matkusti 33 maahan. Lue lisää Virum, Denmark
  • Päivä 67

    Back on Passions

    17. maaliskuuta 2018, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    Free shuttles are awesome, so 7 am pickup from hostel took me to the Reef Fleet Terminal where I checked in to my second cruise with Passions of Paradise III
    Unfortunately we went to exactly the same places as before. Fortunately I am an adventurous fellow, so I went further away from the boat compared to last time, so I got to see other coral formations and luckily also different fish. This time I managed to find Nemo, and I also saw a way more large fish compared to last time.
    I was also more concentrated on my surroundings, so I noticed more this time, which was cool. The weather was also significantly better compared to first time, right until we had to head home so that made it easier to notice colours in the water.
    After the trip I went back to NJoy where Emily also had made it home from the reef. She was going out with the people from her dive boat, while I went out and had a lovely dinner with Emma and got a chance to say goodbye to her before she flies to Brisbane tomorrow morning.
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  • Päivä 66


    16. maaliskuuta 2018, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    First day since Melbourne on my own. As I've been on the road for just over two months and hardly had any days without doing anything today was a day for just that, Nothing. All I've done is confirming my final activities here in Australia, reading, a quick swim in the lagoon and just relax.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 65

    Cape Tribbin

    15. maaliskuuta 2018, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    Went on Uncle Brian's Cape Tribbin tour. So after a 7:30 pick up, we drove to Port Douglas, here we had tea coffee and cake. We had two options while we waited around. Go for a swim inside the netted area, or go for a walk. So first I went for a quick swim, however, the water wasn't that great, so I got out and went for the walk.
    At the first viewpoint I managed to spot a turtle twice. I walked on for a bit, but as it didn't seem there were more viewpoints I went back.
    Next up was a long drive to Cape Tribulation, at Cape Tribulation, here we had half an hour to check out the beach. You can't swim there as you will either be eaten by crocodiles or stung to death by jellyfish. So instead we had a delightful lunch at PK's.
    We left our lunch place and drove to Mason's swim hole, it's a small clear water creek the crocodiles can't navigate as it's to shallow. It was a great swim where we climbed vines, and enjoyed the fresh cool water.
    We now went back to the ferry that brought us into the Daintree Rainforest as we had a crocodile cruise in the afternoon, on the way we saw a Cassowary for a split second.
    On the way to Belchers Daintree River cruises we had a movie and series theme music quiz, our team did really well with 12 of 16 but another team got 14 so they were the clear winners.
    The crocodile cruise delivered on a high level. We got to see Scar Face the dominant male in the area, 60 years, 5 meters, and 1 tonnes. We also saw Lizzie and her 5 days old babies, and a few other smaller crocodiles.
    We also got to see a male darter sitting on a tree until he was agitated enough to fly away.
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  • Päivä 64

    Lazy Day

    14. maaliskuuta 2018, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    Didn't sleep to well, luckily nothing was planned for today, so after a late breakfast I got a nap.
    After the nap Emily and I went for lunch, and then Emily went to sort out her 3 day 2 night dive trip.
    Following that we went to the lagoon, a massive public pool here the aim was to have a stop and then a lie down, but free water aerobics was on, so Emily bullied me into that and after a very quick change of clothes we went to join the people of Cairns for some exercise.
    After the aerobics class we changed into dry clothes, walked around the esplanade to work up some more appetite and then went to a wonderful Italian restaurant.
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  • Päivä 63

    Tablelands With Uncle Brian's

    13. maaliskuuta 2018, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    Was picked up by the Uncle Brian's Waterfall bus as the first passenger. We drove around town and picked up more people. We were supposed to be 21 but 7 people either over slept or were stuck south of Tully, so we ended up being just 14, and apparently with an unusual concentration of guys, in fact it was 5 girls and 9 guys. Pretty strange to experience after being 17 girls and 3 guys for the past 2 weeks.
    The bus was called Gus which made me think of Gus bus from the North Island of New Zealand. Brad our tour guide was a lot of fun in that classic Australian tour guide way, which means a lot of really bad jokes and inappropriate comments. Brad was however also very knowledgeable and informative.
    First stop after leaving the Cairns was Babinda Boulders, here we did a short walk to look at some rapids down from the swimming hole and then we had some cake, biscuits, and juice before jumping into the water, and when I say jumping I mean jumping. We swam across the lake to some boulders and did, dives, bombs, flips, and other jumps.
    After the swim we drove up the mountain to Josephine Falls, here it was prohibited to swim as the water levels were to high after all the rain the area had received during the past couple of weeks. However, during some rock hopping I was unfocused for a few seconds and didn't make it far enough between to big boulders. So I slid down the boulder on my stomach, landed beautifully between 3 boulders in the water and got myself out of the rapids before I was swept away. Other than two very small cuts I escaped completely uninjured.
    We went and had an included lunch in a small B & B, it was simple food, but really good. On the way we played a few games, such as pass the pastil between matchsticks in our mouth, and we were surprisingly good.
    Next on the agenda was Millaa Millaa falls, here we went for a swim, and the best part was we could go behind the fall and swim through it.
    Final stop was Lake Echam, which is a lake in a volcano so obviously we had to swim there as well, here we again did jumps, and there were hand rails running into the lake, which were the perfect waterslides.
    Next we went to a hostel to change and then drive down the 262 curves down the mountain to Cairns, during this drive we sang along to songs and danced in our seats.
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  • Päivä 62

    G-ADVENTUREs No More

    12. maaliskuuta 2018, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    When I got up Laurens had already left meaning I was alone in my room. So I went to the nearest café to find some breakfast and then I waited around in the lobby area until 10 AM where I checked out and took the shuttle bus to the city center.
    A few of the girls from my G-ADVENTUREs trip did the same, so at the night markets where we were dropped off I said goodbye to Jasmine, Jenny, and Sierra.
    After a short walk I found my way to NJoy travellers resort. Here I checked in to my private room and enjoyed having fast WiFi for the first time since Tamworth.
    I got a message from Emily stating that she simply would not be able to stay at the hostel she had booked, and after a chat with her and the reception at NJoy we agreed to share a twin room while we are here in Cairns.
    After Emily arrived we relaxed at the hostel until about 3:30 PM where I went to a total of 3 camera shops to see if I could A: fix my camera and B: if not how much would it cost to rent a camera.
    So I ended up renting a camera from Calypso for the next three days.
    Went back to the hostel for a free barbecue dinner with Emily before I had a phone call with Maggie and Niclas.
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  • Päivä 61

    Gateway To the Great Barrier Reef

    11. maaliskuuta 2018, Australia ⋅ 🌬 26 °C

    7 am transfer from our hostel to the Reef Fleet Terminal, her we checked in and then boarded Passions of Paradise a beautiful catamaran and embarked on our tour that would take us to the great barrier reef.
    It's a 2+ hours travel time to the reef from Cairns, and during that time we ate our carry on snacks and chatted among us.
    We finally made it to the reef, and after putting on all the gear we jumped into the water at dive site 1770 on Hastings Reef.
    It was great. We had to swim a bit from the ship to reach the actual coral reef, here we could see loads of soft and hard coral, a few giant mussels, plenty of fish, and a few strange creatures such as the sea cucumber. I got really lucky and got to see a white tipped reef shark as the only one in our group and there were maybe just 2 or 3 others on the entire ship who saw the shark.
    We were called back on board, and as a head count had confirmed everyone was back, the ship was moved while everyone had lunch.
    We didn't move very far as we stayed on the same reef, only the dive site was now called Stepping Stones. Here we had an hour and a half to go explore. Again there was plenty of coral and fish, but now we could also find blue starfish, I swam a lot and tried to mix it up between the edges of the reef and the center. Each has its own pros and cons. The edge has fewer but generally larger fish, where the center has more but often smaller fish.
    I made it back to the boat right before they called everyone in. It didn't feel like an hour and a half. Emily thought the call back was a guided tour coming her way so she tried to escape, until she realised what was going on.
    On the way back to Cairns we went to a talk about the reef, it was interesting to learn that the stories about coral bleaching the past two years were greatly exaggerated.
    Back at the marina our transfer was delayed, but at least we got to see thousands of bats leaving the city to go foraging.
    Back at our hostel we got ourselves ready for our final night together. First we had dinner before going to a nightclub.
    Some of the others like me have a couple of days or more in Cairns so hopefully we can manage to meet up during the next couple of days.
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  • Päivä 60

    Floods in Tully

    10. maaliskuuta 2018, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    We were headed to Cairns, so we got up really early and caught a bus to Proserpine station, as the train was running late the bus driver was kind enough to take us to a bakery.
    The plan was to go to Tully and visit an Ingan cultural center, however, Tully was flooded and completely inaccessible by rail or road. So we got off in Townsville. Here we had a few hours to kill. Luckily we just managed to catch Black Panther in the cinema, great way to kill two hours.
    After the movie we had lunch at the nearby pub, and then we were transferred to the airport to catch a flight to Cairns.
    In Cairns there was a small hick up with our hostel transfer but nothing major. Once at the hostel we planned to head to the city for dinner so we caught the free hostel transfer to the city center and split up in smaller groups to find food.
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  • Päivä 59

    Airlie Beach

    9. maaliskuuta 2018, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    Got out of bed and almost immediately went for a snorkeling session. The fish life wasn't as good as yesterday but the corals were a lot better. I did manage to find a few fish as I left the corals and swam to the rocky area.
    After snorkeling, we sat sail to head back to port, I was again volunteering on the winches and for the first time on the trip we got the sails up on one try.
    We were now traveling against the wind, so the ship was leaning hard to starboard and we got some massive sprays up on deck.
    As we were sailing against the wind, we were allowed to drive the boat a little. So Laurens, then Emily, followed by Susanne, and finally me went to the helm and manoeuvred the boat for a bit. Which was very good fun.
    Back at Airlie Beach we got our rooms and everyone went for a shower as we were very salty.
    After lunch a few of us went to a Didgeridoo lesson, it was quite fun, and it was interesting to learn a bit, but it's not for me. After the lesson Aaron showed us that if you lick the bum of a green ant it tastes like lemon, and sure enough it does.
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  • Päivä 58

    Whitsunday Islands

    8. maaliskuuta 2018, Australia ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

    After breakfast we sailed to Tongue Bay. It was still windy but due to the direction we went by engine, it was really hot in the cabin and the swell was big, so quite a few of us was feeling a bit sea sick, even with medication.
    At Tongue Bay we were put a shore and walked to Hill Inlet to look at Whitehaven Beach, which has some of the whitest sand in the world as it is 98 % Silica, which is why NASA had one of it telescopes build using sand from Whitehaven Beach.
    We then made our way to the beach where we split up and did our own thing. I went into the water to do a bit of body surfing, so did some of the others.
    Back in Tongue Bay we were picked up and now set sail to go to Blue Pearl Bay. Close to the bay we had to cross which meant more work, so Laurens and Stuart tightened the rope that made the boom cross, and Myf and I trimmed the sail.
    As the ship crossed our high side became our low side and vise versa, this gave a huge reaction from some of the girls, and the climb to the new high side was challenging for some.
    In Blue Pearl Bay we went for some snorkeling, it was easy to see the devastation caused by a cyclone some time ago as the ocean floor was littered with broken coral. However, there was still plenty of fish, and I got to swim in school of blue and silver fish with bright yellow tail fins.
    We went by engine to Stonehaven and anchored for the night, had dinner and kept running up and down the stairs as the weather was continuously changing. It was a good relaxed evening and Emily, Aaron, and I were very silly when we went to bed and creeped a few of the others out.
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