
июня 2017
Короткое, но классное приключение от Zoe Читать далее
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  • День 1

    Ramadan Market

    15 июня 2017 г., Сингапур ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    After leaving Krabi and saying my last goodbyes to Thailand and their toasties it was time to move on to the next destination, Singapore.

    With a smooth flight and arrival to Singapore, I enjoyed being in the lovely airport, throwing me back to March and the beginning of my travels when this was my stop over on the way to Cambodia.

    It was an easy ride to the hostel and soon I was checked in, looking into what there was to do since I had so little time, hence needed a detailed plan of action. The woman at the hostel was very kind, being helpful in organising myself and giving me the 'must-do's' when in Singapore. Wasting no time, I got changed and headed straight out to the Ramadan market which was used by tourists as well as locals.

    Using the MRT (Singapores version of the tube) to get there as it was the quickest and cheapest way. It was so clean that I wouldn't complain if I had to eat my dinner off the floor. But then I'm pretty sure Singapore prides itself on being so clean.

    Eventually I found my way to the market and it was huge, swamping the streets around the main road. There were so many stalls selling everything from clothes to rugs to food and drink. Over whelmed by such choice, I did find a little food stall that prided itself in giving you potatoes covered in raclette cheese. I felt as though I had found myself a gem and I instantly knew what I was having for dinner. The food was delicious and you could even watch the cheese being melted in front of you, how dreamy?

    Carrying on through the market, I found another stall selling s'mores and thought it would be a nice thing to treat myself with something sweet and it definitely worked a charm.

    After about an hour and a half of exploring I felt I had seen quite a lot and thought it would be best to head back and get some sleep for the next day ahead as there was lots planned.

    Exhausted with a satisfied belly I headed back and straight to bed.
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  • День 2

    Exploring Singapore

    16 июня 2017 г., Сингапур ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    With an earliest morning I had had in a while, I forced myself up and had some breakfast at the hostel in order to preparation for the day. At breakfast I met a nice Australian called Wayne and he liked the sound of my plans so decided to pop along with me.

    Our first stop of the day was Little India. We arrived quite early and not much was open so stopped off at a locals restaurant, one of the ones that was actually open, and tried a speciality as a snack which was like a cheese pancake with curry sauce and very yummy. By the time we had finished more of the shops were open allowing us to have a better look around.

    Next was Malaysian and Lebanese version of Little India. It covered a far smaller area and had a little version of the Ramadan market I had been to the previous day. Having a growing obessession with falafel, we decided to stop at a restaurant and I enjoyed a lovely falafel wrap for lunch.

    With a tight schedule and now fuelled up, we moved on to the Gardens by the Bay to see both of the domes as well as the garden light fixtures. Went in the flower dome and cloud forest, both equally as amazing and having stunning species from all over the globe. The gardens were beautiful, inside and outside the domes and I could tell there was a lot of maintenance and pride for these gardens.

    After spending the whole afternoon there, we finished up headed the Marina by the Bay shopping centre for food. It was an amazing place in itself and was full of all the designer shops I could never afford. However, we found an affordable food court at the bottom and I enjoyed a large plate of Singapore noodles for dinner, attempting yo try out the local foods.

    At 7.45pm we went outside to watch the water show that was on everyday at that time. It was an incredible show and definitely exceeded expectations. The backdrop being the high rise buildings of Singapore all lit up around us. Afterwards, there was another light show at the Gardens by the Bay, so headed back there to watch it. Although it was quite as impressive at the water show, it definitely was a nice watch.

    To finish a very busy day, our last activity was to head up the Marina Sky Hotel which gave us a panoramic view of Singapore at night which was absolutely stunning, being a very good end to a fun day.

    After an extremely exhausting day we both headed back and I slept in preparation for my flight and Bali the next day (the last stop of my solo travels)!
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