Diane’s Camino Frances

April - June 2022
A 57-day adventure by Diane A Read more
  • 56footprints
  • 3countries
  • 57days
  • 484photos
  • 3videos
  • 1.7kkilometers
  • Day 21

    San Juan de Ortega to Burgos

    May 11, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    It was a lovely day of walking.

    Even though it was a crowded room last night I slept very well. People started moving about at 5.30 am so I was on the road by 6.15 am. Such a nice time to be walking as the sun is rising and the air is still cool.

    Lots of interesting towns today and sometimes there was even soft pillowy tufts of grass to walk on.

    The walk into Burgos, as in all the bigger towns so far, was long. And it was hot. By the time I arrived at 1.30pm it was 31 degrees which is unusually hot for this time of year.

    It is hard to remember to get enough cash out in the big towns to last. We are so used to using a card at home for everything - it’s the opposite here. So I had just 2 euros left when I arrived in Burgos.

    I am staying in a hotel here for two nights to rest and am looking forward exploring the town tomorrow.

    Hotel Norte y Londres
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  • Day 22


    May 12, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    I had a rest day today.

    I spent the morning at the Museum of Human Evolution which was really interesting. It explained a lot about the area of Atapuerca that I walked through yesterday. It is a World Heritage Site as it is where the remains of the first European inhabitant was discovered.

    I then went to the cathedral which is immense and is also a World Heritage Site.

    Sandra and I had Iunch together and were able to celebrate how far we’d come and commiserate about our poor feet.

    I loved Burgos and it was so good to have a break as tomorrow is the beginning of the Meseta and more very long stretches without shade.

    Hotel Norte y Londres
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  • Day 23

    Burgos to Fuente Sidres

    May 13, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    Today was my toughest day yet. I started very early and it was foggy and cool, perfect for walking. But once the fog cleared it was hot!

    I was hoping to stop at Hornillos del Camino but there was no accommodation available. I was lucky enough to get a cancellation at Albergue Fuente Sidres. However it was another ten kilometres which made it a very long walk in the heat.

    But it has taken me very close to my next night’s stop so I will have an easy day tomorrow.

    This is the big disadvantage of the need to book ahead and not just stop when you’re tired or you like the town like my Camino friends at home did before Covid. You have to book so many night’s in advance that there is very little flexibility.

    But I am still grateful to be here and am still loving it.

    Albergue Fuente Sidres
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  • Day 24

    Fuente Sidres to Castrojeriz

    May 14, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    It’s amazing what a good night’s sleep can do. Everyone in the albergue stayed in bed until seven am. I obviously wasn’t the only one who found yesterday hard. Had a leisurely breakfast in the garden before the fairly easy day. Some of my bunkmates helped me fix the blisters on my left foot and it helped a lot.

    Just before the first town of Hontanas as I gazed at everything around me I twisted my right foot and fell down with my full pack on. Luckily a couple were right behind me and were able to help me back up. My foot felt sore but not too bad and I was able to continue on. I arrived at the ruins at San Anton while a tourist bus of ‘Road Scholars’ were there. It was good not to feel envious of the luxury travel and was pleased with the way I was seeing things.

    I called into the first church in Castrojeriz and they had a very interesting display of wooden carvings from the 14th century. After leaving the church my foot became very painful and by the time I checked into the albergue I could barely put any weight on it. I hobbled down to the pharmacy and was given a compression bandage and ibuprofen. I am now icing and elevating it and hoping it will be better by the morning. The ankle seems fine, it is just swollen across the top of my foot. The pharmacist doesn’t think it is broken.

    We had a great communal dinner tonight and met some new people and caught up with some familiar faces. My foot is still very sore and I may need to catch a taxi tomorrow to Fromista and visit the medical centre (which hopefully will be open as it will be Sunday). But maybe the visit to the church will allow a miracle to happen and I will be healed!

    Albergue Rosalia
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  • Day 25

    Castrojeriz to Fromista

    May 15, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    When I woke this morning my foot was swollen and more painful and it was obvious I wouldn’t be able to walk today. Lesley from Durham was also injured so we shared a taxi to the medical centre in Fromista.

    My foot is sprained and I have to stop walking for seven days. This is very disappointing but I was happy that I hadn’t broken anything. However the doctor said Lesley’s back injury was severe and she couldn’t keep walking and she will have to return home for treatment.

    We spent the morning looking at the churches and having a second and third breakfast while we waited to check into the albergue and for her travelling companions to arrive.

    We all then went for a long lunch and it unexpectedly ended up being a very enjoyable day.

    Albergue Luz de Fromista
    6 kms
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  • Day 26

    Fromista to Leon

    May 16, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    I spent a nice morning having numerous coffees with people I have met over the last few weeks. Said a sad goodbye to Lesley. We came into each other’s lives at just the right time and were able to cheer each other up and keep each other company for a few days.

    I was so lucky to be in a town with a train station. I caught the midday train to Palencia which was interesting and busy. Then the 4pm train to Leon. My hotel for the week is right in the centre of town and I am hoping my foot recovers enough in a few days to see everything.

    It was sad to rush through the countryside from Fromista to Leon but I am very keen to get back walking on the weekend.

    Hotel via Leon
    7 kms
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  • Day 27


    May 17, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    It’s been a surprisingly good day. I walked a short distance for breakfast and passed the Gaudí Museum, Botines House, and hopefully I will be able to visit it later in the week.

    I made an appointment to see a physio who specialises in pilgrim injuries and who was luckily just around the corner from my hotel. She was excellent and feels that I will be able to begin again on Saturday but doing not more than 20kms a day for a while. She showed me the correct way to strap my foot and I was able to video it so that I can do it correctly myself next time.

    I ended my day outdoors by having lunch right outside the cathedral which is also near my hotel.

    I am feeling much more positive now and am back to planning the next part of my Camino.

    Hotel via Leon
    5 kms
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  • Day 28


    May 18, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

    A quiet day in Leon resting my foot.

    But it was great to catch up with Sandra for an Italian meal opposite the Cathedral this evening.

    And also bumped into lots of others that we started with weeks ago - it’s a small world on the Camino.

    Hotel via Leon
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  • Day 29


    May 19, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    I have had a really enjoyable day today. My foot was feeling good this morning so I was able to look around the city a bit more.

    I visited Gaudi’s Casa Botine which I really liked. Lesley arrived at my hotel this afternoon so we wandered around until it was time to meet Sandra for dinner.

    A great way to spend a day in Leon.

    Hotel via Leon
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  • Day 30

    Leon ….. still

    May 20, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    I had another visit to the physio today and I am hoping I will be leaving Leon in the morning to restart my Camino.

    I had breakfast and then lunch with other pilgrims near the Cathedral. Five days of sitting and resting and eating in Leon was not what I had planned but it’s been a nice break. But I am looking forward to tomorrow!

    Hotel via Leon
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