Amerika Birleşik Devletleri
Teller County

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Seyahat Edilen En Popüler 10 Yer Teller County
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    • Gün 8

      Rocky Mountain ...again

      12 Eylül 2023, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ⛅ 57 °F

      We woke up to a cold (35 F), but beautiful morning. The sun was shining and there was hardly a cloud in the sky. The stars the last night were amazing!!!! We cooked breakfast in camp - bacon, eggs, and polenta. Then we had to move sites because when we made reservations we couldn't get the same site for three nights.

      We went to the Grand Lake visitor center and then started on the Colorado River hike. We were hiking to Lulu City, a former gold and silver mining town. The town had 200 people from 1879 - 1884. Then suddenly, it wasn't producing what it thought it would, and everyone left. Supposedly there are some remains of buildings but we didn't see any. Just beyond the town marker, the trail led to a very peaceful river edge. We rested and enjoyed the scenery before heading back. The scenery was different from yesterday's hike. There were some burnt trees but far less and many, many pine trees. We saw chipmunks, squirrels, and yellow bellied marmots (like groundhogs). When we got close to the trailhead, we soaked our feet in the cold Colorado River. As we got to our car, there were 8 or 9 elk grazing by the parking lot.

      We went into the town of Grand Lake, walked around and had some ice cream. Back at camp we cooked hot dogs and baked beans and sat by the fire. We heard a pack of coyotes and some squealing. I think the coyotes had an elk dinner.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 9

      Bike Ride to Green Mountain Falls

      9 Eylül 2022, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☀️ 63 °F

      Green Mountain Fall is a blink you miss it small town about 3 miles from the campground. The camp hosts said it would be a nice bike ride and there's a great little restaurant for breakfast.

      We rode up the curvy mountain road into town and ate breakfast at The Pantry. I had huevos rancheros vegetarian style and Doug had biscuits and gravy while I read my Pattern reading about mercury being in retrograde and how that messes up communication. Set aside your expectations for the next three weeks as you realize things just won't work so smoothly, it said. Doug received bad news from his mother about her health and we held that space for a moment.

      Doug and I are learning a lot about each other on this trip. Over coffee we were talking about how a new couples' van camping trip would make a great reality TV show. We're learning how to communicate, be patient with each other, our likes and dislikes and our triggers. Stories of our pasts keep coming out. Who would have known that Dougie used to be a Mormon but was shunned after he got the skull of the dead tattoo on his left ring finger. So we both have our cult story experiences! No matter how crazy, I love hearing people'sstories. "Live FREE or die," we agree.... our experiences have taught us that there is no other way to live.

      The bike ride was fun and beautiful, but it was difficult as well. Not only was I riding a road bike on a mountain trail and trying not to slide it out from under me, but also my gear shift was broke as the cable was shredded. Also, we're oxygen deficient due to the high altitude at 8500 feet.

      A beautiful older woman with long white hair seated us at The Pantry. She told us that she was here in the area visiting her daughter who just had her first baby, but despite the fact that she had four 10 pound babies naturally herself, her daughter knows everything. Doug tells her that I'm a midwife, and she shares her story with us. Her mother who is currently living at age 103 was a midwife for years in the hills of Virginia. The doctors called her to help them with their deliveries. After she lost her mother at age 6, she was raised by distant relatives where she was basically a servant for them living on a steam ship on the Mississippi River. The kids however were not allowed to sleep on the ship. Our host had 4 natural births out of the hospital back 37-47 years ago in Washington state. "You must have been a hippie," I said. As she's walking away, she turns and smiles, "My first baby, I named Freedom."
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 9

      Lone Duck Campground at Pikes Peak

      9 Eylül 2022, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☀️ 54 °F

      We arrived at Lone Duck Campground last night after dark. We really rocked the backing in flashlight, walkie-talkie thing in the dark. No fighting. We speak different lingo when it comes to directing. I was directing this time and he laughed at my "straighten up" and "whoa".

      We woke up to a crisp 58 degrees to enjoy our coffee in the mountain air. We'll stay here another night, drive up to Pikes Peak and visit Woodland Park. The bikes are out and ready for a ride.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 9

      Camp Fire & Arcade

      9 Eylül 2022, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☁️ 50 °F

      Back at the campsite, we poured a drink, heated up leftovers and started a campfire. Douglas passed the Boy Scout test. It was a crisp 50 degrees outside and we huddled close to the fire.

      The main office and facilities is next to our campsite and there is an old-school arcade room, so we headed over there to play some games. Doug rocked Ms Pacman.

      I got myself really cold tonight, like cold to the bones. So once we crawled in bed smelling like a campfire, Doug reached over and his reaction was so hilarious. "Oh my God, baby! How did you let yourself get this cold? How would you ever let yourself get this cold?" He scratched me a little with his fingernail as he was briskly rubbing my skin for circulation. I didn't feel it. "She wants to go to Alaska. I need to clip my fingernails. I need to shave," he blurts out randomly. Its been 3 days since we've had showers and he hasn't shaved since we left Florida. At this point, I was laughing hysterically at his reaction. "Oh my God, baby, what were you thinking? Babe! Put this on your legs. You've got goosebumps the size of Pikes Peak!" And we laughed ourselves to sleep.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Dynamite Cabin

      19 Temmuz 2022, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ 🌧 64 °F

      It’s nice to be able to sit out on the patio … enjoy the cooling breezes … listen to the distant thunder portending the arrival of this afternoon’s monsoon rains. Nary a drop has fallen yet.

      What’s not nice? All the black flies and other winged-insects making a pest of themselves. We’ve been here in the summer before and don’t remember it being quite so buggy. Oh well … part of being out in nature, I guess.

      Other than the work we did to customize our shade and privacy panels, we did go off to do a hike today. Since we didn’t bring our tow-vehicle on this short getaway, our trail options were limited to the ones at the top end of the campground.

      It’s been awhile since we last hiked at this elevation, so we settled on the Dynamite Cabin Trail … a loop of 1.2 miles or so. Down, down, down — with a few uphill stretches — on the outbound leg. Up, up, up — with a few downhill stretches — on the inbound leg. Did pretty good, I must say.

      Along the way, we took a short detour to the ruins of the cabin for which the trail is named. Turns out that back in the day, gold prospectors would use a stick or two of dynamite to blow a hole in the ground, dig in the hole to see if there was any “yellow” stuff, and move on if they didn’t find any gold. No, we didn’t follow suit by blasting a hole to try our luck.

      The hike isn’t what I would call entertaining. By that I mean that there are no expansive views to enjoy for much of the way. But we did get to stretch our legs without huffing and puffing too much, so that’s a good thing.

      Our reward for getting a bit of exercise today? Wine and snacks on the patio in lieu of dinner. Speaking of which …
      Okumaya devam et

    • Mueller SP D3 ... Hiking Peak View Loop

      12 Ağustos 2020, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☀️ 68 °F

      Our plan to go to the Peak View Trailhead this morning for sunrise and a pre-breakfast hike fell through ... because we slept in. But at least we were up in time to watch the fox that came out of the forest at our site and trotted up the road by the Cruiser. Sorry ... no photo. I was too busy enjoying the unexpected sighting.

      Anyway, we ended up heading out at about the same time as we did yesterday. At 60F, the morning was a tiny bit cooler, but the sun was out shining bright and it felt a lot warmer.

      The 2.1-mile Peak View Loop has two trailheads where one can park. Instead of using the tight lot at Peak View, we decided to start at Elk Meadow. After all, maybe we'd get lucky and see some of the animals for which the meadow is named. Alas, no such luck.

      We walked the loop clockwise, starting out on trail #22. The narrow path immediately headed downhill at a steady but decent grade. Quite the opposite of the return leg coming up on trail #18. I think this section was definitely steeper, so next time we'll hike counter-clockwise.

      The loop started out in a heavily forested area that gave us plenty of shade. Soon we were at the Peak View Pond. Here we encountered a couple who was dallying along the shoreline, looking for tiger salamanders in the water. No problem, we went up a short spur, made ourselves comfy at a rock outcropping, and waited them out.

      Once we took our turn at the pond, we continued along the trail, losing the shade we'd been enjoying. The trail meandered through a meadow, occasionally dipping into bits of shade. This portion of the trail was wider. Checking the legend on the map, it quickly became obvious that we would need to share the trail with bikers and equestrians. The good news? We encountered only one biker and one couple riding their horses. In both cases, we had plenty of space to get off the trail to let them pass.

      An hour after we began hiking, we were back at the trailhead. We debated going back to our site for a quick bite to eat but decided to press on with our plans to take a drive and have a snack somewhere along the way instead. That story will be in the next footprint.

      I'll just wrap up this story with another happy hour on the patio after we got back to Mueller SP after our drive. There was no wildlife to see on the park road, but we had plenty of critters visiting us while we relaxed on the patio.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 10

      Cripple Creek, Colorado

      27 Haziran 2021, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☀️ 48 °F

      We left Gunnison Colorado headed back to Colorado Springs. Went to a gold mine today called Mollie Kathleen Mine in Cripple Creek Colorado They took us 1000 feet below. The tour was very informative and well worth it.Okumaya devam et

    • Welcome to Mueller State Park

      18 Temmuz 2022, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ⛅ 75 °F

      When we lost our spot at the Farish Rec Area, operated by the Air Force Academy, we weren’t sure if we would have a chance to get out again in the RV before we head up to the Canadian Arctic at the end of July.

      You see, we didn’t think we’d be able to find a spot at a state park campground since reservations open on a six-month rolling schedule and sites book up quickly. But we lucked out. So, here we are, at Mueller State Park … up in the mountains near Divide, Colorado.

      Our trip will be a short one … just three nights. But it will give us a break from the 90F+ temps that are expected to plague the Colorado Springs area this week.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 116

      Pikes Peak

      15 Nisan 2018, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☀️ 1 °C

      In 46 Tagen geht es los, Hilmar und ich fiebern schon ein wenig, der PP soll ja eines der Highlights werden -wir hoffen das Wetter passt.

      zur Einstimmung ein paar Movis, by car and bike. - ab Min. 10 :-)
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 10

      Breathless at Pikes Peak

      10 Eylül 2022, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☁️ 36 °F

      Pikes Peak is not the tallest mountain, but it is unique in that you can drive to the summit. It is called America's Mountain. At 14,115 feet elevation it is certainly tall, and the oxygen is low at that elevation.

      It was a rainy morning down below the clouds, but rain or shine, Pikes Peak here we come. We packed up after coffee, without showers, and headed to the National Forest. It's a State Park and National Forest and they charge $15 a person for entry at the gate at the base of the mountain.

      It's a 19.5 mile drive to the top with narrow twisting roads, steep cliffs and often no guardrails. We stopped at the first visitor center, but it was only a gift shop and they wanted $73 for a sweatshirt. At 8,000 feet we could hardly breathe. Short of breath and dizzy, we walked slowly back to the van. "Don't turn too fast or bend down." Doug warned me as he lost his balance and held his head.

      At 8,500 feet, we noticed that the trees started to get shorter which we assumed was from the lack of oxygen. The Pikes Peak Marathon is next weekend. I can't even imagine how people run this. There were bicyclists and hikers headed up.

      At 11,000 feet we were above the clouds and it was sunny and bright, 31 degrees. At 11,800 feet the trees stop growing completely and there is only rock and some short grass. We were on the lookout for mountain goats. At 13,000 feet, we spotted some mountain goats, but they were at a distance and difficult to photograph. There was a small crater lake in the flat part of the grassy mountain nearby. By 13,700 feet there was no more grass.

      We arrived to the summit and laboriously got ourselves out of the van for the hike to the visitor center. The air was cold and the wind whipped around us. The visitor center is a large building built on the edge of the cliff. It's mostly glass on the back side for the view. We can only see to the top of the clouds though, so the views are limited. I'm afraid of heights, so going to the edge of any railing or structure isn't my forte. It's warm inside. There is a Cafe, gift shop, and an interactive historical museum. After roaming around and taking our photographs, we sat down for a minute to get our nerve up to go back outside. It's beautiful up here, but almost too uncomfortable to fully enjoy it. We made tuna sandwiches and it was time to head back down the mountain.

      On the way down, we saw a couple of mountain goats next to the road and they posed for us. Doug was driving. The van wouldn't shift down to first gear. About mile marker 18, the brake light came on. We pulled over and let a few vehicles pass us. A van with a family of 8 that we saw at the summit passed by us, and we could smell their brakes burning.

      A little bit further down was a brake check stop point. The woman checked our brakes and said they were hot. She advised that we pull over for 20 to 30 minutes to cool down, drive in first gear for the next 3 miles, then use second gear.

      We pulled over and Doug went on a hiking excursion. 11,000 feet somehow felt so much better than 14,000. We were acclimating. I had signal on my phone, so I stayed in the van to map the rest of the day. I'm not feeling stellar today as the TMJ pain has flared again and I feel like I'm getting a cold. The sugar and campfire has done me in.

      We used the walkie-talkies to communicate. Doug's handle is Noodle and I am Pepper. "Oh my God, babe, it's so amazing up here! Open the side door of the van and look up." I can see him in the distance up on the rocks through the trees. Doug missed the sign that said "No hiking past this point", so he was hiking the rocks, testing out his new hiking boots. He found a grassy knoll and laid down in the grass.

      Doug returned alive with excitement, a story, and a handful of gift store items including matching Pikes Peak T-shirts and another magnet for the van.

      We made it safely down the mountain. Moab, Utah is 8 hours away, and that's our destination for tonight. I'm driving.
      Okumaya devam et

    Burayı şu adlarla da biliyor olabilirsiniz:

    Teller County, مقاطعة تيلير, Телър, টেলার কাউন্টি, Condado de Teller, Telleri maakond, Teller konderria, شهرستان تلر، کلرادو, Comté de Teller, Teller megye, Թելլեր շրջան, Contea di Teller, テラー郡, Teller Kūn, Hrabstwo Teller, ٹیلر کاؤنٹی، کولوراڈو, Comitatul Teller, Теллер, Округ Телер, Quận Teller, Condado han Teller, 特勒縣

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