It is not favorite's turn now! This trailer stuff is exciting. There are 2 men in a car following us! I see them every time I stop to potty. It is very exciting.
It is not favorite's turn now! This trailer stuff is exciting. There are 2 men in a car following us! I see them every time I stop to potty. It is very exciting.
Favorite is excited! Pink beast is a million miles old today. I'm not sure what that means, but if favorite is happy, I'm happy!
We're at the truck place waiting for our picking up time. 28 miles away from the picking up place.
We might be at the delivery place! Or we might not. Nobody is really sure. All I know is, not favorite put this tight shirt on me. It must be to accentuate my muscles!
Made it to Louisville! Got my 10th 10 Rides for 2022 photo!!
So long [for now], and thanks for all the fish! ✌️
Today's mileage: 221.5 (total 13530.9 + 10552.0 Hoka Hey + 24568.7 pre-HokaRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Clark County, مقاطعة كلارك, Кларк, ক্লার্ক কাউন্টি, Condado de Clark, Clark konderria, شهرستان کلارک، ایندیانا, Comté de Clark, Clark megye, Քլարկ շրջան, Contea di Clark, クラーク郡, Clark Kūn, Hrabstwo Clark, Comitatul Clark, Округ Кларк, کلارک کاؤنٹی، انڈیانا, Quận Clark, Condado han Clark, 克拉克縣