  • Harbour cruise high tea

    12 Ocak 2019, Avustralya ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    Standard morning of the whole house being awake before me and me rushing last minute to organise myself.
    Didn’t have any shoes to wear so had to borrow Helens who is a size up from me but it worked out ok.
    We left around 10:15 and drove down to West Ryde station. I hadn’t had breakfast yet so I bought a cookie and nuts from the vending machine but there was also an unclaimed milky way in the bottom - winning.
    I was wearing a dress and was so uncomfortable. Ovaries have expanded to stomach walls and are trying to escape. Literally couldn’t even suck my tummy in a cm I was so ovary bloated.
    We did some shopping first, I bought a nice jumpsuit form H&M. They don’t normally sit well but I was happy with this one. Thinking of wearing it to Jarrods wedding later in the year.

    We took Helen to honey bardette ** and it was uncomfortable talking about how Bill would react. Hahahaha

    We dordled around a lot with no real aim but blah blah blah eventually it was time to get on the boat at 2:30.
    We had a designated table which was on the edge so we got a better view than most people did of the harbor. The windows were actually super scratched up though so it wasn’t clear through the glass.

    It was a combined tour boat thing so the other half of a boat had an audio guide as we went past things which played on our speakers as well. It pointed out things like Luna park, Kirribilli house, garden island, and lots of convict related locations, stories and facts.
    We got to pick a flavor of tea each. I went with peppermint because it’s suppose to help bloating. It was delicious. I’ve decided I’m getting a teapot. Angharad, if next time you read this you haven’t got a teapot - get a teapot.
    We got a moscato as we walked in too which was nice. Pleased it wasn’t shitty champagne.

    The tray thingy with food was nice enough. Solid high tea food. It doesn’t look like much but it’s very filling.
    Me Helen and Jess just chatted about crap and giggled when thinking about Bill alone with Jaxon all day.
    This morning Bill had this deluded idea he would take Jax out - Jax would have a babychino quietly while Bill read the paper. hahahahahaah An unlikely tale.
    Jax needs enclosed play areas and both eyes in him at all times.
    Gonna read the paper.... honestly 😂🤦🏼‍♀️

    The Harbour really is beautiful. I hope tourists utilize it cause it really is Sydney’s beast feature. I’m very Proud of it. Jess loved talking about the navy as we went past garden island. I was shattered by the end.
    We caught the train back home.
    Bill survived Jax. Jax is a bit sick which would have helped - far more docile haha
    Okumaya devam et