  • Dag 123

    Last day in Rome

    22. juli 2022, Vatikanet ⋅ ☀️ 95 °F

    Miles: 4.01 Steps: 9272
    Flights stairs: 32

    Today was our last day in Rome. Moving on in the morning. The last thing we had yet to see was St Peter’s Square & Basilica. We’ve seen a few basilicas now and I’d agree that this one is the largest so far. It’s claim to fame is it’s the largest in the world.

    We were able to hike up to the top of the dome finally. We didn’t get tickets early enough in Florence, so we’re glad to see we could do it here. It was really high and walking the stairs was weird being right next to the curved walls. Was 551 steps to the top … crazy, but fun even in 103° heat!
    Les mer