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  • Day 11

    Kirby Stephen to Keld

    May 12 in England ⋅ 🌩️ 14 °C

    Hurray. I have made it to Keld which is officially considered the half way point of the coast to coast trail. I have also crossed over the Pennines which are a hilly part of England separating the watersheds of western England from eastern England. The first part of the day was a gradual hike up to the top of the Pennines gaining 400 metres. At the top of the Pennines there are 9 large cairns made from stones that can be seen from the valleys below. They have been there for so long that no one remembers what their purpose was. Possibly to mark a boundary of different kingdoms. After a break at the top and a snack, I headed off towards one of the most potentially challenging parts of the trip which I had been worried about. The peat bogs of the Pennines. We don't have peat bogs in Edmonton but these are marshy/muddy areas which are difficult to walk through because one can literally get stuck in the mud. People can sink into the bogs up to their knees resulting in having a very messy day. Fortunately because we have had so little rain for the last week the bogs were the driest they have been for months. I was able to navigate without too much trouble. Once I stuck my hiking poles to check a rather boggy part and it sunk down a couple feet. I also managed to sink in once to my ankle when vaulting over one of the muddy areas. It was fun as the bogs weren't too boggy. I walked through the bogs and onto Keld with Nick a teacher from Brighton Beach. He is half camping and hoteling and carrying a full pack. He was camping tonight and as I type this blog there is an incredible thunder store going on outside so I hope he is staying dry. I pity the poor hikers coming across the Pennines tomorrow. I made it into Keld and had a snack with Nick and three women day hikers from Richmond who we had met towards the end of the day. Then off to the Keld hotel where I have been assigned a very warm room above the drying room. The owner says the drying room heat goes off at 9 so I should be all right.Read more