
Nisan 2017
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  • Gün 1

    Ho Chi Minh

    2 Nisan 2017, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    With one country down, today was the day I headed to my next destination, Vietnam. Having heard so many good things about this beautiful country, I was excited to be moving on, despite the sad departure from Cambodia.

    After patchy sleep and being exhausted I made it to my 8.30am bus to Ho Chi Minh. I was sat to a very nice Cambodian, who attempted to make conversation with a very tired me. I felt awful that I couldn't be more of a joy to sit next to but I think my previous week had taken its toll.

    Having slept most the journey and experienced my first border crossing of my trip, I arrived in Ho Chi Minh at 4pm and wow it's a hectic city. First time crossing the road took at least 5 minutes and I'm hoping I make it out the city alive. However, I made it to my Hostel and checked in for the night. Having money to sort out, I made that a priority before I could enjoy myself and snoop around the shops.

    My hostel being located in the centre of town was perfect, being near various shops and the main market. My dinner was street food, adding up to a huge total of $1 as well as treating myself to ice cream which was freshly made (also $1). Eating for this little money has already made me fond of Vietnam.

    However, the market certainly sells questionable food, I saw crocodile being cooked in front of my eyes,
    something I haven't braved to try yet.

    After a very long day and being extremely tired, tonight is a rest night and the rooftop above my hotel is the ideal spot for this. Despite not having met anyone yet, it's quite nice to observe the city from my point of view and really take in the sights I'm seeing.
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  • Gün 2

    Cu Chi Tunnels

    3 Nisan 2017, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    Today was another early start, the focus of the day being Cu Chi Tunnels. Having learnt about the Vietnam War for my A Levels I was extremely excited to go see the actual location of this fascinating war.

    The area in which the Cu Chi tunnels is located is huge and there was a lot of ground to cover. Right at the beginning there is still one entrance to the tunnels which hasn't been widened and it was a tight fit for me, let alone a grown Vietnamese man. I would hate to think what it was like going through these tiny tunnels in pitch black, I know I would be petrified. Through the tour we saw various boogey traps the Viet Cong set in order to beat the Americans, all made by hand. I think it's incredible that with so little the Viet Cong could challenge a 1st world country that had so much money, machinery and supplies. At the end of the tour there was an option to shoot a choice of guns from the war. I chose to shoot an AK47 and felt like a pro after shooting my 10 bullets, although I don't think I got one bullet on target. To finish off the tour, we actually got to travel underground through the tunnels. Having being widened, they were still a squash. After covering around 100metres underground I was ready to come out, drenched in sweat and having the beginnings of aching thighs.

    Back at the hostel I met an American ex army cadet called Marcus. He had a friend who was based in Ho Chi Minh called Clara and he invited me to go get food with them. It was ideal being with a so called 'local' as she knew where to go and we ended up at Saigon street food market and had a fantastic meal.

    With a full belly and early morning ahead, I decided it was a good idea to get a reasonable sleep to be fresh for the Mekong Delta the next day.
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  • Gün 3

    Mekong Delta

    4 Nisan 2017, Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    After a 6.30am wake up and a bumpy bus drive, we arrived at one of the sections of the Mekong Delta.

    Our first trip out on the boat was to an island were we had a row boat tour through the canopied water. It was so beautiful and was typically Vietnamese, with all of us wearing pointed hats. We then stopped at another part of the island where we tried a home made honey which is known for its many health benefits and was very yummy!

    Lurking around, they also had a python which I got to hold, safe to say it was a little daunting but felt it had to be done. By the end it had wrapped its tail around my leg, some might say it would want me as its prey however I reckon it just wanted a friend and a nice hug.

    Following on we left to go to another island where we ate a typical Vietnamese lunch, consisting of rice, beans, pork and spring rolls. However, the menu of this restaurant was questionable, including meals with crocodile and other appetising animals. We also spectated coconut candy being made which was really delicious. The speed in which the ladies finished the packaging at the end of the process felt like the motion was being fast forward as they went so fast.

    In pools around the complex they had a huge one full of crocodiles. There were so many I couldn't believe my eyes and were so still they didn't even appear alive. However, when it came to their feeding time you gathered they were very much alive.

    We then headed back to the mainland and onto the bus which would take us to Can Tho were we would stay the night. We wondered round the town and grabbed a bite to eat, the town being significantly less busy than Ho Chi Minh. With an early morning in store for the floating markets, it was straight to bed.
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  • Gün 5

    Floating Markets, Mekong Delta

    6 Nisan 2017, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    6am alarm and an early rise in order to see the floating markets, which are one of the main attractions of the Mekong Delta. Having never seen them before and heard so many great things about them I was very excited but at the same time didn't actually know what expect. I can now say that they were different to my expectation, nevertheless as impressive. As the boat slows down numerous boats instantly attach themselves to our boat, trying to sell various fruits, all extremely cheap price and in bulk.

    I bought bananas and pineapples which were both delicious and so sweet. The pineapple was my favourite, both in the way it tasted as well as its presentation. They cut it in a way that makes it look like an ice cream and was just so so yummy and juicy. As you sit on the boat and watch what's around you, it was amazing to spectate this chaotic way of life and I learnt that tourism gives these people a large chunk of their earning.

    After departing the floating markets, we went to the rice noodle making place, where we could see how they made them from scratch. It's a simple but fascinating process to watch but also requires some skill which was learnt by attempting to do part of the process ourselves.

    Following on, we went to another island and hired bikes to go round and see the island. We visited the main temple on the island which was surrounded by a mass of trees and also the sight of a bomb that was dropped by the Americans during the war. To get here we cycled through the local housing and farming. It was lovely being able to have a personal insight into the daily lives of the people who loved there. Later, it was time to head back, stopping off at a place for lunch.

    After arriving back in Ho Chi Minh, I decided to have a snack at my favourite bakery which I have been loyal to the whole duration of my stay in the city. Marcus then wanted to see more of Ho Chi Minh as he was leaving the next day, so we went for a walk around Ho Chi Minh to see some more of the sights like the cathedral, temple and war museum.

    In the evening, we enjoyed a Korean BBQ with Clara, her partner and Marcus, followed by drinks at a bar called Layla which was a relatively new establishment and spent the rest of the evening there. Bars in Ho Chi Minh are usually a must do when your in the city as there are so many hidden in all kinds of places. This one did not disappoint. But soon after finishing up our drinks, we decided it was time for bed after a very busy day.
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  • Gün 5

    War Museum, Ho Chi Minh

    6 Nisan 2017, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    After a busy few days I decided today was going to be slower paced. Having a relaxing morning catching up with friends and sorting out my next steps.

    Due to it being sunny outside, I made use of the rooftop garden above my hostel and sat up there reading my book and soaking up some sun. However, the heat began to get too much and I decided I would take myself to the War Museum.

    Having been so interested in the war I thoroughly enjoyed this museum, despite the atrocities of the war. I was speechless at some of the activities that went on and thought to myself how man kind could think it's alright to do such terrible things to another human being. The affects of the agent orange and chemicals used by the Americans on the Vietnamese are still causing defects over 40 years later and its likely these defects will continue to be passed down. After finishing at the museum it's safe to say I felt quite emotional and sad having gained such an insight to what the people of Vietnam went through, especially having done nothing to the Americans.

    I got back to the hostel just in time to watch the sunset on the rooftop garden which was beautiful. Then, just as I was heading out for food I met a Canadian girl called Lauren, she invited me out for a beer so said why not. We ended up meeting others and all went out and had a very fun evening. I even met people who I had been with in Cambodia which was a crazy sight! Having had low expectations for a quiet night it became quite the opposite.
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  • Gün 6

    Bui Vien Street

    7 Nisan 2017, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

    Having planned to go to Mui Ne and in attempt to book my hostel beforehand there appeared no spaces for the night I wanted, therefore having to extend my stay in Ho Chi Minh and delay my arrival in Mui Ne.

    However, it turned out to be a very enjoyable day. Turns out someone I had met the night before wanted to go to the zoo and with no plans I decided to go along. We saw so many animals and got to feed the elephants sugar canes which was a lot of fun. I think the elephants enjoyed it as much as us. Other animals that we saw included giraffes, a snow tiger, tigers, bears and hippos.

    We spent around 2 hours around the zoo, being actually very enjoyable to stroll around and see the animals, despite it being incredibly hot and sweaty.

    Heading back to the hostel and deciding what to do in the evening, I messaged Lauren from the night before and we decided to go grab dinner and a drink. Getting on so well with Lauren made it a very enjoyable evening, walking up and down Bui Vien street, exploring the shops and bars. Later on we ran into people from my hostel who invited us out for a drink.
    After a few beers with them, I decided I should head back and pack to be ready for my early departure to Mui Ne, leaving the others to head out clubbing.

    I said goodbye to Lauren who was also going her separate ways. After nearly week in Ho Chi Minh, it was time to say goodbye to the crazy city.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 9

    Mui Ne

    10 Nisan 2017, Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 35 °C

    Having grown accustom to the bustle of Ho Chi Minh, the Mui Ne vibe was a drastic change being located on the beach outside the city of Phan Thiet.

    The hostel I planned to stay in was referred to as a village and was the main stop for backpackers passing trough the area. The hostel was great fun and had a lovely pool to lounge by as well as activities on each night.

    My highlight of Mui Ne would have to be the sand dunes trip. It was one of the best days since I've begun my travels. 10 of us got picked up from the hostel in a jeep and headed to the first stop which was the Fairy Stream. It was a magical place and the stream was extremely shallow, enough to be able to walk through with the red dunes and rocks as a back drop surrounding you. At the end of the stream was a lovely waterfall, being the water supply of the stream. Next up, we stopped at one of the harbours with countless fishing boats and locals living on the beach. The sea being so blue making it extremely scenic.
    Following on from this were the sand dunes. We were driven up to the top by a quad bike at the highest viewpoint on the dunes. It was a breathtaking view and one I will not forget. The quad bikes were an exhilarating ride and after getting back down from the dunes treated ourselves to an ice cream. It was then time for our final stop, the red sand dunes to watch the sun go down which was another breathtaking sight.

    We got back to the hostel and everyone who had been to the dunes went out for dinner at a local Vietnamese restaurant which was cheap and delicious.

    The next day was a relaxing one by the pool, soaking up some sun and enjoying the hostel. Safe to say Mui Ne was a treat.
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  • Gün 11


    12 Nisan 2017, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    Having enjoyed myself so much in Mui Ne it was sad to be leaving. The bus journey to Dalat was a bumpy one, however the scenery was incredible. I travelled there with a girl called Aurelie who is doing an internship in Dalat and was in Mui Ne for a break. Having got on really well, we agreed to meet up again in Hanoi as we are meant to be there around the same time.

    Exhausted, I arrived at my hostel. It was a lovely family feel and every evening they do 'family dinner' which invites everyone in the hostel to eat together. The food was the best I've had in Vietnam and was so sociable. To end the night we headed to the Maze Bar which was a crazy place full of tunnels and stairs. It really lived up to the name, being impossible to find your way back out again.

    The next day in Dalat was a touristy one. I joined up with a girl I had met in Mui Ne called Fiona and got on well with. We decided to explore the city along with another girl called Leena who was in her hostel as well. The day was filled with a trip to the local market, a walk around the lake which was spectacular. We then decided to head to one of the waterfalls. The hike up there was one I will not forget. We even got the local bus to and from the waterfall and felt like real tourists as well as feeling extremely proud we got there and back. On the way back, we stopped off at the Crazy House which was fascinating and cleverly created. It was full of crazy passages, tunnels and a breathtaking view over Dalat. Very tired and hungry we made our way back to the hostel in time for another family dinner which we all demolished.

    Having had a busy few evenings previously, we decided it was time for a movie night so settled on watching How to lose a guy in 10 days. After 22,668 steps I'm hoping sleep will come very easy tonight.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 12


    13 Nisan 2017, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

    My second day in Dalat was an exhausting one. The day's plans were canyoning. Having not really known what to expect, it was certainly an experience.

    Our team leaders were called Jerry, Sun and Nam and certainly made the trip. There were plenty of wild activities throughout the course of the day, these included abseiling down waterfalls and into waterfalls as well as cliff jumping and trekking along the rivers path. There was one activity called the washing machine in which you abseiled down a rock face and then dropped into a waterfall which took you under for 2/3 seconds then brought you up. My heart was certainly in my mouth through those very long seconds. The power of the water was incredible and I now understand how dangerous currents can be. However I came out safe and alive which was the main thing.

    If you want something that gives you an adrenaline rush this couldn't be more ideal. After finishing the trip with a 20 minute hike up hill it's safe to say I was absolutely exhausted. My dinner that evening could probably have been shared between 4 people I was that hungry. Needless to say I slept very well that night.
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  • Gün 14

    Nha Trang

    15 Nisan 2017, Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    This was just a 24 hour stop on the way to Hoi An and having heard many mixed reviews about the place we weren't quite sure what to expect. We arrived in the evening and were welcomed by the lovely people who worked in the hostel. They were so kind and always happy to help.

    Later on a group of us headed out and enjoyed a delicious Vietnamese meal and a local restaurant. We knew it was very local as we were the only westerners eating there, even the menu was all in Vietnamese. Luckily a kind man who was eating next to us was able to translate it into English for us. However, we almost had a confusion with the order and nearly ended up eating dog which I was horrified about. Needless to say it was a close call. We then strolled through the night market which was bustling with people, locals selling all kinds of clothes, shoes and food.

    Having been tired from the travelling, we decided to head back to the hostel and get some rest. Having wanted a good sleep, I was woken up in the middle of the night and had my first proper ill experience of SE Asia. I was so thankful to Leena and Fiona who looked after me and made sure I was on the road to recovery in the morning when I felt bed bound.

    After being dosed up on ginger tea and trying to eat something, I decided to join the girls down by the beach to get some fresh air before our night bus to Hoi An that evening.

    Feeling more like myself, we got back to the hostel and before we knew it were on the night bus on the way to Hoi An. Having heard so many good things about Hoi An I was very excited and hoping I would be feeling 100% in time to go exploring the town when we got there. Despite being apprehensive about the night bus, I was pleasantly surprised when I had a good nights sleep, especially after my disturbed one the previous night.
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