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  • Day 35

    The Icy Blast

    April 5, 2020 in Australia ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

    I should have known that the temperature had plummeted. No matter how much I pulled and fought with the doona, I just could not get warm during the night. I even tried cuddling the spare pillow, but it was just no use. I was freezing. Although the Weather Bureau had been predicting that an Antarctic blast was coming our way, I did not expect that it was going to make its way right into my bedroom.

    After a long and cold night, I awoke to the sound of wind blowing against my windows. It was not any ordinary wind, it was actually blowing like a thousand demented banshees. For a few minutes I could have believed that I had somehow woken up in the middle of Antarctica. And then the weather took a turn for the worse.

    By 10 am the wind has risen to hurricane force, the rain was sheeting in horizontally and icicles were starting to form on my ceiling. Yep, it certainly felt like winter. I was sorely tempted to just head back to bed, except I knew how cold and lonely that place had been.

    So on went the trakky pants, fleecy jumper and thick socks. I would not have scored well in the fashion stakes, but I did finally start to thaw out. I would like to say that I spent the rest of the day engaged in home improvements and fastidious cleaning, but that would be stretching the truth just a bit.

    I did tidy the kitchen, catch up with the laundry and cook a nice pasta dish for dinner. The rest of the day is a little hazy, but I know that quite a deal of it was spent on the phone and on emails. I also watched a movie on Netflix. It might be just as well that my time alone is drawing to a close. Within a couple of days I will moving to rejoin Maggie and the dog down at Inverloch. With three of us in the bed, at least I won't be as cold down there.
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