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    Free at Last, Free at Last

    3 Nisan 2020, Avustralya ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Way back in August 1963, Martin Luther King gave his famous "I Have a Dream" speech. The immortal closing words of that speech were "Free at Last, Free at Last, Thank God Almighty we are Free at Last". Almost 57 years later I was tempted to utter the same words as I stepped onto the footpath outside my home for the first time since arriving home from Cuba.

    That might have been just slightly over dramatic, but I have to admit that it was a moment that I had been counting down to for the past two weeks. Although it is not a terrible fate to be confined to the house for a relatively short period, it still gave me something of an insight into how much we can take for granted.

    I was also relieved that the rain had temporarily stopped and the sun had reappeared, just in time for my walk around the neighbourhood. My favourite local walk is down to the large lake and then do a few laps of the lake itself.

    When I arrived at the lake it was soon evident that quite a few others had decided to exercise at the same time. I joined dozens of walkers, dog walkers and joggers as we made our way around the perimeter walking path. I had not walked far before having something of an epiphany.

    The biggest potential risk in exercising in a busy location is from other walkers and joggers coming from the opposite direction, This could so easily be minimised if everyone moved in the same direction. All it would take would be a few strategically placed signs to initiate the one way rule. It would not even cost much money to implement.

    I decided to share my idea with the staff at Cardinia Shire Council. I might as well have discussed it with one of the ducks in the lake. The receptionist did not seem to know who to put me through to, and then decided that it would be better if I "contacted the police" ! I am not kidding, she wanted me to ring the police. I could have said that it is the council that I pay $3000 a year in rates to, not the police force, but I could see that I was getting nowhere. At least I tried.

    After lunch the sun was still shining, so it was a perfect excuse to put on my cycling gear and head out on the bike. I cannot describe how good it felt to be back out on two wheels again. It would have been even better if I could have stopped somewhere for a coffee, but you can't have everything.

    I decided to head to the Pakenham Wall and ride to the highest point of the city. At the summit I enjoyed the 360 degree views and tried to ignore the broken glass which some air head had spread liberally all over the bike path. I should have shouted "Free at Last", but there was a lady and child in the nearby picnic shelter who might have thought that I was a recently escaped convict. At least I mouthed the words to myself.

    Over the next couple of days the rest of the returned Cuba riders will also be reaching the end of their captivities and will probably be experiencing the same feelings.
    Okumaya devam et