..a hot and sunny start to the trek..too hot..we were all flagging by the end🥵..but..spectacular scenery ..this trek has 10000m of climb..thats over 2 Mont Blanc..and over 1 MountRead more
..a hot and sunny start to the trek..too hot..we were all flagging by the end🥵..but..spectacular scenery ..this trek has 10000m of climb..thats over 2 Mont Blanc..and over 1 MountRead more
..a long day..10 hours ..24kms..in heat..times like this one wonders what they’ve signed up for 🤪..the group are already experiencing the usual ailments..so far…so good for me..just knackered 😳
..just a couple of pics..as my i pad seems to be over its storage ..so will need to sort that out..but we moved into Italy today…not as hot..thankfully..🙏…weather looks like its closing in..forRead more
..a shorter day today..the killer day 2..which it transpires..was 5400ft of climbing..was about to have an impact on my TMB..a negative impact.
So..having completed day 6..had dinner..and went to bed early..feeling not so great..hardly slept overnight..and had the dreaded thought..that I had caught Covid..but didnt know for sure…
…06.30..feeling so rough by now..I had to take the extremely difficult decision..to abandon..but..this meant still walking 2 hours..to get back down..to where I could get a bus back toRead more
A 10.30 Flixbus to Chamonix heralded the start of my return journey..but it was too late to get the days easyJet flight..so a night at Geneva Airport..I can confirm..that when one is unwell..anRead more
..back to Manchester..then York..for rest..and time to reflect..at times like these..best to focus on what was achieved..not what wasnt..I had travelled throughout the pandemic..so to say this hadRead more