Förenta staterna
Oxford County

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    • Dag 35

      Day 33 - Toughest stretch yet

      5 augusti, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Such a low KM day. 3 things impacted this, my laziness in getting moving in the morning, the notch, rain this arvo.

      For some reason just could not get moving this morning. Stayed in bed for so long, enjoying the feeling of being warm, dry and comfortable. Once I did get up it was then easy get ready and go for the day.

      I did waste time on water though. According to my maps the only nearby water source was 1/3 of a mile back down the trail, so I went there and back to collect water for the day. An error in hindsight as there were small streams and such along the trail for the next couple of hours.

      Today I understood a section of track referred to as the Notch. I'd been hearing about this for weeks, and yes, it is tough. Basically the Notch is a gully that runs between two mountains where very large boulders have fallen into over the years. Traversing the gully involves not only climbing over and around the boulders, but also going under them through short cave systems. Often you have to remove your pack in order to fit through, either pushing it in front of you or reaching back to drag it through. Climbing over and around the boulders is no easy feat either, often my limbs were stretched all the way out, holding onto a tiny ledge with two fingers while my foot blindly tries to find the next ledge. I have no idea how people shorter than me do it.

      A lot of scraped knees later, I passed through. Felt like it took forever but was maybe 2 hours. One cool thing (literally) is I saw ice under the boulders that you might be able to just make out in the photos.

      The rest of the day was a long uphill, very standard climb now. I was hoping to make it to the next Lean-to but just didn't have enough time. Plus it was forecast to rain in the afternoon, so I pulled into Full Goose Lean-to (no idea why it is called that).

      It is interesting that the lean-tos have variations. This one does not have the beam running along the front, nor a metal roof. It is also the highest capacity lean-to that I've seen so far. It also has a low roof at the front that I kept banging my head on.

      The other notable thing about this site is the huge number of tent platforms. 8 in total, including 2 high capacity ones. A truely ludicrous amount. Plus the ultra-high capacity lean-to. I don't think there is even enough people in the world to max this place out. If ever you need to evacuate a city, Full Goose Lean-to and Campsite is the place to relocate everyone.

      Set up my tent and settled down for the day. The rain swept in a few hours later and is still going now about 6 hours later. A lot of flies came to visit me and are now trapped between the fly (heh) and the inner tent. Their constant buzzing is annoying but there is no easy way to remove them.

      Going to try to get straight out of bed tomorrow morning!

      Start: Tent site (unnamed?)
      Finish: Full Goose Lean-to
      KMs completed: 4.3
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    • Dag 33

      Day 31 - Maine. It rocks.

      3 augusti, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Decided to impulsively have a Zero (as in zero KMs travelled, there is also Nero which is when you cover some but almost no distance). At the recommendation of my host, I learned of the Maine Mineral and Gem Museum. It has a huge collection to rocks and history of mining in Maine, and also rocks from the Moon and Mars. You could call it Maine's main rock museum, a little Maine joke there.

      First I went for a walk around town, they have a nice playground and walkway. A lot of joggers out and about. I browsed to local dollar store and bought some ramen noodles and oatmeal, also noted there is apparently demand for coffee that tastes like Snickers. The colourful building is the local theatre.

      Proceeded to the rock museum. Incredible. Surprising for such a small town. Spent a long time inside browsing the displays, then was able to touch both a piece of the Moon and a piece of Mars (one finger touching). Then, surprisingly, I was allowed to hold both a piece of the Moon and Mars. Apparently this is the only place in the world the general public can do this. I hadn't planned on any of this, I'd only learned this place existed a few hours before. Quite amazing.

      It was trippy holding Mars. I kept thinking of the improbable chain of events that needed to happen to allow for this. First a meteorite needs to smack Mars with enough force and at the right angle to cause a piece of it to fly right out into space, which is incredible in itself. Then that piece of rocks drifts through empty space for who knows how long. Then it has to have right direction and velocity to enter Earth's atmosphere, and at the correct angle to not be completely burned up. The rock needs to be found (this one was observed falling out of the sky). And then testing needs to be done on it, and somehow those tests will reveal it is from Mars. It seems so statistically unlikely but here it is. It kind of blows my mind.

      Also today I ate the bread, cheese and salami I bought yesterday instead of eating out. Not on quite the same level as the Mars rocks but I thought I'd mention it.

      Tomorrow I hit the trail again. I've organised a pickup with some other people from Bethel. Shuttle driver is named Rodney, very highly spoken of in the hiking app.

      Start: Bethel
      Finish: Bethel
      KMs: 0
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    • Dag 14

      Into the wild

      21 september 2022, Förenta staterna ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      The last two days we spent in a wonderful place in the forest. Almost no people and phone signal, only nature. We felt like in the wilderness of Canada. Swimming in a beautiful pond together with the beavers at sunset was just amazing 🥰
      Also a special kind of porcupine (urson) was saying hello. We couldnt get any picture of this one as we were stressed about leki chasing it 🙈 probably he was just curious an not really chasing it as the 🦔 was really slow and leki right behind it!
      Of course climbing was not missing at this magical place. First day most of the routes were wet but the next day we could enjoy the steep, juggy granit to its fullest! (climbing pics and videos coming later)
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    • Dag 28–33

      Day 26 - Going to Andover

      29 juli, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Started out from Bemis Mtn Lean-to. Decided to pull off the trail into Andover today to resupply and wash/dry clothes.

      Saw a wild turkey (?), I think. Hard to see in the photo I took (second photo). It is at the end of the fallen down log. Plus a picture of a frog.

      Met the following hikers along the way:

      Lady Slipper - Trail name is an orchid that only flowers under certain conditions, you have to be lucky to see it. Nobo flip-flop per, so I might run into her later. Immediately picked me as Australian after I'd said like 3 words.

      Bear Chaser and Nimble Foot - Older couple. Nobos. They had seen a moose just half an hour before I'd met them! I kept my eyes peeled but I didn't see it! Talked about a lot of things, they said I was practically guaranteed to see bears in New Jersey. They said they had seen a lot.

      Summited Old Blue Mountain. Not much to see from there. Path up was often blocked by fallen trees and the path down is very steep and wet. 3/10 mountain.

      The comments on the hiking app for Old Blue Mountain are hilarious:

      - this whole mountain literally sucks and I hate it
      - NOBOs, this is the least technical big climb you've had in weeks. Smooth sailing. Fuck the haters.
      - Ol Goofy Gooferton, that's what I'm going to call this mountain.
      - Whoever says this climb nobo is easier than Mt. Moody is on drugs, this is 4 times as hard
      - Pretty sure this mountain inspired the person who invented the stairmaster.

      Made some arrangements to be shuttled and stay in Andover. Didn't really rain, was disappointed as I'd anticipated being drenched and then going into town for a hot shower and wash/dried clothes.

      I had a Rodeo burger for dinner. There was confusion over what chips are. They said the burger comes with chips but I can pay extra to have fries. I said chips and received a 50 gram packet of Lays potato crisps. I mean, those are chips too but not the sort of chips I expect when you are ordering a burger and chips. Oh well, the things you learn. Had pizza the next day, it was underwhelming.

      Bonus photo of how gross my toenails have become.
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    • Dag 26

      Day 24 - Day in the life of an AT hiker

      27 juli, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Stayed the night at Rangeley Saddleback Inn. Expensive and not worth it, but I was low on options.

      Went to Rangeley Adventure Co to buy some gear. Mostly dry bags, as after 3 days of rain literally everything in my pack was wet. The guide book is getting mouldy. Also stocked up on food - noodles, protein bars and a dried beef lasagna mix that I thought I'd try.

      Then took a shuttle back out to the trail ($15).

      Staying tonight at Sabbath Day Pond Lean-to. When I arrived there were 4 guys in the lean-to and one tent setup. After some banter, the oldest one of the bunch began listing the diseases the occupants of the lean-to had (covid, malaria, ebola, the flu, etc). I gave an unconcerned nod and said I was relieved that there was nothing serious going about the camp then.

      Even so I decided to sleep in my tent. Set it up on a platform, something I'd not done before. Used rocks and shoved sticks in the gaps to serve as anchor points. No idea if I'm doing this the correct way or not. At least it will hold if there isn't any wind.

      Tonight I ate two packets of noodles as well as one of the leftover rolls. Looks like I'm finally getting an appetite on the trail.
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    • Dag 32

      Day 30 - An unexpected problem

      2 augusti, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Hrrm. Broken pole. Almost at the summit of Baldpate Mountain East Peak.

      My plan was to hike for the next couple of days over the mountains and pull off at Gorham. But it was going to be a tough slog due to weather. Having only one pole has made me realise how I've become accustomed to having 4 points of contact, using only one pole makes me feel like I'm "limping" somehow.

      I can reach Maine 26 (a main road) today. Potentially get the pole repaired or replaced. But I don't think there is much civilisation around there. Will need to do some research.

      Update - Talked to some other hikers (Tinkerbell and IMAM). They said there is as sweet gear shop in Bethel (reachable via Maine 26). Decision made. Going to Bethel.

      Update 2 - Trail Magic!!! I met Maine Rune, he did a thru-hike in the 90s and now does easy sections here and there. He hands out apples and home-grown cucumbers to other hikers. I was dehydrated which made the cucumber taste amazing. He has also offered me a lift back to Bethel. Incredible.
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    • Dag 36

      Day 34 - New Hampshire. It's What's New.

      6 augusti, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Just an update to mention I've crossed into New Hampshire, leaving Maine behind. I do wonder if I'll ever return there.

      Also my lighter stopped working this morning and I was gifted another one by another hiker (trail magic!), but that is sort of incidental.Läs mer

    • Dag 30

      Day 28 - Andover to Hall Mtn Lean-to

      31 juli, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      South Arm road (shuttle from Andover) to Hall Mtn Lean-to (bout 4 miles).

      Wasn't going to post an update today but saw the Shawshank Redemption reference in the Lean-to and decided to share.

      Today it was forecast to start raining about 2pm. I decided to hike to the closest shelter and hide from the rain there. It is now 2:45 and haven't had anything more than a thick fog. The weather reports have generally been unreliable. I'm losing half a day but better that then get caught in a downpour, I think.

      Started out the day by purchasing fuel for my burner and myself. Yum. Then shuttle back to the AT.

      I've got a bag of ramen noodles, Clif bars, and peanut + tortillas (for snacking). Still experimenting and haven't settled on what my standard trail food will be.

      Getting over Moody Mountain was easy but ascending to the lean-to was harder than expected. I feel like all the rest from the day off was undone climbing that hill. Tomorrow is an easy first half of the day followed by a challenging climb, with a harder climb after that if I push it. Would like to make up some kms so I'll try to get as far as possible.

      Update - 3:30 it is raining now. Glad I'm nice and dry inside the shelter!
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    • Dag 4

      Tag 4 / von Boston nach Bigelow Preserve

      10 oktober 2023, Förenta staterna ⋅ 🌙 6 °C

      Heute morgen sind wir in Boston den Freedom Walk gegangen. Bosten ist eine wirklich nette Stadt. Mittags haben wir im Quinzy Market (Food Meile) zu Mittag gegessen, Da wir in NY keinen NY Cheescake gegessen haben, habe ich das hier nachgeholt. Mit abstand der Leckerste Cheescake den ich je gegessen habe. Auf dem Weg zum Bigelow Preserve haben wir an einer Apfelfarm angehalten und von dort Äpfel und Cider mitgenommen. Natürlich dachten wir an den uns bekannten Cider, haben aber einen Tag später gelernt das Cider in der USA naturtrüber Apfelsaft ist. Zusätzlich haben wir in York beim Leuchtturm kurz angehalten.Läs mer

    • Dag 20

      BDR Sektion 7 & 8 Quill Hill

      29 juni 2023, Förenta staterna ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      So heute war es soweit. Ohne Gepäck ging es auf die Sektion 7. Der Off Road Anteil wurde ich sagen liegt bei ca 60 %. Die Wege waren sehr unterschiedlich. Von breiten Feldwege Über sandige Wege, über Stock und Stein. Für alle erdenklichen Sachen war was dabei. Auch übersschwemmte Feldwege waren mit dabei. Sehr interessant. Landschaftlich war es ein Genuss.
      So kann es weitergehen 👍♥️
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