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    Thing can only get better

    23 de agosto de 2022, Indonesia ⋅ 🌧 25 °C

    I'm glad I only upload my blog a few days after things have occurred because otherwise people would have been panicking with what I've uploaded today. I watched the game at 2am but still I wake at 7 and enjoy the freedom this morning of being able to take a short shower. My foot is a lot less swollen too but my mood is not great after losing to man united. The Dutch family leave today and I will definitely be catching up with them again I'm sure. The whole place where I'm staying is made out of the hardest wood or Bamboo and the boys are moving one of the most solid wood tables, it is the heaviest table I've ever seen and you can see the strain on all the guys faces I hope they don't have to go far with it. I'm pleased to see Demi back although she still doesn't look well. She's great at making the nutmeg that goes on my foot selfish I know. I'm nearly out of cigarettes and luckily the German guy has to go to the village. I ask him to buy me some cigarette and he offers to lend me his computer and expect him to be back in half an hour but comes back nearly 2 hrs later and I feel guilty because he hasn't been able to sort what he went there to do and only came back with 1 pack of cigarettes. In the evening I speak with Dion. His English is exceptional and he likes to learn and to teach me. It's a win win. We play a card game called 7 with nanang before he gets distracted by his phone. As we're talking a praying mantis lands on the table and the boys handle it like is a stick insect. It makes me laugh at the amount of limbo dancing I've done trying to avoid touching one. Demi is still not well but still makes my balls of nutmeg that I can mix with water later to make my own paste and one for the morning. I have an early night and the trip back to my bungalow which is a lot easier tonightLeer más