  • Giorno 10


    13 aprile 2017, Grecia ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    I had my left over tzatziki for breakfast to help mask the terrible bread. We then booked our air Bnb for tomorrow night, and headed to the bus stop to get to Syntagma square. We went to the post office first because we had 4 postcards and 2 packages to send. We had no idea what to do. Terrible signage. What needed to be in English wasn't but useless crap was. We had to pick an option A or B - we had no idea what to pick so we went with A. Our number eventually got called. I've notice people are less bitchy if you just ask them straight away if they speak English. It's like admitting your own incompetency cheers them up.
    We eventually figured out what to do.
    Will has sent postcards to Sachin and Grandma/Grandad and I have sent 1 to each of my works for the kids :)
    We also sent one box to my house with the things we have bought so far and a present for Grandma/Grandad.
    It was a little expensive - 30€ - in the future we will wait until we have more things before sending home but we had things made of glass and isn't want them breaking.
    We then walked up to the tomb of the unknown soldier. We only just missed the changing of the guard. The soldiers are actually guarding the memorial site and not parliament which is right behind it.
    Next up we walked the the acropolis museum. Entry was only 5€ :)
    I love museums. I think Will gets bored much quicker that I do though because he doesn't like reading. We watched a long video which was very informative and interesting. It was about the different countries taking artworks from the acropolis.
    The amount of stuff they have recovered is fantastic!
    I really enjoy learning about the mythology. I was considering buying a book in the gift shop but decided I'll have a look and see if there is anything I can download onto my kindle about it instead.
    We got frozen chocolate drinks in the cafe which is under the acropolis hill. We sat there watching pigeons fight over bread.
    We then went back to the cafe we liked from 2 days ago and sat there for a few hours chatting. Will wanted to smoke some hubbily bubbly so we looked for hookah stores and found one close by.
    People have been staring at me since I arrived in Greece. At first I thought it was my hair but now I think it's because I'm wearing shorts. Not a single person par me is wearing shorts. They are all dressed for -10 weather?
    We got to the hookah store and first had double apple and then peach flavored. We chatted for hours about crap, enjoyed a few drinks and had a terrific night. I liked the peach flavor better. My lungs are going to protest tomorrow.
    We caught a taxi home because we really couldn't be bothered to figure out the buses. On the way to the taxi rank we were approached by Africans saying "hey man, we are having a show here tomorrow night, have a free bracket" they shut up when Will said "you said that yesterday and the day before... haven't seen a single show yet"... heheh he walked away.
    We both pretty much passed out once home :)
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