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  • Day 30

    Day 12 of Quarantine

    March 31, 2020 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

    It would not be so bad if it had been pouring rain all day. Then I would have had a great reason for staying indoors. My problem was the day was just too perfect - just the sort of day that makes autumn my favourite time of the year. It would have been the ideal weather for enjoying a ride or walk, but instead I had to watch the proceedings through my front window. It was a bit like looking through the window of the world's best chocolate shop and not being able to walk in the door.

    The only good thing is that I can feel my period of enforced confinement is drawing closer to an end. By Friday afternoon I will be able to at least enjoy my favourite walk to the local lake and parklands. It will be a glorious feeling of freedom, even if I cannot get within several metres of another human being. I am not sure what the advance weather forecast is for Friday, but it would just be my luck if it was for a day long downpour.

    My day was busy spent writing a weekly email to the Ghostrider group, answering emails and having a delightful video chat with my newest grandson. It was wonderful being able to see him enjoying his dinner, but it is distressing not knowing how long it will be before I can again pick him up in my arms.

    I am also extending my limited culinary skills and beginning to experiment with some meal options that I haven't tried before. The toilet rolls are holding up well as I am still on the same roll that I started when I first got home. At that rate I should be able to last until the end of winter.

    I can feel another early night is instore for me. After all, it's almost 9 pm.
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