ponchos and water sandals. Pretty nice shoes for giveaways. A MUST DO!

      [PHOTO_ID_L=quarry-mining.jpg] So we headed out to make it to one of our odd locations before it closed. We went crystal mining. A little place an hour outside of Albany. A nice lady greeted us, gave us our tools and sent us off to a quarry field or many different quarry fields to dig away. We found little bits of crystals. It was fun and a neat experience. [PHOTO_ID_R=diamond-mining.jpg]

      Last stop for the night, Albany, New York. GPS directed us via the colorful route through the city which slightly concerned us. We aren't too obvious in our whooped up van. We made it to the Capital Building but at dusk, we weren't too certain we should be dancing around the capital grounds. We decided morning would be better. We got ourselves to our hotel in a much better part of town lively and hopping. We pulled into the hotel driveway only to find we had a fast leak in our tire. Seriously. Hey we are not happy but going with the flow. It was right at the hotel. Good news. We have road service with our new van. Good news. They have room service. Great news. The spare tire in our car is a regular size tire. Great news! Especially since tomorrow is Sunday. Amen! Hallelua! [PHOTO_ID_R=our-little-bedbugs.jpg]

      In bed now. All three kids are sharing a bed and I haven't heard a peep. Happy happy joy joy.
      Tomorrow off to Burlington Vermont through the Adirondack mountains. Ben & Jerrys here we come.

      Good night.

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