And we're off

This is the first sign we saw as we entered customs, Amsterdam. Language if you don't mind please! Strange way to welcome guests into a country.
Well, for a little country at its longest point, 400km, it didn't disappoint. Started the day wit a good breakfast and walked to the tram - Number 5 into CBD. Arrived at the station, beautiful cleanRead more
Headed off at 9am on a guided bus tour of Amsterdam, then boarded a canal boat for a cruise. Cruised past Anne Frank's house after she and her family fled from the Nazi's. Had the best italian pastaRead more
Arrived Bruges. This town was first settled in 1075. It is like being transported back in time to a Hanzel and Gretel fairy tale. The Belfry Bell Tower in the main square has 47 bronze bells weighingRead more
After a four bus trip from Bruges we arrived in Paris. Drove over a bridge and got my first glimpse of the Eiffel Tower. Boarded the ship, our room is good and the bed is really comfortable. Nora fromRead more
Traveler Safe travels!
Traveler Have a safe flight!!
Traveler Yay! Just got to get through immigration. Dodgy looking couple 🤣