  • Aus open

    24. januar 2020, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C


    Mum and dad picked us up at 8:45.
    We were meant to fly out at 11 but our plane got delayed because of a late arrival and weather.
    We were in the Qantas terminal which had a crappy food court in comparison but I still found hungry jacks so I was happy haha. 🙃
    Psycho lady infront of me complained about her $1 slushee being melted and got 2 free drinks about it but continued making such a fuss that she set up and online hungry jack account just to make a formal complaint.
    Like get a bloody life. It’s a $1 slushie.
    Some people 🙄🙄.

    We all sat separately on the plane - it had screens though so I watched some family guy and had a nap.

    Dad had preorganied a shuttle. Total hassle to find. For starters, dad is 86% dead and missed half the instructions given to him but main problem was we were looking for conXion. As it would happen we needed to find a star bus with a teeny tiny sticker that said conXion.

    Hotel is nice. We got a 2 bedroom apartment. You need an actual key rather than swipe card to open the door which is a little old school haha.

    We all had a 2 hour nap, had TGIFridays for dinner then walked to the tennis. While we were eating we had a scare. Some dudes gas bottle was leaking and he was running with it and put it in the most isolated spot he could find (right near u) and ran away. People scattered. I was waiting for it to blow. Everyone was sort of leaning away and standing back.
    Some dude used a fire extinguisher which was pointless but it was a big fantastic scene taking place lol.

    Definitely in Melbourne. Had to walk through a climate change protest to get to the stadium and the stadium has “all gender” toilets.
    The Tennis ticket lady was a lune just yelling at everyone. Taking her job waaayyyyy too seriously.

    Match one was Osaka Vs Gauff.
    I was going for Gauff. Osaka won last year and Gauff is only 15 so good bloody on her.
    Delighted to say Gauff won. I think most of the crowd was going for her - everyone likes the underdog.
    I left half way through to get a drink and wasn’t allowed back in cause I left my ticket inside.
    I had to do a sneaky past the luney ticket lady - badass haha.

    Dude behind us was so annoying he said WOW legit every point.

    There was a thing Emirates set up - you put your seat number into the website and the camera would find you and take your photo. Will reckons it looks like he has a hernia hahah.

    Next match was Federer vs Millman. Originally didn’t know who to go for. The GOAT or fellow countryman?
    I ended up going for Millman. He should have won but didn’t. It was a wicked 5 setter though and the first game I’ve seen that did the 10 point tiebreak for the 5th set. The crowd was having some seriously loyalty dilemmas. Match didn’t finish until 1:30. Exhausted. Such a big day.


    Super tired but agreed to meet Bronte and Bea for brekkie. We walked there. Nice foods. So good to see them. Bronte hd to go but we walked with Bea to the market. She is so touchy but I love it. It moves you feel really Loved. She bought me some donuts 🥰

    Walked home and we all went back to bed.
    Very relaxing day just watching the tennis on the tv and dozing on the lounge.
    For dinner we went to the meat and wine Co. the. Over to the crown casino to lose some money :) played some pokies - more chili, got 2 free features but no chili 😟😟 haha
    As we were leaving I called out to dad and some old bag lost her shit at me. I told her to calm down and she told me to fuck off, me and my dirty legs 😂 gave her the finger and walked off. She was still bad mouthing me as I walked away. Wish I was in more confrontational sometimes.
    Back home now watching more tennis.


    Bourke street found an alley way with some cafes for breakfast. We were basically sitting in the kitchen and the Chef was a machine! just bang bang bang.

    Walked to the closest cinema and bought tickets.
    Had 1.5 hours to kill so me and Will browsed the shops.
    We saw 1917 which was good. I liked it more for his filmography or whatever you call it - basically it’s one continuous shot. Dad kept up a running commentary though. Such a pest 😂😂
    On our walk back we walked past a bazillion twits protesting Australia Day with signs like “abolish Australia” ?? Like what’s the plan after that darl? Protest cause you are passionate not a puppet or cause it’s the in thing to do.
    Melbourne is seriously a wonderland. The percentage of weird fucks is like about 50%. Already feeling dumber and kinda disgusted. Dad ad Will agree. All for inderviduality but what the actual fuck Melbourne.

    We then went back to the hotel, got the tickets (ive learnt this trip dad has troubles making decisions for himself. Happened several times with different things but one example was he had a jumper in his hand, noticed Will didn’t so said he wasn’t gonna bring one either. I then said I was gonna bring one and he was then so on the fence it was unbelievable. How can a 58 year old man be so unable to make a decision for himself about this 😂 like he must normally just follow but because we picked different he didn’t know which was right. )
    Anyway off to the tennis via maccas. To my HORROR dad had shitty toilet paper on his back. No idea how he managed that but I didn’t want to embarrass him to I just ripped it off and put it In the bin. Never have I wanted hand sanitizer so bad.
    Got to the tennis early - bought a magnet at the gift shop 🙃 then passed times watching some mixed doubles. So boring. I just thought it was very amateur. The real highlight for me was participating in a Mexican wave that disrupted the game and a child - is guess 8 or nine screaming Aussie Aussie Aussie and the crowd responding with such enthusiasm and then once realizing it was a child come real patriotism happened and everyone applauded her. ❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕

    Apersol spritz was the drink of the tournament so i got one and it was gross. Note to self: do not buy.

    First match was Ash Barty Vs A. Riske. Crowd was much better this.
    Lots of funny guys making songs about “everybarty” in lots of different ways but my favourite was I’m a “barty girl” plays a point then some lone “you can brush my hair.. undress me everywhere.. “ all about the timing 👌🏻👌🏻
    Dad is deaf and I had to repeat most of the crowd comments for him.
    Barty won yewwww.
    Up next was Federer again. I went and bought a towel cause my magnet is off the 2020 towel design but it’s not obvious and I was worried I’d forget so if I bought a towel too then I’d remember😅😂😂
    We only watched the first 2 set. I think everyone was pretty out tennised and wary of an early morning. We walked home and watched the end on the tv.


    Nothing exciting today except an Uber to the airport cause the shuttle service dad organized is a joke. Wanted to pick us up hours earlier than necessary because they had others to pick up. I don’t want to spend 3 hours on a bus when it’s a 20 minute drive. Fk em.
    Plane didn’t crash - always a bonus.

    Home 🎉 has a great trip!
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