Departing to Indonesia
January 11, 2020 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 5 °CWe are so excited for what is to come
We are so excited for what is to come
We are ready! Ready to go and fully motivated to work together for a cleaner and healthier environment! The next 3 months we will be in Manado, Indonesia, to help finding solutions against wasteRead more
🇩🇪Wir sind gut in unserem neuen Zuhause für die nächsten 3 Monate angekommen.
Vielen Dank an @celebes.divers.sulawesi für die grossartige Unterstützung, die Unterkunft und dafür, ein TeilRead more
🇩🇪Unsere ersten Eindrücke der Situation. Das Ausmass der Verschmutzung ist beeindruckend. Bisher haben wir vorwiegend Einweg-Plastik gefunden und schon ein paar Eimer vollRead more
🇩🇪 Wir hatten ein sehr produktives Treffen mit Prof. Lasut von der Universität Manado (UNSRAT), Experte für Meeresverschmutzung und Mitbegründer der No-Trash Triangle Initiative. Er konnteRead more
Waste Bank Manado = CELLS
We are very happy! We had 3 days meetings with the motivated people behind the Waste Bank in Manado, CELLS. They showed us how they work and their dreams of keeping theRead more
Excited to meet the young and motivated members of @seasoldier_sulut. They teach young children about the incredible local ecosystems (coral reefs, mangroves and seagrass) and are raising awarenessRead more
How can tourism contribute to a sustainable development? We know that tourism has a huge impact on the environment. But not only negative! Here at @celebes.divers.sulawesi, we see how tourism can doRead more
Today, we accompanied University students from Manado to take samples on a heavily polluted beach near Manado. This science-based monitoring of marine litter was conducted according to the #UNEPRead more