  • Tag 7


    23. August 2018 in Montenegro ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    In Kotor, amazing cruise in !

    I got at 5:30am to watch us come into Montenegro! The scenery was amazing and watching how the ship is navigated through the Fjord, we travelled in a horseshoe. Whilst taking in the scenery we were joined by a dolphin. I did see it splash out the water but it soon disappeared in the ocean. Coming into the port, which is quite small it looked like our ship wouldn’t fit on the jetty but we did (just!)
    We also had a posh breakfast for 2 in 47 with Waiter service. Absolute bliss and thoroughly enjoyed. The girls decided that they were going to wander into town on their for an ice-cream. Yes we said and then at the same time went by my mother’s radar kicked in! This involved us getting ready at record speed and managing to get off the ship before them. Hiding behind a bush our surveillance began. Watching on the crossed the road on the pedestrian crossing (tick - we taught them well), they then stopped to get free map (tick - very sensible Nyah) but we were getting to close and at risk of being spotted. We turned to look at our surroundings and blend in. We turned around and they had vanished (no tick for us) We walked into town checked out the souvenir shops and more likely ice-cream shops, no sign of them. We took a deep breathe and realised that we were rubbish at stalking our own daughters. They had out smarted us so we needed to trust them and enjoy our mooch around the town.

    Lillian had Spaghetti