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Laurel Branch

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    • Tag 5

      One More Try

      21. April 2022 in den USA ⋅ ⛅ 61 °F

      I'm pretty sure no one has searched harder for the Road to Nowhere than me. At this point I'd already hiked 4.5 miles, but I was determined. As I returned to the trail head, I decided to take the trail in another direction hoping that it might be the road to nowhere. This time, however, after about 40 minutes of walking I found other humans on the trail and I asked them if this was the road to nowhere. These were the first people I had seen in three hours. "Is this the road to nowhere?" I asked them with the same emotional intensity of "Are you my mother?". No, they replied. "The Road to Nowhere is the main road that you were driving on. If you take it just a bit further, it will end and there is a parking lot where you can park and walk to the tunnel."

      OMG how did I miss the obvious? So I turned around once again, laughing at myself all the way back to the van. I think I got a 7 mile hike in before breakfast. It was actually a very beautiful scenic hike and I would do it again.

    • Tag 5

      The Road To Nowhere Tunnel

      21. April 2022 in den USA ⋅ ⛅ 66 °F

      I found it! Finally

      The main road just ends like 6 miles out (I think I read). The end of the road is barricaded to cars, and just beyond the barricade is the tunnel. They were building this road in the 1940s and after completing the tunnel, just stopped. I guess that's what happens when you get tunnel vision, you end up in the road to nowhere.

      The tunnel was about 15-20 degrees cooler than outside it seemed. Graffiti lined both sides of the walls. The road has eroded over time and the horse manure is plentiful. It didn't smell bad though. Starting into the the tunnel there was plenty of light, but when I reached the middle it was pitch black dark except for the light at the end of the tunnel. I had my lantern. I walked to the other side and sat down on a fallen tree trunk for a bit. Walking back I was the only one in the tunnel, so I sang The Alpine Shepherdess, an Italian aria that I know by heart. I sang it in a recital when I was 17. It's a fun song to sing. I sang it walking down the Grand Canal in Venice too.

      La Pastorella dell'Alpi

      Count Carlo Pepoli

      Son bella pastorella,

      Che scende ogni mattino

      Ed offre un cestellino

      Di fresche frutta e fior.

      Chi viene al primo albore

      Avrà vezzose rose

      E poma rugiadose,

      Venite al mio giardin.

      Chi nel notturno orrore

      Smarrì la buona via,

      Alla capanna mia

      Ritroverà il cammin.

      Venite, o passaggiero,

      La pastorella è qua,

      Ma il fior del suo pensiero

      Ad uno sol darà!

      The Shepherdess of the Alps

      English Translation © Nicholas Cornforth

      I am the pretty shepherdess,

      Who comes down every morning,

      Offering a little basket

      Of fresh fruit and flowers.

      Those who come at first light

      Will find delightful roses

      And apples damp with dew,

      Come all to my garden.

      Those who lost their way

      In the horror of the night,

      Will find their path once more

      At my little cabin.

      Come, oh passing traveller,

      The shepherdess is here,

      Yet the flower of her thoughts

      She will give to one and one alone

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