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Sprague Mountain

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    • Día 6

      Rocky Mountain National Park

      30 de junio de 2017, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 8 °C

      Today we went to Rocky Mountain National Park with Meghan. Though I was not fond of the steep narrow road, (thank goodness we were in Meghan's car and not the RV) and I had to close my eyes a couple of times, this has to be some of the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen. The views were simply amazing. My pictures do not do it justice. We entered the park by the west, Grand Lake entrance and drove on the Trail Ridge Road up and over to Estes Park. Along the way we pulled off at the various pull offs to see the views and the various wildlife. At the Alpine Visitors Center we climbed the extra steps to reach the 12,000 ft elevation point. Meghan was basically running up while Robert and I were doing our fair share of huffing and puffing as well as stopping to catch our breaths. It was differently worth it to see the 360 degree views. Robert was in heaven with all of the elk we saw and how close they were to us....something that never seems to happen when he's out here hunting. We also saw moose, big horned sheep and marmots. It was certainly a day we won't forget. We ended the day with a delicious dinner at Tabernash Tavern with Randy and Meghan and were more than ready for bed when we arrived back at Meghan's.Leer más

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