  • 日164

    Transfer to Vientiane and surprise :-)

    2018年3月21日, ラオス ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    We intended to go out this morning for breakfast at our habitual café in Luang Namtha - the Manikong Bakery :-) before we did so, however, Bertram read a curious email: „Your flight to Tehran will take off in almost 24h and is open for check-in“. Wait a sec - 24 hours?!?! We had both firmly believed that we were going to Iran in Friday, not on Thursday...

    After re-reading and checking some email flight confirmations the result was still the same: we are flying to Tehran tomorrow :-) Luckily, we received a quick response from a Tehran hotel to host us from 22.03.-23.03. as our original hostel booking from 23.03. onwards could not be moved earlier... such a stressful morning in our calm traveller lives :-) As our friend Natascha said: “It’s time for you to come home, you are already starting to get lost...” She is right - but: 3 weeks + the newly won 1 day in Iran come first!

    Our time in Vientiane was, thus, very limited. We strolled around the quarter and saw a couple of temples (as everywhere in Laos ;-)) and then only had time for a coffee (including Iran travel planning) and subsequent dinner at a very nice French-Lao fusion bistro with many nice dishes:
    - duo of tofu salad (one crispy, one marinated)
    - ravioli stuffed with camenbert and morning glory
    - trio of Lao mushroom dishes
    - duck breast with Lao fried vegetables 🌶🦆
    - lemon tart 🍋

    Now it’s time for bed as we need to go to the airport at 05:30 am :-O


    Note to everybody at home: we area bit unsure whether our mobile phone numbers will work in Iran. Best to send us an email or WhatsApp message which we can read once we have WiFi.