  • Dag 7

    Let's check out Crete.

    26 mei 2022, Griekenland ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    I had a wonderful sleep last night and am ready to check out the neighborhood. First about where I’m staying. I am right on the ocean. The view is great! There is no beach directly in front of the property though. If you turn left just outside the gate and walk for 3 minutes, poof! sandy beach. I’m on the second floor which is kind of nice because you get a slight breeze off the ocean. The front patio has sun until about 10:00 in the morning and then it works it’s way around to the other side. This is actually quite good because I’m not a sun person. There are a couple of lounge chairs down on the lower patio if you want the sun. I’m sure that’s where the girls will be.

    I took a walk down to the grocery store just to see what is available. On the way I spot a place that does pastries and coffee, time for breakfast! Well, that feels better. Off to get groceries now. I picked up some water and fruit, yogurt and milk for us. We can go out later to see if the girls want something else. I went out to explore the beach. To the right it is a little rockier with coarse sand, to the left is the nicer sand and less rocks in the water. The water is crystal clear and you have your typical little fishes swimming in the shallows. The water is beautiful! The temperature is not too warm and gives you a nice contrast to the air. Did I mention it is 32 Celsius out? I take a quick dip in the ocean to cool off. If you walk further down you can get lounge chairs with umbrellas and further down from that are paddle boards and ski doo rentals. I think the girls are going to love it here.

    I head back and take a quick rinse off in the shower. (This ocean is salty too!) I put in a load of laundry and go over some menial tasks of recording my spending (yes, I’m anal), check the girls flight to see if it is delayed. They have the same driver as I did last night, so I can let him know if they are late. We have a food tour in a couple of days so I send them an e-mail to see how to get there. Now it is time for some lunch. There is a place that sells gyros a couple of doors down. I get a pork gyro with fries to go and head back to eat on the patio. After a very satisfying lunch and my swim, I think it is time for my siesta. The girls are coming tonight and I think I’m going to need my wits about me.

    The girls are here! I’m sitting here waiting for them to text me when I hear this Maaa, Maaa, (Laura’s version of Mom). I head to the door and what do I see? Oh, you gotta check out how Laura came to the apartment. The cab driver is going to have stories to tell for a while. Also check out Laura’s version of traveling on the plane. After some hustle and bustle we settle on the patio. The girls love it here. They are checking out the beach and the water. Both managed to sleep on the plane (lucky people) so they aren’t too jet lagged. Nicole has it worse than Laura. Nicole actually discribed it well: like working a triple shift for the last 5 days.
    We head over to the grocery store to pick up supplies for dinner. We are just going to do cold cuts, pita, tzatziki, cheese and salad for dinner. The girls are pooped and a little out of sorts. By the time we finish dinner and sit and chat for a bit, it’s off to bed.
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