South America

October 2015 - February 2016
A 127-day adventure by Vera Read more
  • 55footprints
  • 11countries
  • 127days
  • 309photos
  • 0videos
  • 28.2kkilometers
  • 20.6kkilometers
  • Day 100

    Isla del Sol, Titicaca

    January 20, 2016 in Bolivia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    Got to Bolivia! The way was long: night bus from Cusco to Puno (city in Peru by lake Titicaca) from there a bus to Copacabana, Bolivia. The second bus was late as it crashed and then our bus broke down but finally got to the border and got our stamps. Copacabana is a touristi little town with good connections to one of the most beautiful island on the Bolivian side called Isla del Sol. So the next morning got on a boat and 2 hours later we were there. It was absolutly amazing. No vehicles, lots of indigenous people in traditional dress and beautiful nature. Found a hostel close to the beach which had a festival atmosphere with all the tents and people sitting, chatting, making music. There were also cows, sheep and little pigs wandering around. In the afternoon we went for a walk, a little path was leading us by the side of the hills with gorgeous views. At the end we saw some inca ruins and Tom was brave enough to go in the water (for like 20 seconds) it was super cold up at almost 4000 meters high. Perfect day!Read more

  • Day 104

    La Paz

    January 24, 2016 in Bolivia ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    La Paz was a different experience as for the first time we had a local guide, Alonso, an old school friend and genuine half Bolivian. We spent 3 days with him and his dad at their place with home made breakfast and dinner every day, a nice change from rice and beans. On the first day we headed to the zoo (saw some condors, big cats, snakes, turtles and monkeys) and the Valle de Luna, which is a weird place with strange formations in the rocks. We were also joined by Alonso's neighbour for an evening in Dubliner's pub, not very Bolivian but good fun.
    A little hungover the next day we did some souvenir shopping in a market street (avoiding the llama foetuses sold to be used as sacrifices!) and met up with another lady friend of Alonso's to go to a lookout point for the nearby Illimani volcano. Along the way she told us more about the traditional sacrifices which are still going on today, particularly among the builders, who are mostly indigenous, when starting a new building. It turns out the llama babies are only for small houses, a real human sacrifice is often required for big projects. This is a strange place.
    On our last day we had time for a bit more market exploring, the old colonial buildings in the centre, and a spectacular but terrifying ride on the city's new cable car.
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  • Day 106


    January 26, 2016 in Bolivia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    Finally in Uyuni, in the city where the 3 days tour starts which we've been dreaming about since we started planning this holiday. Uyuni itself is nothing special but a big selection of tour companies so we managed to find a good one. The first stop of the tour was the train graveyard close to the city. Old, rusty trains with no safety control so everybody can just climb up on them (couldn't happen in Europe). Used to be an important place for salt transport but by nowadays just a weird place in the middle of the desert.Read more

  • Day 106

    Salar de Uyuni

    January 26, 2016 in Bolivia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    Headed south from the train graveyard for the salt flat with 2 Brazilian couples and our driver/guide/chef for the next few days. Zoli, the driver, seemed a little confused when we told him his name was Hungarian and told us he was definitely 100% Bolivian :).
    Even if it's supposed to be the rainy season we didn't have the luck to see it with water on the surface. It was still fantastic anyway cause you can take funny optical illusion pictures. Saw a tiny museum with big salt figures like llama and had our lunch in a salt house. Stopped by an island in the middle of the salt flat, where there were hundreds of massive cactuses, called Isla Incahuasi. Got to our salt hotel by the evening where we spent our first night. Here the floor, walls, tables and even the beds are made of salt!
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  • Day 107

    Laguna Colorada

    January 27, 2016 in Bolivia ⋅ ☀️ 8 °C

    A busy day today. We started with Laguna Negra (the black lagoon) named after the rocks around it, one of which is shaped like a face.
    Next, we drove through miles and miles of empty desert and weird rocks until we reached a viewpoint for Tunupa, a huge active volcano. After assurances from Zoli that we were not likely to find ourselves swimming in lava, we got out of the 4x4 and wandered around in the rocks. Vera spotted a viscacha, a bit like a rabbit with a cat's tail, and went of chasing it, eventually managing to persuade it to pose for a photo.
    We continued through more desert, saw rocks shaped like trees, more lagoons with hundreds of flamingos, and had lunch next to a big dried up lake where we found the skull and some ruins shaped like igloos. We also saw lots more animals, llamas, alpacas, vicuñas and a couple of ostriches.
    Finally, we reached the strangest place of all, Laguna Colorada (the red lagoon). A very bizarre sight with it's orangey red water, weird patterns in the mud and a mountain behind it. Apparently the colour comes from the algae and plankton in the water, it definitely looks like blood though.
    In the evening we arrived at a big brick shed which was to be our accommodation for the night. It was very very basic, no showers and limited electricity. On the bright side, the lack of lights meant we had a completely unpolluted view of the stars at night, we could even see the Milky Way.
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  • Day 108

    Sol de Mañana

    January 28, 2016 in Bolivia ⋅ ☀️ 8 °C

    Woke up at 4 am for the last adventurous day of the tour. It was still semi dark when we arrived to the geysers, absolutely surreal, never seen something like this before but left quickly to get to the thermal pool before all the other cars. The temperature of the water was just fantastic after being soo cold in the morning. The pool was small but got there first so it was just for 6 of us at the beginning. Later we stopped at Salvador Dali desert, apparently he was inspired there and painted it so its named after him. The last stops were Laguna Verde (green) and Laguna Blanca (white), the green lagoon is not green at this time of the year so it was a bit disappointing but took some great pictures at the white one with great reflection on the water. Got to the border by 9-10 where we changed bus for Chile.Read more

  • Day 109

    San Pedro de Atacama

    January 29, 2016 in Chile ⋅ ☀️ 8 °C

    Crossed the border and got to San Pedro de Atacama, Chile. Lovely little touristy town but so overpriced. Lots of tours are advertised but after seeing so much decided not go for any of them as they were pretty similar to the one which we've just done. So we were just relaxing, window shopping in the craft markets, trying not to get too sunburnt and bought our bus tickets for our next stop.
    And here it comes our first problem of the tour with a bus. Thought we bought direct tickets to La Sarena, well, no! We were suppose to change but no one told us where so we stayed on the bus and went to the main terminal, there they told us go back to the small one quickly by taxi. We did but the bus was gone so we got stuck in whatever the name of this city for a night. Today we tried to reclaim our money but they refused it. So annoying!
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  • Day 113

    La Serena

    February 2, 2016 in Chile ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    Managed to get to La Serena after our bus problem. It is a nice, laid back little city close to the beach. By this time we were a bit exhausted of buses so we decided to just chill out here for 3 days, doing no too much. We had a really nice hostel so it was easy to be lazy. We spent some time wandering around in the city and going to the beach. There were lots of Chilean tourists in town too and plenty happening in the main square. There was a craft market with lots of hand made stuff, chocolates and juices, some concerts and outdoor theatres, and a clown who managed to get a whole crowd of Chilean children laughing at Tom's bald head.
    On the 4th day we got on a bus to go to Valparaíso to catch our bus from there to Mendoza after a night. Crossing the border took ages but the sceneries were amazing, had to cross the Andes for Argentina.
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  • Day 117


    February 6, 2016 in Argentina ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Argentina is our 6th country to visit in South America, unfortunately just for a really short time as we need to get back to Chile to catch our flight. Mendoza is a great city with a nice atmosphere. Shops and restaurants all around, big parks and trees by the pavement which makes is greener than other cities which we've visited. The closest park to us turns to be a market in the evenings with traditional stuff, mostly mate cups. Also visited the local central market for food. The hostel is cool, great breakfast (pancakes!) and free vino in the evenings.Read more

  • Day 118

    Las Heras

    February 7, 2016 in Argentina ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Decided to go for one of the activities offered by the hostel, "sunset horse back riding". Got in a van around 4 to get out from the city. Las Heras is approx. 30 mins out of Mendoza with a lovely little family run farm. After some refreshments was time to get on the horses. Tom was so scared but as the horse leader guy didn't notice it he got the biggest horse (which was also constantly pooing.) Finally we left for our 12 km horse riding, surrounded by mountains, fields and cactuses. By the end we were in so much pain in the legs and bottom that we were happy to get off although it wasn't as scary or difficult as we thought. A fantastic BBQ was also part of the package, with loads of real Argentinian beef, all you can eat and drink, so we left with massive bellys and a bit tipsy after all the wine.Read more