backpacking down under

september 2016 - september 2017
Et 367-dagers eventyr av B4tt3rij Les mer
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  • Dag 16

    skydiving center - day 1

    2. oktober 2016, Australia ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

    If you start with skydiving you do the AFF (accelerated free fall) course

    First day ground course, there was a lot of information to process. We had to remember the hole first jump and all emergency procedures because @ your first jump you may need it.

    The first jump you have to check if both jumpmasters (jm) are ready, then you signal and jump out of the plane together with 2 instructors. You always check your alti (altimeter or hightmeter) every few seconds. We had to do an practice throw, so we pretend if we wanted to trow our Parachute. After that another one. Than looking at your alti and wait until 5500ft (1,6km) than throw your parlet chute that opens your Parachute.

    I passed the exam (theoretical and practical) and had to do the TAF (tandem assist fall) first. Because I didn't hear what the teacher was saying and did the wrong thing.

    Exited about tomorrow!

    I don't have any pictures so sorry guy's!
    Les mer

  • Dag 16

    skydiving center - day 2

    2. oktober 2016, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Today my first day of skydiving!

    I had to put on an suit, goggles and alti. I was going with a tandem jump so like everyone else, but now I had to do also the routine of AFF STAGE 1. It went very well and we landed on our butt. I was a bit disappointed because I expected more from skydiving. But it was fun.

    After doing the TAF 1 I had to do the AFF 1. But it was so busy that I had to wait till 12:30.

    I was briefed by the JM's and they took me through the dive and did a practice dirt dive (same as in the sky but om the ground). We went up in the plane and I jumped out of the plane. Got stabilized with 2 JM's attached to me. Checking my alti and looking around. @ 9000ft did an practice throw. Again check alti and looking around. @ 5500ft throw my first Parachute and it had line twists. So I had to turn to get rid of the twisted lines and grab the toggles (that's for steering the Parachute). Then look down to locate the dropzone. And find the arrow that the TA (target assistant) pointed. I had to follow exactly the way the arrow was pointing. After I was almost at the ground I had to follow the instructions of the TA for landing my Parachute. My landing was perfect. On 2 legs and only 2 passes walking. Jumping alone was so much more exiting than tandem jump! up to stage 2!

    Also briefed by my JM's. This jump I had to do and practice throw immediately after I stabilized. After that moving forward with my arms behind me. Than boxing position (the more relaxed position in free fall). After that Turning left. A guy asked if he could jump with us, he had an camera and filmed my jump for free!. I'll share the link for YouTube as soon if I got it on YouTube. When I jumped I forgot to do a practice throw and we didn't have time for an turn. I should opend my Parachute @ 5000 ft but was a bit to late @ 4500ft. Also reasonable opening of the Parachute, had to do a practice flare (brake) and Parachute was perfect. Also on directions of TA and landing was perfect! Up to stage 3!

    I got briefed and everything, got on the plane but we couldn't get any higher than 8500ft (to many aircrafts in the sky). And for stage 3 we needed at least 9000ft. So had to land with the plane. Tomorrow next try for stage 3.

    The weather today was perfect, not to much wind and 26 degrees. Just lovely!

    Again sorry for letting you down on pictures guy's!. Movie is coming soon!

    Movie is below. Enjoy
    Les mer

  • Dag 18

    damn wind!

    4. oktober 2016, Australia ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

    Today early out of bed to get on the first flight. But the wind was to strong to jump for an AFF course. And tomorrow would be worse. So I made the decision to get my car and stay 1 night next to BASE CAMP! An other student took me to the train station in Sydney, thanks mate!

    Wait 50 minutes for the train, than 2 hours train drive and another 60 minutes waiting for the bus. Than 60 minutes with the bus. Sooooo long drive. I finally got to the bungalow Park and got my car finally! 4WD yeah!

    Got some groceries at the aldi... Yeah I thought wtf aldi! But it's real, even all the weird items in the middle. They even got solar panels for camping!

    After I got back I went to the base camp site to meet my other mates! They didn't expect it, especially Ryan. But it was so cool! We went to the beach and had a great fire. It was so cosy, even way better than last time. I had an great fuck'n time.

    Tomorrow get my car all sorted out and get other stuff EN go back to the dropzone.
    Les mer

  • Dag 19

    make kilometers

    5. oktober 2016, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    I tried this morning to put Lennon (the car) on my name. But unfortunately it didn't work out I had to have some documents. Hopefully tomorrow.

    I've been to the kmart and Aldi for some groceries and camp stuff. I looked for some other stuff on the Internet and found some stuff like solar panel, battery and power inverter. I think I've been driving all day for 350km and already a lot of gasoline gone..Les mer

  • Dag 20

    another day no skydiving.

    6. oktober 2016, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    The wind was to strong wensday. So I couldn't jump all day. I waited for a couple of hours for the wind to drop but it didn't happen. So I drove to try to get my car on my name. They are so exhausting, I had to have a paper signed that I was staying @ some place. So when I got that I can go back and try again.

    In the evening I got and actual fridge, only 240v power so that should be no problem because I got an inverter. The Indian people where I bought it from they where so kind! I had something to drink and they give me some blankets. After that I got an roof case for the car so I had some more storage space.
    Les mer

  • Dag 22

    2nd jump day

    8. oktober 2016, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Today I finally could jump for my STAGE 3. Everything went well until 1 JM let's me go and came up front of me I started to turn slowly. After the other JM releases me I started to spin quickly. And he came back to me and pulled my Parachute. So that's not a good thing. With the landing I flared (brake) to quickly and dropped like 3 meters to the ground. The landing was pretty hard and I bruised my heel. I did put some ice on it and It didn't swell as much. I couldn't walk on my heel it was to painful. So I need to rest my feet couple of days or maybe weeks. I'll see. Luckily it's my left heel and I got an automatic car!. So driving is possible.

    After I'm fit again I can do STAGE 3 again.
    Les mer

  • Dag 23

    lot of driving in Sydney.

    9. oktober 2016, Australia ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

    Yesterday I did a lot of driving and walking wat not my best idea ever was. But I got some timber and today I made my floor in the car. I tried to connect the fridge. But unfortunately my inverter isn't strong enough and have to sell my to big fridge. I also got another fridge witch is a bit smaller and works on 12v. So much better. Now only have to figure out a good way to mount the solarpanels on my roof.

    The traffic here is quite weird. Besides driving on the other side of the road they have traffic lights before and after a crossroad. See the picture. Also the speedlimits, that's so NOT handy. They got 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 100 and 110. So in the city I drive together with other traffic or else I drive just as hard as I think It should be. I don't know how fast I can go everywhere. But I just drive. The most dangerous things are roundabouts. Everytime I look to the left in stead of the right. Had because of that already almost 3 accidents.

    My friend Ryan was driving with an rental car with some others of his ultimate Oz group. He drove once @ the wrong side of the road and he couldn't go to the other side because the ways were separated from each other. Luckily there was nobody and a driving lane where he could turn around. Else he would definitely had a flat nose. Alswell he and the car.
    Les mer

  • Dag 24

    officially my own car!

    10. oktober 2016, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    Today finally got the car on my name. And in the shopping centre finally got wifi to update my apps. You use really a lot of data over here!.

    My feet is slowly getting better. I definitely shouldn't walk that much when you got an sore foot. But yeah I have to do a lot of things and I can not wait. No I'm not stubborn.. :-P

    This evening met some guys and buyed there Matress. They don't needed it so that's perfect. Now only the solarpanels.

    Today the weather was good. It was 35 degrees. So fine day over here! Tomorrow probably a lot colder with 25 degrees.

    The consumption of fuel is not that bad. The car uses 1 litre per 7,5 km. And that's with an v6 3,3 liters and Hill up and Hill down. And I think the weight is almost 1900kg. So it's really not that bad.
    Les mer

  • Dag 26

    chilling and burning day.

    12. oktober 2016, Australia ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

    Today for the first time my feed did get some rest! Finally! I read a book that I found a few days ago, listen to some music, getting burned by the sun and enjoyed the view. So it was a good holiday day! :D

    I hope the burning isn't that bad tomorrow, but I'll see.
    Les mer

  • Dag 27

    nothing special.

    13. oktober 2016, Australia ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

    Yesterday I didnt do a lot. Went to the beach. I should have bring my sweater. It was a bit chilly. The paintings on the wall next to the beach were beautiful (photo). There was also a swimming pool directly next to the sea. Sometimes the waves splattered some water in the swimming pool.

    Today was my last day at the hostel @ bondi beach. It was very windy today and also raining. Luckily is Lennon (car) water and wind proof. I had to wear my long jeans and sweater and still it was cold.

    Got some last resources before traveling. I'm not mounting my solar panels yet. I wanna wait until after surfcamp.

    Luckily my foot is getting better. I can almost walk normal again so I think I'll survive surfcamp.

    Tonight my first sleep in my car, I hope I can get an good rest. In the morning I'm heading of to royal national park.
    Les mer