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  • Day 67

    Hinchenbrook Island Hike Day 3

    April 23, 2019 in Australia ⋅ 🌧 23 °C

    We eat more food rations for breakfast and try to lighten the load by offering fruit to Hannah and Nicki but they are on to our tactics.

    Zoe Bay is a popular camping spot as there’s direct access by boat and its a short trek up to the top of Zoe Falls.. That’s our first destination for the day as we start the 7.5km hike to Mulligan Falls and our next camp..

    We drop our packs at the base of Zoe Falls next to the girl’s who had gone ahead and follow a track to climb to the top. It’s quite steep and one section has a notched climbing rope to pull yourself up on.

    Reaching the top, we are rewarded with the most amazing view of the island towards Zoe Bay. Plunge pools cascade over granite slabs and dive over the edge of the falls and we are soon sitting in a fresh water spa on the very lip of Zoe Falls.

    Moments in life make everything else worth while and this is one of them.

    Invigorated and re-enthused, we happily descend to the base by a slightly different track and realise that this track has an orange triangle on it.... oh no, we were meant to carry our packs up and over the falls. After a 2nd assent this time with the burden of weight, I suggest that we wipe our memory as if this was the first and only climb to the top today. Doh!

    Continuing along South Zoe Creek, the trail occasionally crosses narrow rocky tributaries. It then follows a distinct spur to the granite rock pavement of a saddle. We are soon engulfed in misty rain as we reach 260 m above the sea, the highest point on the trail. On a clear day the picturesque views include the Palm Island Group and Magnetic Island to the south. The misty rain at least keeps us cool and we stop to put our weather protectors on our hiking packs. The terrain is still difficult, our legs are aching but progress is more assured and we plod on.

    Reaching Diamantina creek which is wide and rocky and known to flood regularly, we rock hop, then decide to take the safest route across a fast flowing channel and get our feet wet.

    From here, the terrain takes a steady incline to open fern and grassy areas until it winds its way down to Mulligan Falls and our camp for the night.

    Mulligan Falls has a deep plunge pool at the base of a rapidly moving water fall. Its another opportunity to swim and refresh.

    Hannah and Nickie have “an escape from this island”” card and had pre arranged to get a boat transfer from Mulligan Bay this afternoon. So bon voyage to our great companions as we settle in to a night alone at Mulligan Falls.

    Freeze dried Coq Au Vin for dinner tonight with creamy mash so it went down a treat. Feeling a bit more up beat, we retire to the tent knowing we have one more morning to go.

    The rain pours throughout the night and it always sounds louder and more ferocious hitting the outside of the tent. It’s still warm though and those bloody mozzies or midgies. Whatever they are, they are annoying and no amount of mozzie spray has stopped them from feasting on our skin.
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