  • Dag 27


    21 november 2006, Nya Zeeland ⋅ ☀️ 54 °F

    Well, we had to cancel our 4 day trek. I woke up very ill, with a puking, needle in the eye, wish-I-were-dead, migraine. Because the track is so regulated, you must leave on the date and time that you booked. Unfortunately, I could not recover that quickly and we had to make the very painful decision to cancel the whole trek. It was not a pleasant traveling moment, but one I hope I forget quickly. I was really wanting to hike this trail and had booked it in July. I suppose I should be grateful I didn't have a stroke, given that my head felt as though it would explode.

    By the end of the day, I was feeling a little more human, so we did get out and walk the first part of the Milford track. I at least got to go on one of the swing bridges I had hoped to cross on the tramp. Because we now have 4 days to blow in Te Anau (not a big town), we will do a day hike of Kepler track, and take a cruise on Milford Sound tomorrow and Doubtful Sound on Wednesday. It's not what I had planned but not a bad alternative! Oh well, I guess I'll just need to return again some other time to make the trek. Cheers!
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