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  • Day 32

    Day 14 of Quarantine - almost over

    April 2, 2020 in Australia ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

    At around 9.30 am on Friday 20th March I touched down at Melbourne airport after an exhausting 3 day journey from Havana, Cuba. At the time I was just relieved to be back home. Throughout the journey I had seen the international situation change almost hourly. Borders were closing so rapidly that I was fearful that I could have been left stranded somewhere along the way, with no immediate prospect of getting home.

    Of course I knew that I would be arriving back home and going straight into a 14 day self isolation period. That seemed like a very reasonable precaution to take if it meant ensuring the safety of my family and the general population. Today marked my last full day in isolation. This means that tomorrow morning I will be legally permitted to leave my property. It is a day that I have been eagerly counting down to.

    It seems a little ironic that the past week has consisted of a succession of glorious autumen day. The forecast for the next few days is not encouraging. Apparently the skies are about to open and the temperature will plummet. In spite of this, I am so looking forward to being able to go for a walk, that I plan to do so, regardless of the weather.

    It is worth noting that I have started to receive emails from others in the Ghostrider cycling group telling me how they have been passing their time. I plan to include these accounts in the weekly newsletter as I think it will be benefical to those who do the writing and also for those who do the reading. Perhaps the newsletter will be one way of keeping us connected during this stressful time. Perhaps we should make a temporary change of name from Ghostriders to Ghostwriters ?

    My temperature is still perfectly normal, so medically I feel fine. I am however suffering from a severe case of bike withdrawal. The only effective treatment for such an illness is to get on the bike and start pedalling.
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