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Morena Village

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    • Day 1 - Mexican boarder to hauser creek

      2 maggio 2023, Stati Uniti ⋅ ⛅ 50 °F

      Miles hiked: 15.4
      Elevation: 1716 ft
      Campsite location: Hauser creek
      Weather: party cloud with a high of 70
      One word to describe the day: nervous

      I'm feeling better today. I was taken by surprise by the way I was feeling when I arrived at the terminus. I felt these same emotions when I got Riley. A bit of regret, worry and questioning my decision. However now I can't imagine life without Riley. I am feeling like the trail is very similar in the fact that it is a major life change and adjustment is needed. This trail is already teaching me lessons. Lessons in strength, resistance and grit.

      Today was a good day. I met a lot of new people on the trail. Diane and Rachel from Seattle and Caroline from Norway. It's nice to meet other female hikers.

      My appetite is not really great right now. So hopefully that works itself out as I continue on and get my routine figured out.

      Tonight's campsite is at mile 15.4. Hauser creek. It's a really nice spot but covered in poison oak!
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