  • Día 54

    Day 4 - Sucre

    26 de mayo de 2017, Bolivia ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Today we signed up for the walking tour to learn a bit more about Sucre.

    We first strolled up to the mirador lookout which we had visited previously. There we were given some history about Sucre and how it was truly the capital of Bolivia (our guide felt very passionate about this as some people believe La Paz is the true capital of Bolivia as that is where the government reside). We also learnt the many reasons why Sucre got its name, the most common being that a lot of the houses are painted white like the colour of sugar.

    We then walked along a street where the guide stopped and asked if we would like to visit the chocolate festival. Silly question really! We went in to find loads of stalls with various types of chocolate flavours (we tried coca and salt), some melted in a pot with a spoon, hot chocolate with liquor and some delicious popcorn covered in chocolate. We tried lots of different samples and made a quick exit before making ourselves too sick.

    Further down the road we visited the university. Our guide demonstrated that it was in fact the university found on the 100 bolíviano note. Like the students in Santiago, the Bolivian students have very strong beliefs and aren't shy of a strike or two. That pretty much rounded up the tour so we headed back to the hostel as Blake had gotten the South American flu (as I named it when I got sick) for some rest.

    Being two months in to travelling without a haircut or proper beard trim (I usually have it cut every two weeks at home and my beard trimmer broke in our first week) I thought it was about time I braved a barbers. I googled English speaking barbers in Sucre with little success however there was one really good review of a place just down the road so I though I'd give it a blast whilst Blake had a nap.

    I rocked up with my limited spanish 'hola señor, como esta?', I .pointed at the chair and then at myself and he nodded. I was in! I showed him a photo of me from Holly and Marks wedding whilst pointing to the back and sides of my head saying 'dos, dos' and then to the top saying 'un poco' which I think it means a little. He seemed to know what I was asking for, either that or he was going to make it up!

    He put the usual gown around me but this one had a huge plastic window in the front which seemed a bit weird. Was he worried I was going to do something with my hands perhaps? He then filled what looked like an old fashioned perfume bottle with alcohol and lit the front. He used this to blow torch all the implements he was about to use, weird thing number 2! He then attached a part he just torched to a very prehistoric looking pair of clippers. When he turned them on I thought he had just started a petrol lawn mower. Every time he got close to my ear I thought I was going to go deaf, if not by the noise then the loss of an ear. I was slightly scared for my life when the cut throat knife came out as half the time he was waving to friends as they walked past however when it was all over it wasn't actually a bad job. I payed the grand total of 90 bolívianos which is around £10 and was on my way.

    I got back to find Blake napping but was very excited to tell her my story and show her the fresh trim!

    In the evening we went back to Joyride as we enjoyed the food so much. Afterwards we headed back to our hostel for a folklore evening. For around an hour and half we watched from the balcony as dancers performed lots of different dances in some very interesting and colourful costumes.
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