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  • Day 25

    Day 24

    March 29, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    Distance 888 / 2195
    Next town Boundary Bend
    3 days ahead of schedule

    Another peaceful day on the river with only 1 other boat seen all day. Went past Nyah then called into Tooleybuc to replenish fresh water. Not much happening there on a Tuesday afternoon.
    Haven't been able to find the right butane gas cylinder to fit the little cooker, so I’m on strict rations. Only 1 cup of coffee a day and the noodles get whipped off as soon as they're cooked!
    Hopefully I'll get some more at Boundary Bend.
    Interesting that it has apparently been illegal to remove snags from the river since 2001 as they are an important breeding ground for the Murray Cod.
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