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  • Dag 6

    Day 5 - The next day!

    9 maj 2023, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    The new room was ok without being in any way better other than bigger. It was similar but missing a few bits and bobs - but the air con worked. Worked better to my standards than K’s (ie not too cold) but allowed a good nights sleep. Both up at the same time and enjoyed the sunrise and awakening village. Brekkie was still buffet so we are resigned - I have no problems but Kerry is somewhat limited to amazing mango and toast with pineapple jam! We went and claimed our beach spot for the day and shortly our manager friend came up and said the room a/c was fixed. All excited we followed her over to find - it wasn’t fixed at all. Back to the beach. A nice lunch (seated) of no names and then som tam - excellent flavours but just needed fresh chilli which they then brought in abundance. We were then advised the room was cactus beyond repair so would we mind staying in the new room - not best pleased but… Anyway- I went to start the move (and get a beer) and was entertained by quite an animated discussion with front desk and the manager. I thought they maybe were setting a new price option but our friend took me to our original room - I thought to scope what the move assistance would be and inside she flicked on the aircon and - voila! Action!! Anyway as of now (4pm) we are back to situation normal - Kerry is having a massage and when that’s done we will head to our cocktail bar - they are the best way to wind down a beach day!Läs mer

  • Dag 6

    Day 6 - just like day 5

    9 maj 2023, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    Last night’s dinner was at Mother restaurant across the road again. Hard to go past it as it is so good. Chicken satay starter, then pork larb, then red curry shrimp then mango sticky rice. Ticked a lot of the holiday must haves right there. It was all delicious and had with a carafe of Sauvignon Blank from Chile.
    This morning we were ever hopeful the à la carte breakfast was back, but alas, not to be. So imagine my surprise when I opened the Bain Marie to find individual servings of chicken rice soup! So happy. And they also had a glass noodle dish so I had both. David had his usual fruit and yoghurt, then omelette, then toast, vegemite, chilli and pineapple jam. A very good start to the day.
    Set up our loungers after breakfast, had a few swims and then went for a walk down the road to find some iced coffee, which had been eluding us, not that we have tried that hard. Found a lovely little open air stall. David had Thai iced coffee and I had a Thai iced tea. Beautiful! No photo because I didn’t take my phone but there will definitely be one tomorrow. The tea was interesting, very orange and tasted like mashed up tea leaves rather than being seeped in water. Strange at first but absolutely loved it.
    Back to our loungers for more beach time before a lunch of no names and shrimp pad siew. Delicious. Had to move to a table under cover as the thunder was rolling and the staff were all looking skyward. David was sure it wouldn’t rain but I had my money on the locals. Unfortunately (for me) David was right.
    So back to the loungers for the afternoon, a late beach walk and back for showers and sundowners on the balcony. Prosecco for me and Leo beer for David with some peanuts with fried anchovy.
    Dinner may be here at the resort tonight, but all will be revealed tomorrow.
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  • Dag 8

    and on thursday - the beach!

    11 maj 2023, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

    We stayed en premise for dinner last night - and how glad we were. A couple drinks on the balcony and then we took a partially demolished bottle of Prosecco and the Cote de Rhone we bought at the fancy bottle o. Initially the man mentioned corkage and as it was reasonable we said no worries. We had the Rhone in the fridge in the room and they brought an ice bucket- the wine temperature in the glass was perfect, much better than the air temperature. Well - did we eat well! Started with chicken satay that was so uniquely flavoured. Not the expected peanut curry sauce but beguilingly Thai. The cucumber sambal was amazing. We then had steamed snapper served deboned and a squid dish. Both were outstanding and again, uniquely flavoured from the expected flavours. The 2 wines went extremely well, and as an added bonus when the bill came he said he would not charge us the corkage!
    This morning Kerry missed out on her breakfast treats but was happy with very flavoursome fruit (bananas you would cross town for). I skipped the omelette in favour of some fried eggs - I had these before and they burst with rich flavour. Then to the beach for a carbon copy of yesterday - the difference today Kerry has returned to the beach massage person. We walked into the village for iced coffee and tea then back to the beach. Lunch was the same normal as a) we cannot fault them and b) it is our last lunch 😢
    Tonight we plan to try the place that has been closed and a beach cocktail on the way.
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  • Dag 9

    And on Friday, we leave 😕

    12 maj 2023, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    Enjoyed our last dinner in lovely Samui last night, after a lovely beach day. Mai Tai for sundowners at the Carnival Beach Club (happy hour, $6 each, such a bargain). Then a walk around the corner to Krua Thai which has been closed the whole time we have been here but reopened last night. We were the first ones there but it quickly filled up and was buzzing.
    We shared 3 starters, fish cakes, no names and pandanus wrapped chicken. All delicious but the standout was the chicken. It tasted like real roast chicken that mum used to make, when chickens had real flavour. Followed that up, rather bravely really because they were big serves, with beef massaman curry. Again delicious. Had with generous pours of wine, cheapest price on the island at 120 Baht (around $5].
    Up early this morning (even me) to see the last sunrise, have our last breakfast, last swim, then will need to pack and get in the sad wagon (as David calls it) at 11 to go to the airport.
    The sunrise photos clearly show Cape Frahn which is billed as a private and exclusive island, with chef David Thompson in residence at the restaurant. Today it looked like an island because the tide was in, but yesterday we could have walked over to it. And the guests arrive by funny looking jeep trolleys that drive through the water. I tell ya, if I was paying those prices to stay on an island I would be wanting to arrive on a launch (think Monaco in the 60s).

    David will finish off the blog later with our return adventures but it is bye from me. It has been a lovely holiday, I know the blog is not very exciting or full of new things, but a true reflection of how relaxing it has been.
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  • Dag 10

    Heading home

    13 maj 2023, Australien ⋅ 🌬 26 °C

    A hassle free transfer to the airport from our resort and the Bangkok Air flight was super efficient and well run. Bangkok airport (I won’t try to spell it) is enormous and combines domestic and international. The transfer to international was seamless and off we went looking for our lounge. A short deviation for duty free then we found the Emirates Lounge (recommended over the Qantas suggested lounge by Point Hacks) and it was a lovely lounge. Quiet and great service at every turn. Lots of food choices- both hot and cold - inc cakes, dips cheeses etc. A limited but classy wine selection and any number of spirit options. QF 24 to Sydney was relatively close by and left on time. Service was good and the flight was long (and cold). A very quick security clearance and we decided to try the outside shuttle (rather than the Qantas shuttle which has been a bit tedious in the past.) Qantas domestic was not a shuttle option outside so we returned to the Qantas shuttle - it was fine.
    I continue this in the SYD Qantas Domestic Business Lounge. Kerry leaves for Adelaide at 8.50am (delayed to 9am) and I head the other way at 9.45 meaning we both get home at a reasonable hour. Kerry’s plane ended up not taking off and returned to the gate for navigation issues. They fixed them and we take off at about the same time. Kerry reported she landed about 1 1/2 hours ahead of me and all good. Likewise my transfer home was very quick (have to love carry on) and likewise settled in. Thanks for following our Choeng Mon holiday. While we did nothing it was everything and we both enjoyed our time immensely. It is hard to imagine we won’t go back for a repeat!
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