  • День 99

    We made it to Bergen, Norway!

    28 июня 2022 г., Норвегия ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

    Miles: 5.5 Steps: 13166
    Flights stairs: 28!

    We took a BEAUTIFUL scenic train ride from Oslo to Bergen today - a little over 7 hours. At first, I was slightly underwhelmed as it seemed like what I’ve seen in Oregon & Washington my entire life - but then it got AMAZING. What I’ve seen of Norway so far is anything but underwhelming.

    After we got to Bergen, we had to work pretty hard to get to our Airbnb. Jordan may be trying to kill me! Airbnb’s are always further out of the city than hostels - no where near as convenient, but always much nicer. This one is on the top of a very tall hill - there’s a bus that goes there, but it only runs once every 30 min … so we gave up waiting and just walked each time. But we got our steps in!

    Eating out in Bergen appears to be VERY expensive. A basic dinner for two could easily cost $75-100, so we’ve decided to cook these 5 days we’re here since we’ve got a full kitchen. We found a grocery store, and did our shopping - which is always really interesting in another country. Very little is the same packaging so it’s a challenge to even find and identify butter. Luckily, most people speak English so people here were able to help us a lot. Eating out is a lot, but groceries didn’t seem to be that out of line - we only spent 906 NOK, which is about $90 for the week.

    We’re in “the land of the midnight sun” meaning the sun doesn’t really go down this time of year. I’m writing this at 12:30am and it still just dusk. They say the sky will stay orange all night until around 3:15am when the sun will come up again fully. Amazing!
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