  • Día 103

    Perth week one

    7 de octubre de 2021, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    It is hard to believe we have been in Perth for an entire week already. It has been a very social week catching up with old friends. There have been quite a few changes since we left and we have visited new houses, met new children and fur babies. It was so good to properly catch up again.

    We managed a visit to Kings Park which was as beautiful as I remembered. As the park only plants Western Australian natives it was a good time to view more wildflowers.. The kangaroo paw display was fabulous with the most intense colours. It is also the best place to view some of the changes to the city. While we were in town we went past our old apartment and walked around some of the streets we used to frequent.

    After the weekend we drove down to Mandurah to see Bill and Marie. We parked the van on the driveway and decamped into their spare room. It was a little strange to be back in a house again. It has been a lovely few days exploring Mandurah and surrounding areas. We were also the recipient of fabulous hospitality. We head back to Perth tomorrow for the next 10 days to catch up with more people including a belated 90th birthday celebration.

    Our big news is we have decided to make the move back to New Zealand this month. We managed to secure a quarantine hotel room and flights from Perth to Auckland on 25th of October. It is only 2 weeks away so now the brain is whizzing with all the things we need to do before we put the van and ute on the ship and board the plane. Exciting but a bit daunting.
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