Osaka and Tokyo 2019

ноября 2019
The far flung family of four
Are gallivanting once more.
They seek an Autumn leaves show
In Osaka and Tokyo.
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  • День 6

    Beauty and History

    19 ноября 2019 г., Япония ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    As a cooler day was expected and Himeji Castle is romanticised as the "White Heron Castle," we chose somewhat formal and warm clothing.

    We managed to try a new train line, this time heading west of Osaka. It was a clear day outside and there was a lingering breeze.

    It was a two-hour train ride to Himeji. We only had to change train once. Passing through Kobe, my sister and I fantasised about eating some Kobe beef there someday. It was a quiet trip, and we did not notice any other tourists taking this route (usually they will take the 30 minute JR service instead), and so we felt like we are part of the locals.

    Upon arriving at Sanyo-Himeji station, we crossed the street and in the distance there stood the White Egret Castle, another moniker for this landmark. We entered the Ekimae Flower Road (a shopping centre) and followed the signs towards the World Heritage Site.

    The mall had an open plan design and high ceilings with a central strip of skylighting. It was energy efficient architecture at its best. Plenty of shops and cafés with a very relaxed vibe. At Dotour, we enjoyed our afternoon tea of matcha and sandwiches and calzones.

    When we exited the open mall, we were greeted by gingko trees bursting with yellow leaves. The main street leading to the white castle was lined by these majestic trees. Also, we noticed the sun was at the perfect angle, striking the pristine, ivory coloured structure, making it a perfect subject for photography.

    When we entered the grounds, we further appreciated the castle's grandeur. We chose to pose for our family portrait next to a gingko tree in full autumnal mode. This was was also selected as a backdrop for a local high school's class picture and many more tourists did the same thing. However, there were not nearly as much tourists as there were in Fushimi-Inari or Ninenzaka.

    My sister and Dad continued on to tour the paid section of the castle grounds that would also allow them to inspect and tour the six floors of the Himeji Castle. Apparently, everything inside was made of wood, and fully preserved. They were asked to leave their shoes upon entering so as not to tarnish the flooring, Dad observed a miasma akin to damp rags engulfing their nostrils. My sister observed some young Japanese males appreciating the racks where weapons had been kept many many years ago.

    Meanwhile, Mom and I went on to visit Kokoen Gardens. Between history and beauty, we chose the latter to make full use of the waning sunlight. The array of colours were spectacular and, as expected, mom squealed with elation as we wandered the gardens. It was maintained in top condition.

    We took photos to our hearts' content during the golden hour, and not long after, there was a professional photo-shoot near the koi pond. Dad and Sis managed to arrive just in time for the last intake of visitors - there had been so much to see in and around the castle grounds. They were excited to tell us all about what they found and what had piqued their interests.

    It was well and truly twilight as we made our way back to the train station. We passed by Isomaru Suisan Himeji Miyukidori, and Mom saw the grilled fish by their doorway, and the decision was made. Dad had some tuna sashimi with rice, my sister had some fried mackerel, and I had some pasta with cream sauce and roe eggs. For beverages, my sister had the Mikabi Mikan sour and I had some Pineapple sour to complement our meals.

    Because Sanyo-Himeji was the terminal station, we were able to comfortably select our seats for our trip back to Osaka. Two hours and forty minutes went by quickly. Unfortunately the train did not stop at Sakuragawa, so we had to take a different train back to our station. It had been such a very nice day that this did not faze us.
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  • День 7

    At the Speed of a Shinkansen

    20 ноября 2019 г., Япония ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

    The following day, we reserved our bullet train tickets on the Google app called Smart EX.

    After we had our breakfast, we finalised our packing and cleaned up the unit. We later received a message of thanks from the AirBnB host. Apparently we left the apartment in a pristine state.

    It was a cloudy day outside, with some intermittent bouts of sunshine forecasted.

    We obtained some obligatory photos with our accommodation prior to leaving.

    At Shin-Osaka station, my sister redeemed our tickets from the machines with the Smart EX logo. It was a smooth process. We then had a quick lunch at Starbucks. Plenty of salarymen and women having their lunch breaks. People engaging in conversations, doing their studies or doing some reading. I sat by the window watched the people passing by. Some were rushed, others were relaxed, others were waiting for their travel companions.

    We had a groupfie by the entrance gates and held up the pedestrian traffic. Plenty of people but they were all very patient and understanding.

    We observed how the inside of the station looked like an airport terminal. But like everything else in Japan, despite the amount of people, it was orderly.

    The anticipation was mounting. We had all seen the Shinkansen a few times before (in media), but there is something truly exciting knowing we will be able to ride it soon.

    The train traveled at the maximum speed of 185 mph. It was like an in-flight service, with an attendant offering hot and cold drinks. It was very interesting to note that whenever staff changes in-between carriages, they turn to face the guests and do a slight bow. Respect.

    Mount Fuji was passed by. Unfortunately there was a thick cloud blanketing the area and we could not see anything, so we did not feel as bad that we were seated on the wrong side of the train.

    It was windy and cloudy when we arrived in Tokyo. The sun was setting and the temperature was dropping. Fortunately our host picked us up from the train station. Taka must have waited for a while as we struggled to locate where we must meet him.

    We were warmly welcomed despite the windy weather. There were two taxis reserved to accommodate our luggage. Mom and I were surprised when the taxi driver replied to her in Filipino. She asked if there was snow coming to Tokyo, to which he replied, "hindi pa, " (not yet). He revealed that his wife was a Filipina.

    Our host oriented us to the amenities and garbage disposal and check out procedures, while offering us some snacks. He also explained about the transportation, food and shops nearby.

    We rested and put our legs up while deciding what to have for dinner. In the brochure of one of the local malls, I came across a photo of Hinai Chicken Oyakodon with a little snippet of what it is. We all wanted to try it.

    Akihabara was much more relaxed than when my sister and I visited it for the first time three years ago. Akihabara UDX, a shopping centre, was already lined with Illuminations ready for the Christmas season.

    Hinai Chicken Oyakodon was a real treat. The chicken was moist and tender and had a deep, smoky finish. This was complemented with egg and soy with delicate seasoning laid on top of perfectly steamed rice. It was simple and yet very memorable. They say that Hinai chicken is slow raised, resulting in its signature tender yet chewy texture. It was so highly prized that they used to offer them to shogun warlords.

    We dropped by the nearby grocery store to purchase some breakfast items. I saw a Hershey's chocolate cereals while looking for Dad's oatmeal. My sister bought a Haagen Dazs ice cream sandwich. Mom and Sis also bought some daifuqu (a fish shaped pastry filled with sweet bean filling) just around the corner from our accommodation.

    Before we turned in for the night, we took our family silhouette portrait with the Tokyo Skytree in the distance. And like the instructions on our window, we admired it quietly as it gleamed.
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  • День 8

    Zen Breathing

    21 ноября 2019 г., Япония ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

    This morning, Tokyo Skytree was backdropped with an endless cerulean blue.

    Perhaps due to the travel yesterday, we were all feeling tired. So we rested up after breakfast. We just took it easy, letting the sun warm us up as its rays climbed through the windows. Our Zen Breathing workshop was not until after lunch time.

    We passed by Meikei Dori on the way to the train station. It was a small street that featured Europeanesque architecture.

    When we arrived at Yoyogi Station, we revived at a juice booth. Mom had been enjoying the persimmons abundant in the grocery shops and so she was curious to try it in shake form. It did not disappoint with a pleasant, mild piquancy. Next to the shop there was a food stall selling sweet and savoury pastries. Mom and Dad bought some.

    After a few minutes walk, we finally arrived at our AirBnB experience host's studio. Yuki gave us a warm welcome, full of smile. Instantly we were all at ease. She started the session with casual introductions. She shared her health status and her health history. She then asked each of us of our expectations from the experience and if we had any health related woes.

    Zen Breathing is diaphragmatic breathing - the way in which all humans first breathe. Unfortunately the society and modern science promulgates the opposite. To unlearn chest breathing and relearn diaphragmatic breathing is definitely easier said than done. As Yuki worked on our deficits with proper posture and belly breathing, we began to feel a slight difference. Although I felt a slight discomfort. Maybe it is awareness of dormant muscles now being used.

    By the end of the workshop, it felt like we just finished a relaxed catch up with a tomodachi (friend). Yuki then prepared matcha accompanied by Japanese sweets. She allowed us to whisk our own tea with the traditional bamboo chasen. Then she instructed us to have one sweet treat each prior to sipping the slightly frothed green tea. This way, its bitterness was made more palatable.

    Later she took out an origami-like globe and asked us to affix a pin to represent the cities where we live. Seeing pins in three different locations, she clapped with delight. Usually her guests come from only one location. And to add to her excitement, my sister was the very first Canadian to attend her workshop.

    Yuki gave us warm hugs when it was time for goodbye.

    We then tried to locate Yoyogi Park to capture some Autumn foliage, however it got too dark and the walk was unexpectedly long, so we ended up taking the train back to our side of the city.

    From the train station we tried to explore Matsuzakaya Mall to look for a place for dinner. They only had expensive, fine dining restaurants which did not appeal to us. We headed back down to the street level and walked towards KFC near another train station.

    We all ordered the same dish - breaded teriyaki chicken with crispy noodles and steamed white rice sprinkled with Nori on top. Despite the Japanese flavours, the chicken still had the distinct KFC goodness. We all thoroughly enjoyed its uniqueness.

    My sister then quickly made her way back to the mall as she found out online that Morozoff had a stall there (it was the purveyor of sweet treats to be given to loved ones during Valentine's day). She wanted to try their cheesecake.

    She only managed to buy a chocolate and a custard pudding as the cheesecakes were sold out as early as 2pm. But still, there was a hint of joy in our stride as we sauntered back to our unit.

    Along the way, we passed by this café called Dean and Deluca and they offered some Hoji and Marron latte that I could not resist. It was a beautiful, warming drink on this cool night, the chestnut flavour as well as the light green tea were married well.

    Arriving in our home in Tokyo, we were satiated and relaxed and hoped that Yuki's belly breathing will ensure we don't gain extra pounds as she promised while we enjoyed some pudding. They were both extremely delightful, not too rich or sweet, but just right. Meanwhile, the Skytree shone in the distance with the clouds already starting to amass.
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  • День 9

    My Sister's Birthday

    22 ноября 2019 г., Япония ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

    My sister woke up to warm hugs and kisses from us. It is always wonderful to be able to celebrate a special occasion with all of us together. Outside, it was a rainy day as expected. The clouds hung low, and there was a fine mist of shower. We bade Skytree good morning. It was there, albeit a shadow overlooking Tokyo due to the compromised visibility.

    Over breakfast, my sister mentioned that she wanted to visit a church that was established in 1874 on the very same date that she was born. It was called the Old Cathedral of St Joseph, otherwise known as Tsukiji Church to the locals. Apparently it is the oldest Catholic church in Tokyo and considered to be a cultural asset. We looked it up online for directions, and the snapshot of the church piqued our interest - its facade featured Corinthian columns.

    Our accommodation hosts provided clear plastic umbrellas that were ubiquitous in Japan. Equipped with them, we braved the rain and the winds and traveled on two train lines, before facing more wind and rain. Alas, to our disappointment, the church was under construction and tarpaulins and renovation signs obscured any good view of the facade. We ended up visiting the parish hall next to it. We had a quiet time to say our prayers of thanks for my sister's birthday and for this opportunity to spend time with each other.

    Then we pressed on against the rain and the cold once more. After we passed through St Luke's hospital, we saw a Tully's Cafe. It was only 11am but we thought of how the crowds usually gather at almost every Tokyo eatery by midday, and so we decided to stop there for an early lunch.

    It is our custom for a birthday celebrant to have noodles or pasta for long life. And so we all selected pasta dishes to join in wishing my sister longevity and prosperity. It was a Café attached to the research centre of St Luke's, and so there were plenty of books in the reading lounge. We thought we saw some academics among the crowd. Watching the rain through high glass ceilings created the perfect ambience.

    While eating we tried to think of a good way to spend the day indoors. We decided that a trip to TeamLab Borderless would be perfect. It was an extensive collection of 3d light art installations located close to where we were. It is one of the top attractions in Tokyo.

    The Yurikamome train line services the area where we needed to get to. It is mostly above ground, and so we got to see more of the rain and wind enveloping the artificial island called Odaiba as we approached our destination. About half an hour later, we arrived in VenusFort.

    It looked exactly as it had been three years ago. Across this shopping mall stood the Giant Sky Wheel in Palette Town. Beside that was the TeamLab Borderless.
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  • День 9

    Inside teamLab Borderless

    22 ноября 2019 г., Япония ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

    Friday early afternoon and there was a long queue. One line for purchasing tickets and then another for admission.The purchasing was very efficient, it was all done through a touch screen panel operable in a multitude of languages. Before admittance, you have the option of leaving your items in the locker room. We left our umbrellas there and we thought we locked it the wrong way, but we will seek help upon exiting.

    The holding room was orderly despite being packed. On a couple of TV screens they played a video of what to expect inside and the do's and dont's. It advised that it will be dark, but a fun, sensorial experience.

    When the time came, we were ushered into a dark corridor and then we were faced with three options. We turned right towards Butterfly Garden. And then a butterfly made entirely of light passed us by. Soon there were three of them, and then more, and then they led us to this field of flowers produced by dozens and dozens of projectors in the ceiling. There was ethereal music playing in the background (possibly a glockenspiel) that enhanced the sense of wonder.

    The visitors busily enjoyed posing for selfies/groupfies. Every room offered a different vista: there was one with waterfalls, whales, geckos, kids on a slide with light trails, and even a room giving visitors a chance to manipulate projected flowing water by touching it. There were also some giant lamps, a room of mirrors and poles with crystals and a room with a laser light show, thick mist and house music.

    For the room filled with lanterns, there was almost a half an hour queue. Good thing it was close to a resting area. We were able to let Mom and Dad rest while we lined up. It was interesting how efficiently the TeamLab crew handled the crowd. After all that waiting, we only had four minutes inside the art installation but it was a good photographic experience.
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  • День 9

    Dinner in Venusfort

    22 ноября 2019 г., Япония ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

    We were ready to look for a place to have early dinner. We made our way back to the Megaweb Toyota City Showcase. There we were amazed with the future of vehicles. A passionate lady showcased what they have planned. Toyota has developed the technology to use hydrogen as a power source. Once ready, there will be a drastic cut to carbon emissions. However this technology will not be rolled out until around 2027.

    Back in VenusFort, we once more enjoyed the Venetian style interior. Up in the food court, we could still remember where we had sat to eat three years ago. When our food arrived, we also remembered just how lacklustre it had been three years ago. Moving on for dessert, I had some soy soft serve ice cream (I had the red bean, Dad had black sesame seed) whilst my sister went to another shop for bubble tea. As we ate, we enjoyed the spectacle of tourists posing for pics in front of a nearby fountain, light and music show that played on loop.

    There was less rain and wind on our way back to our accommodation and we were grateful for it. We were hoping to buy the cheesecake from a shop just a stone's throw away from our accommodation but unfortunately it was closed.

    We said our usual "tadaima," when we got home and changed to our slippers prior to entering the house. We watched a news program dubbed in English and saw the reports on preparations for The Pope's visit to Hiroshima and Nagasaki and then to Tokyo. Also they reported that tomorrow would be Labor Thanksgiving Public Holiday. Apparently kids will be giving gratitude cards to firemen, policemen and the likes. The program also highlighted the ongoing ceremonies that Japan's new Emperor has completed and those that were still to come.
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  • День 10

    Into the Unknown

    23 ноября 2019 г., Япония ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

    Another rainy day as per forecast. Tokyo Skytree remained covered by a light veil of white. Over breakfast we planned what time we were going to catch Frozen 2, otherwise known in Japan as "Anna and the Snow Queen 2." There was a local cinema nearby in Parco Ya Shopping Mall.

    From last night's news we knew that today was Labor Thanksgiving Day. I secretly wished we could run into some kids giving gratitude cards to a policeman so I could capture it on camera, but unfortunately it was just a rainy day.

    My sister and I checked to see if Tante Marie Patisserie was open for her belated birthday cake but alas, its opening hours have been affected by the public holiday. We left our host's clear umbrella by the door to let it drip while we quickly went upstairs to fetch Mom and Dad. When we got back down, the umbrella was gone. Granted we have been too complacent, but we never thought such thievery exists here. Later on our host said not to worry about the umbrella and he did not make us pay for it.

    Unfortunately the cinema had no online booking facility. So the 3pm session was already fully booked when we got there just after lunch time. We selected the 6:30pm session instead.

    We decided to just relax in this mall and not get wet anymore. My sister thought of a great way to ensure that she can get her hands on some Morozoff cheesecake before it sells out--to buy some now! And so off she went, and since the store was just downstairs she returned with the sweet bounty in a jiffy.

    There were some restaurants just a floor below. After conducting a visual survey, my sister and I decided to replicate our "cook your own beef patty" experience three years ago. We settled in Hokkaido Kuro Maru, while Mom and Dad had lunch in Toriryouri Teppanyaki Kashiwa. Our restaurant must be good as people queued up for it. Soon, my sister and I thoroughly enjoyed our flavourful beef patty with a side of chicken in cream sauce and with rice and salad.

    After being filled, we checked the department store downstairs to pass the time. Dad and I saw fashionable and functional warm jackets that cost a fortune and we just smiled at the price tags. Mom had excitedly found a bag that she can use for her upcoming high school reunion. It had the perfect colour to match their motif. It was lightweight too despite looking quite sturdy. My sister found a very warm infinity shawl that will definitely prove its worth on her return to the Great White North.

    Uniqlo Ueno was close by, but we still had to use the umbrellas to get there. The store was packed. Here we found more warmers.

    We took a shortcut across a seafood shop to avoid going through the rain and were surprised by the variety of their offerings, from fish to mollusks.

    We came back in plenty of time for the movie. We were still full from our big late lunch so we skipped the snacks bar.

    The cinema was impressive and super comfortable. The screen size was almost like an IMAX theatre. Also, the spaces between the rows of seats were strategically planned - even if you slouched, you would not see the heads of the people in front of you. And we even noticed umbrella holders behind the seats.

    It was delightful to see the character growth in Elsa and Anna and the rest of the gang. The songs were memorable too.

    After the film, we opted to pass by 7-Eleven to get dinner. My sister got herself Neapolitan pasta, whereas I had Yakisoba, Dad had some pork with soup and noodles and Mom had a rice and fish dish. Finally, we completed our meal with some cheesecake that survived all the traveling.

    Outside, the Skytree continued to beam transcendent light, each flash momentary, but beautiful. Like our trip, almost coming to an end.
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  • День 11

    Franciscan Chapel and Ichiran

    24 ноября 2019 г., Япония ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Today marks my Mom and Dad's last full day with us. The thought hung heavy over us as we looked at Tokyo Skytree. We realised it was not raining anymore. Even though the sun was hiding behind the clouds, we were determined to make the most of the overcast day.

    Over breakfast we planned our church visit to the Franciscan Chapel Center, Japan’s only English-language Roman Catholic parish. I had proposed that we have some Ichiran Ramen right after mass and then visit Koishikawa Korakuen Gardens. It did not take a lot of convincing.

    Despite being cloudy, the forecast said no rain. My sister and I decided not to bring umbrella as we trusted the Japanese meteorologists implicitly. One evening while we were in Osaka, the Weather Bureau had predicted rain, even adding a countdown that read "slight showers in __ minutes." And their timing was spot on. Just another reason to be amazed with Japan.

    The Mass was already starting when we arrived at the Franciscan Chapel Center. It was filled with Filipinos. The priest was of advanced age, and endearing. He was sharing his life experiences with good humour. We marveled at the stained glass windows as well as the wooden floor boards.

    When the mass ended we saw two Pinays looking for something on the ground. Apparently one of them lost a pearl earring that was gifted by their boss and they were worried that the boss would be upset. They further revealed that this had already happened once but luckily the earring was found that time. Unfortunately their luck ran out this time.

    Out on the church grounds there was a group of Pinoys discussing where they will have lunch. Good thing they did not mention Ichiran, otherwise the restaurant would have been too packed.

    At Ichiran we shared the lift with one of the staff members. She directed us to the machine where we are to order prior to entering the restaurant. There was no one there and so we were able to comfortably select our choices.

    The menu was foreigner friendly, it had pictures and English counterparts to the Japanese text. We ordered the classic Tonkotsu ramen and then some special house made vinegar sauce. Afterwards you have to slot in the cash and coin payments and out comes ticket stubs to be redeemed inside.

    Once settled, the attending staff member received our ticket stubs and then gave us a form to fully customise our ramen experience--from the noodle texture, to the richness of the broth and how spicy you would like it to be.

    While waiting we then took notice of the set up of the restaurant. We were in our own cubicles, and though seated next to each other there is a wooden divider on our sides. There was a signage there that encourages people to focus and enjoy the food and to remember that another serving of noodles is free.

    When the food arrived, the attendant drew down the bamboo blinds, facilitating intimacy with your bowl of Tonkotsu Ramen. We took a groupfie and then we delved into our food, enjoying the broth and the noodles and the perfect, thin slices of pork. My sister and I also thoroughly enjoyed the house-made vinegar sauce. We both thought it went well with the pork flavour of the ramen.

    When we exited, we noted the long queue outside the establishment. We noticed the same thing happening at the Takoyaki place in Osaka, as well as in the cáfe just the other day. We joked that perhaps we were a money cat phenomenon--attracting customers and money for others but not for ourselves.

    The sun continued to hide behind thick clouds. We sought assistance from a very friendly local guide for directions to Koishikawa Korakuen Gardens. On the way there, we passed a pedestrian overpass that required a groupfie due to its unique structure. It was like four separate overpasses that had been interconnected.
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  • День 11

    Koishikawa Korakuen Gardens

    24 ноября 2019 г., Япония ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    The gardens were next to a baseball field. We saw high school kids practising and we could hear plenty of enthusiastic cheers. We also saw tourist buses parked along the street and we hoped that the gardens wouldn't be as full as Ninenzaka Path in Kyoto.

    When it was time to purchase entry tickets, Mom and Dad availed senior discount rates. Already we could see some tourists by the entrance. When we walked inside and got to the clearing, we breathed a sigh of relief as it was spacious and the amount of people were nowhere near what we experienced in Kyoto.

    There were a plenty of trees exhibiting autumn hues. There was a huge, man-made lake in the middle with big fish bobbing their heads up. They also had a 'Japanese traditional' Café that overlooked a smaller pond but this was full of guests at the time of our visit. There were families, groups of tourists, enjoying the scenery and spending time with each other. There were lovers too in some less trodden areas.

    After our groupfies, Mom and Dad made their way to an area where they can take more photos by the lake, whereas my sister and I made our way to the stream with pebbles and boulders, closer to the red bridge. We tried to capture the mood and looked pensive as we took turns taking photos of ourselves amidst this overcast setting. At the top of the hill there was a couple politely chatting to each other and from there we saw Mom and Dad enjoying their scenery by the lake.

    It was dark when we finally left the gardens. The baseball practice across the road was still ongoing. We wondered what time they would finish as it was a school day again tomorrow.

    We took the train back to Akihabara. We noticed that this train line (Toei) goes deeper underground than the other train lines. You need to go down about 4 sets of lengthy escalators. Amazingly, there were bright LED lights on the subway platform that made it seem like there was daylight, helping anyone with claustrophobia or any related anxieties. Also there were birdsounds in their subway. Looking more into this, they say that they are for visually impaired people.--it lets them know where the stairs or escalators for the exits are. Wow!
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  • День 11

    Akihabara UDX and Don Quijote

    24 ноября 2019 г., Япония ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    On the way to Akihabara UDX, my sister purchased a huge bottle of Yakult -- a probiotic drink that has become ubiquitous back home and became one of our childhood drinks. When we arrived at our destination, we went to the food court, where once more we were faced with the electronic ordering counters. Our training earlier with Ichiran Ramen was still fresh in our minds. Unfortunately the meals were merely food to fill the tummy and relieve hunger, nothing exciting to write home about.

    We then made our way to the nearby Don Quijote. It's a multi story discount shop where one can find just about anything. My Mom and sister purchased some luggage bags, I got mom a perfume, my sister and I got some vintage ume wine. Naturally our shopping cart were full of Kitkat chocolates with unique Japanese flavours that are different from the last time we visited Tokyo. We also found some cheesecake flavoured baked biscuits.

    When we got back to our accommodation, we immediately tried some of the baked cheesecake biscuit and we were delighted at how moreish it was! Mom begged for a whole box that she can pack away and for my sister and I to just return to Don Quijote tomorrow to get another one. We all laughed and of course yielded to this request.

    After Mom and Dad finished their packing, we opened a bottle of vintage ume wine. We toasted our trip, acknowledging our blessing that we got to enjoy each other's company. We remembered our dear Lola who recently passed, but we knew how much she enjoyed hearing about our stories of previous trips. We hoped for another opportunity to travel again altogether someday soon.

    Quietly, the Tokyo Skytree bore witness to the Family of Four's final night together, flashing its myriad of colours.
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