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  • Day 57

    Cruise Time

    March 7, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    The overnight train was pretty good, I didn't sleep through but got a decent amount of sleep via long naps.
    Our train was seriously late so when we got of at Proserpine station we quickly loaded ourselves into a bus that took us to the hostel we will stay at in a couple of days after our two night cruise around the Whitsunday Islands.
    We boarded British Defender and embarked on our cruise in the Whitsunday Islands. The weather was beautiful as we left the marina, and due to a strong wind we set sail. That happened by six of us helping with getting the sail up.
    We sailed towards Hooks Passage as that would be our anchorage for the night, on the way we got a suprise visit from a few showers. Close to our anchoring point we switched back to engine and a few hundred meters from where we wanted to drop anchor the engine died. Luckily the crew fixed it and we got to go for a swim, in stinger suits.
    After the swim we hung out and had a wonderful dinner, and we were not the only ones feasting. At dinner time the sun had already gone down, and swimming around in our light was juvenile Trasher Sharks out hunting for tiny fish.
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  • Day 56


    March 6, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

    Today a group of us went canoeing in Noosa Everglades. The group consisted of Aisha, Emily, Emma, Jenny, Lisa, Myf, Sophie, Aaron, and me.
    First we got a lift across the lake, and then divided into 4 canoes. Emma and I teamed up and it went really well. First stop was at our lunch site, but just because our guide brought in the boat with our lunch and then he jumped into one of the other canoes.
    Next we went up Upper Noosa River and found a bank where we took a swim. We found a log under the water and did some balancing acts.
    We then paddled back to our lunch site and did a short loop walk before we had lunch.
    Then it was time to head back to camp, first we had to paddle back to where we picked up the canoes, and Emma and I paddled right up to a group of pelicans, really big birds. After sorting the canoes out we were taken back to camp to shower and pack for our overnight train.
    Two days ago Aaron was informed the train is 3 hours delayed due to track works, so we were taken to Noosa Heads so we could spend our late afternoon and evening in the town shopping snacks and the likes as well as get some decent food for dinner.
    At 20:45 we were picked up and taken to our overnight train.

    Side note:
    My camera broke, so quality and frequency of pictures will greatly decrease from here.
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  • Day 55

    Fraser Island

    March 5, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

    We had our first truly early morning here on the east coast. Waking up at 5:20 in Elanda Point Ecocamp in the Everglades. At 6:15 we were picked up by a massive 4 by 4 and drove towards Fraser Island. On the drive our tour guide Scott, who worked with Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin before he became famous in Australia Zoo, talked about the area, the coolest fact is that Fraser Island and the national park on the mainland has more sand than anywhere else in the world, and that the area has the tallest sand dunes in the world.
    Our 22 seater 4 by 4 was transferred to the island with a barge, and then we took the only sand highway in the world around the island.
    First stop was along the highway for a cup of tea and some biscuits. We were then taken through the township Eurong and along the inland tracks to lake McKenzie, a beautiful lake which sits more than 100 meters above sea level. The lake is 1 among only 70 perched lakes in the world. Perched lakes exist due to a waterproof nutrient layer that keeps the water of the lake to seep through the sand.
    After a swim in wonderful weather we went to central station for lunch. During lunch it started raining, but we still went for a walk, a soaking wet walk.
    It was now time to head back through Eurong to the sand highway along the coast. Here we got very lucky and saw to Dingos on the beach just running along checking the cars out.
    As the roads on Fraser Island were in stellar condition, we managed to be back in time for a short drive along Rainbow beach on the mainland. Rainbow beach gets its name from the colourful sand, which after a school project has been determined to contain 72 colours.
    After a stop at a petrol station we went back to the camp ground got freshened up and went to a nearby hotel for dinner.
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  • Day 54

    Noosa Heads

    March 4, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    We were picked up by a bus from Noosa and went to Noosa Heads the main town of Noosa Everglades. The drive was a bit warm as the AC was not functioning at an optimal level.
    At Noosa Heads we went for a walk along the coast. The hope was to see Koalas but we didn't have the luck we had in South Australia. About a 100 meters before our target my 10+ year old flip flops died and I had to engineer a fix so that I could do the 4 km inland walk I wanted to do.
    I went of on my own on the Tanglewood track, but short after the halfway mark Emma caught up with me. We continued together and had a very good chat about traveling and all sorts of things.
    Emma and I went in search of food, flip flops, beach towel, and yet another pair of sunglasses for me. After finding all items but food we ran into Laurens who recommended an eating place and while we were eating we were joined by Aisha, Emily, and Sophie.
    We went out and found a shaded grass area where, reading, napping, and writing took place.
    We got transferred to our accommodation, which is a campground, but we are staying in huts with AC and bunk beds.
    Aaron cooked a great barbecue and most of us went early to bed as we had a truly early start tomorrow.
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  • Day 53


    March 3, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    Emily and I got up early and went to the beach for a bit of snorkeling. It was a rock reef, and it was abundant with fish. The variety was not immense, but the amount of fish were impressive, and we also managed to see a few sting rays.
    We walked back along the beach eating breakfast and headed back to Arts Factory to get ready to check out.
    At 11 we were picked up by a bus that felt quite luxurious after 1,5 months with G-ADVENTURE busses and drove towards Brisbane with a stop at the Gold Coast for a look.
    In Brisbane, Aisha, Emily, Lisa, Myf, Laurens, and I went for a walk to find food. We sort walked the wrong way but ended up finding awesome burgers at Fritzenberger. Before we went completely off the tourist bus and went for a movie.
    After the movie we went back to our hostel and met up with the new girl joining our group, who seems really nice. We went out for dinner after which I went for a walk.
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  • Day 52

    Byron Bay

    March 2, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

    I went for a walk in the morning as we didn't have any activities, the walk took me along the beach to the eastern most point of mainland Australia, so now I've been eastern most in Australia and southern most in Africa.
    My walk also took me to Byron Bay lighthouse, on the way I saw my smallest Wallaby yet, eating something from the forest floor.
    I got back into Byron Bay, which was now waking up, and had some lunch before heading back to the hostel wherefrom a group of us was picked up for a sea kayaking trip.
    The kayaking trip was pretty similar to what I did back in Raglan, so it was sit on kayaks and we were a big group and played followed the leader. In Raglan we had a bit more ability to have original thoughts and go our own way. Also here everyone were in doubles, which was actually quite nice today.
    Emily and I got really lucky and had a loggerhead turtle pop up right next to us. The aim of the kayaking trip was dolphins but we had to settle for the loggerhead.
    After the kayaking trip everyone did their own thing, but most of us went to town to get take out and brought that to the beach.
    A smaller group consisting of Aisha, Emily, Lisa, Myf, Sierra, Aaron, Laurens, and I went to the Railway a nice place with live music from 7-10. The music was reggae and super nice even though I hardly understood a word.
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  • Day 51

    Surf's Up

    March 1, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    We leave continuously later in the morning, this morning we didn't leave until 8 o'clock in the morning. We drove north to the small town Lennox Head, where we had a surf lesson with MOJO surf.
    Now, I already had a surf lesson in New Zealand and hoped these guys would teach us the same method, but they didn't. They taught us a different 4 step method that I actually preferred, however, the waves in Raglan were easier to read and ride. So even though I caught more waves in Lennox Head I preferred the surfing in Raglan.
    After the surf lesson we took a swim in the lake. The water looked really questionable, but the surf guides had recommended it, so we went in. The questionable colour of the water was due to Tea trees. Their roots go into the water and leak a red substance, which is antiseptic, so it is beneficial to swim in Tea tree lakes.
    From the lake we drove 40 minutes up the road to Byron Bay a town known for surfing hippies and parties. We checked in at Arts Factory where we are staying in bungalows. Emily, Katha, Lisa, and I went to the beach where especially Emily and I really got the hang of body surfing.
    Most of our group went to dinner at the neighboring brewery and had quite good food.
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  • Day 50

    Beach Time

    February 28, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Due to good weather we left early to get as much time on the beach in Yamba as possible, we did also have a few stops on the way.
    First significant stop was at Boundary falls where we went down to the bottom of the water fall, the walk was easy and there was another waterfall so I walked down there. The other water fall was called Lyrebird falls, here I got a suprise when I saw Emily, she had managed to get a tiny bit lost and never made it to Boundary falls, so she was sitting at Lyrebird falls and had her lunch.
    We walked back to the group and continued on our merry way to Raspberry lookout where we had a great view of the Gibraltar ranges, these mountains used to be covered by rainforest, but as rainforest hate drought and forest fires the majority of the mountains are now covered by eucalyptus, only in a few gullies is it possible to see the rainforest as it used to be.
    Hitting the road we headed towards the beach town Yamba. Upon arrival we went to the beach, it was really nice, the water temperature enabled us to stay in as long as we liked, and the lateness of the afternoon meant no burns.
    After beach time, Aisha, Emily, Lisa, Myf, Sierra, Laurens, and I went to dinner at a lovely Indian restaurant. It was super good food, and after dinner we chilled on our ocean view balcony.
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  • Day 49

    Lawn bowling.?

    February 27, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    We got up sort of early to check out and leave CPD before traffic would be messy, but it was all good as it meant breakfast in Kirribilli with a nice view of Sydney harbour with the bridge and the opera house.
    First point on the agenda was wine tasting in Hunter valley, while the others tasted a few wines, I caught up on my journal.
    From Hunter valley we headed towards Tamworth, a medium sized town a bit inland. On the way we stopped for lunch and snack breaks.
    As we made it to Tamworth we immediately headed to the lawn bowling club. Lawn bowling is a game quite similar to petanque, only the bowls are larger and only weighted on one side, which make the curl when they slow down.
    Emily and I played Vicky and Stuart. At first Emily and I were dominating, but Vicky and Stuart improved quickly and we had some close matches with individual bowls being played on pro level from all of us.
    In the end Emily and I claimed a narrow victory. I expected to enjoy lawn bowl, but not as much as I actually did, it was great fun.
    As we walked back we went straight to dinner with a trivia night.
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  • Day 48


    February 26, 2018 in Australia ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

    What to do when you only have one day in Sydney with poor weather.?
    Well, Aisha, Emily, Lisa and I went to a free walking tour that took us through the city ending at Circular Quay with a view of the Opera House.
    We found lunch at an Italian restaurant, and then we split up.
    Emily went to the opera house as she's already done what the rest of us wanted, the Coogee to Bondi coastal walk.
    Aisha, Lisa, and I took the bus to Coogee and started the beautiful walk towards Bondi, it had stopped raining, but it was a windy walk, but luckily the wind came from behind most of the walk.
    At on place we opted to do a bit rock hopping instead of following the road. I think I enjoyed that more than the girls.
    We made it to Bondi and walked in the edge of the water before taking a bus back to the CPD. Here we walked straight back to the hostel where we were invited to join 7 others from our group for dinner.
    So 10 of us left and went to the Darling Harbour and found some Mediterranean food.
    After dinner we walked home and straight to our rooms for a good night's sleep before hitting the road tomorrow.
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