The Start of the Camino over the Pyrenees Weiterlesen
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  • 577Kilometer
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    1. Mai 2022 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

    Travel day today. We arrived in Madrid spent a couple of hours in the Puerto de Atocha station waiting for our train to Pamplona. The Gardens in the station are really beautiful. The hotel here in Pamplona is really nice, and the person at the front desk recommended a great restaurant, where we had a wonderful basque burger and some Estrella Galicia. We also took a nice walk around town and I'm looking forward to coming back in 5 days. We're going to meet the Australians (Mandy and Maria) tomorrow to take cab to St John Pied-de Port.Weiterlesen

  • Tag 2

    Peacocks,Taxis, Wine and Sausages

    2. Mai 2022 in Frankreich ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    Today was another travel day from Pamplona to St Jean pied de Port (SJPDP). Mandy and Maria's ( the Australians) train arrived at 1:30, so we spent the morning exploring Pamplona. The highlight of the morning was visiting the animal garden. They have quite the assortment of birds including peacocks, as well as deer and a whole bunch of teenagers racing around doing some sort of scavenger hunt. As a matter of fact the deer were very interested in the scavenger hunt.

    We met Mandy and Maria on time and our taxi came on time as well, but it was a tiny Toyota Prius for the four of us with our big backpacks and Mandy and Maria also had suitcases because they were meeting their husbands after they walked the Camino and they were planning on 45 to 60 days to do it. Somehow we all managed to fit into it.

    I thought Italians were crazy drivers, but they don't even hold the candle to the Basques. The whole 45 mile journey was switchbacks up and down mountain sides. And as far as our driver was concerned the speed limit was a suggestion, especially when he was passing somebody on a blind corner.

    We got to SJPDP in one piece though. We had to wait for for our room to be finished cleaning before we could check in, which was basically the housekeeping staff giving us the key while using Google Translate to make the transaction. The next step was getting our credentials and getting them stamped and dinner, that's where the sausages come in and then exploring the town in the evening.

  • Tag 3

    Uphills and new peoples

    3. Mai 2022 in Frankreich ⋅ 🌧 10 °C

    We were walking only 5 miles today ( 8 kilometers). The man at the Pilgrims office told us it was a 3 hour walk to Orisson, so we decided for a late start. After finding breakfast at a cafe in town we were on way at 10. Katie was real nice she stopped and waited for me many times. She had to, because much of the way was really steep with lots of switch backs. After an hour we had made it 3k with over 6000 steps. The hill was steep! For me and around town or in local parks 6000 steps is just under three miles. It took me a while with my sleep deprived brain (did I mention I barely slept last night?) to figure out that with all the steep hills I was taking shorter steps.

    We met a lot of nice people from (in no particular order) Ireland, Germany, Italy, Iowa, California, North Carolina, and even Connecticut.

    Anyway after a bit of struggle for me, we made it to Orisson in the 3 hours. We had no internet. I think the owners believe in the old adage about pretending it's the 1960's and put your phones down and talk to people. After a lovely afternoon on the terrace we had a tasty communal dinner. And I ordered lunch for tomorrow, because there's nothing between here and Roncesvalles (17k) our next stop, if the food truck doesn't show up.

  • Tag 4

    Lots of up and the down

    4. Mai 2022 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

    Today's walk was from Orisson to Roncesvalles. We were the last ones out of Orisson. And headed up the road and up the mountain to the pass.

    Speaking of the mountain pass we saw both the French and Spanish rescue services doing training runs over the pass with off road vehicles.

    Lots of pilgrims and we were passed by many people coming out of SJPDP. I expected that since I do walk slow! But I get there!

    Poor Katie had to slow down for me on the up hills but I could keep up with her on the down hills. We met a few new people walking including a mother and daughter from Zimbabwe. It was so foggy people actually told us they missed the marker for where the Camino leave the road and it's just a few feet from the road. Check my pictures, you'll see how close it is.

    The up today was long and steady and the down was short and steep. It'll be down hill most of the way for the next two days.

    The Hotel Roncesvalles has a great restaurant and for a price fixed menu you get a whole bottle of wine EACH! We texted our Camino friends and finished the bottles in the bar. Earlier I was trying to teach Declan how to use walking poles because of his bad knees and it did not take, but we had a few laughs after dinner about that.

  • Tag 5

    Cows, Coffee, and a Magic Bridge

    5. Mai 2022 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

    Today's walk started with a pleasant walk from Rocesvalles through the neighboring towns. We passed lots of farms. And caught up with a couple (Mary and Declan) that we have been walking with off and on so we decided to stop for a cup of coffee for me and Katie and their breakfast in Burgette. Burgette's claim to fame is it's where Hemingway stayed and part of The Sun Also Rises is set there.

    We also met Silvio, a retiree from Milan. He had quite the tale to tell about his encounter with the Bomberos, the Spanish mountain rescue squad.

    People walking the whole 800 k are predominantly retirees, like Mary, Declan and Silvio. The next biggest group is college aged people.

    We caught up with a few friends for lunch, Mary, Sharon and Terra and we were searching for a restaurant that served a camelized onion omlette (tortilla). We found the restaurant, but they were out of that tortilla, but the others that we had were great!

    After lunch the trail went up some steep sections and then down a steep washed out decent into Zubiri, where we crossed the Magic Bridge. Legend has it that in medieval times people believed that if their cow had rabies then if they took the cow cross the bridge three times it would magically get cured.

  • Tag 6

    Waterfalls and pintxos

    6. Mai 2022 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

    Well our walk is done for now. We finally made it back to Pamplona. If I ever do this stretch of the Camino again I will think strongly on making Pamplona a rest day. Our stay in Zubiri was wonderful at Casa Rural Txantxorena. We went left town crossing over the"magic" bridge. And followed the trail mostly down hill to Pamplona.

    We stopped at a midieval chapel being renovated at La Abadia and talked with the head of the project. Then, we made our way thru the final towns and past a waterfall to Pamplona. The last 10k we walked was along the Arga River. Through a nice and quiet river park. Then a stranger stopped us and gave us a blessing before we crossed the river and walked up through the city walls where we got our final selo (stamp) at the cathedral. If I want to get a compostella I will need to I will need to start back up in Pamplona and get another selo there.

    We ran into our walking friends Mary, Terra, and Sharon, and taxi share friends Mandy and Maria at the main square and had dinner (pintxos not tapas) and said our goodbyes.