  • Dag 26

    Day 26 - Weather Forecast - Windy

    29 augusti 2020, Kroatien ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

    Struggling to get up these mornings. The forecast on the weather app on the iPhone just said ‘windy’ for the whole day. What did that actually mean? Apart from the obvious.

    After breakfast we decided to chance it & go back to our beach, fully prepared to abandon it if the wind was unbearable. We weren’t early, but there were only two cars in the car park. Other people must have read the same weather forecast or had local knowledge.

    Being high up, the wind was battering us so Zoom Lolly Lilo was banished to the boot. We then fought our way down the goat path to the bottom & WOW the beach was absolutely empty. I imagine this was a rarity mid morning on a sunny day in the summer. It was even better, because the cove shielded most of the wind.

    It was less than 10 minutes before other sunbathers started descending on the beach, but it remained pretty quiet all day. Occasionally we had a gust of wind that caused havoc with any umbrella or inflatable that had misguidedly been brought to the beach.

    One umbrella shot up in the air about 20 feet & landed on another family’s towels. Luckily only Dad was sat there & he gave them a rollicking. I rescued a foam mat & an inflatable swan.

    The highlight of the day was laughing at another chap who spent most of his day trying to put up an umbrella for his girlfriend’s dog, then his inflatable blew out to sea, he swam after it only for the the inflatable to blow back to shore with him now 30 yards out to sea. He was not a happy chappie!

    Lunch was cheese & ham sandwiches & white wine. Unfortunately I had been left in charge of packing the wine & I forgot the glasses. We had to resort to using our water bottle as our wine glass. It didn’t look good!

    During the afternoon, the naked gardener who lived in the big stone house at the water’s edge started playing Bob Dylan tracks that drifted out across the beach. On previous days we have had classical music, piano concertos & jazz.

    We left the beach after 6pm because the cooling breeze had made it comfortable for Jackie to stay in the sun all day without any shade.

    Back home we struggled to motivate ourselves to get ready to go out, but we did. We strolled around the pretty back streets, but ultimately gravitated back to Pizzeria Marco. We shared a very decent lasagna, chips & salad.

    On the way home we purchased some more homemade wine for a wine nightcap with our whole nut chocolate.

    Song of the Day : Blowin’ in the Wind by Bob Dylan.
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