United States
Unorganized Territory of East Central Franklin

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    • Day 122

      Camping at Orbeton Stream 1982.9

      September 2, 2017 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

      We tried to sleep in a bit but at our usual time we were wide awake. Anyways the smell of pancakes and sausages was too good to go back to sleep. Bonnie had prepared a huge portion for breakfast but our trained hiker stomachs made it disappear in no time :D Afterwards Bonnie drove us back to the trailhead and because they were expecting guests later in the afternoon she couldn't join us hiking. We would have loved to stay a bit longer with them but we can't really relax before we're not up at Kathadin.
      9:30 AM, 24 hours later, we were back on the trail with full bellies and backpacks. Fully prepared to hit upcoming mountains again. But it was a tough hike up there and also there were some steep up and downs that slowed us down. Later in the afternoon we stopped at a lean-to (we haven't really figured out the difference to a shelter but it seems like it's just a naming thing in Maine and apparently there are no picnic tables :(). There we ran into "Wandering star", the elderly woman from England who finished the AT several times and is a triple crowner (finished AT, PCT and CD). The last time we saw her was on our sixth day on the trail when Christi was still on the trail. We hung her food bag and she gave us some Poptarts in return :) She remembered us and we talked a bit about how the trail has been. As there was still some daylight left we moved on for another three miles before setting up our tent.
      Besides that the article in the newspaper was published today :) For tomorrow heavy rain from Hurricane Harvey is forecasted for the region...
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    Unorganized Territory of East Central Franklin

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