  • Dag 25

    ECUADOR - Quito

    24 april 2017, Ecuador ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Long time no speak!! It has been mentioned and I can only apologise for Susie's complete disregard for the stalking possibilities provided, needless to say it is Doug again, Hii!!
    So we are now in Ecuador, first thing we are told here is that the people are not as friendly, for example don't get into the front seat of a taxi because the driver can point a gun at you and drive at the same time...good to know! The main reason for coming here is to visit the Galápagos Islands which will be the next instalment of this thrilling be continued!
    However, while in Quito we thought we should do something. There was a 'free' walking tour offered by our hostel, given the old centre of the city is a UNESCO world heritage site I persuaded Susie that we should go. After about the 8th church we looked at I think she felt completely justified in saying "told you so" because I have to admit..the tour was boring and the guide was shite, she couldn't keep the interest of a bitch on heat! Not only that but she asked us for 5 dollars after the tour (cheeky sod).
    We also went to the "centre of the world" which is the equator, this was more fun than we thought with numerous experiments to prove we were actually at the equator! Saying that most people probably would have found this extremely boring, but what can I say we are boring people! There was a lovely indigenous tribe that let us join in their naked dancing, see the picture below, after the picture was taken it became more raucous but I won't go into details!
    However back to the main event! The Galápagos, we spent the rest of the time (or tried to)..going around tour operators to find out what cruises were going out and if we could get a cheap deal....we got to one tour operator! The lady here, extremely helpful, suggested we changed our flight to leave the Galápagos on the afternoon so we could finish a cruise the day we fly out..sounds a great idea! She even offered to phone avianca and change the flights for us! Obviously too good to be true the lady found out that there was a problem with our flights we had to go the the Quito avianca office to sort them out!
    Turns out the guy I spoke to about a week before in the avianca call centre had changed our flight dates and then cancelled the new flight tickets not the old one but kept the new flight reservation not the old one, confused??? We were! But surely we are in the best place to sort out this problem that was not at all our fault?..No!
    Approximately 4-5 hours later after we had got angry and shouted, I had lost a lot more hair, we got more angry and shouted at a supervisor, Susie got grumpy because there was no food, We got angry and shouted at a manager, Susie felt better after she ordered a pizza, my dads genes came out and my red face was about to spontaneously start bleeding it was so red, you get the idea, anyway...we eventually got our flights...good thing too, the plane was was leaving in 14 hours.
    Anyway we are here at the Galápagos, going on a cruise tomorrow, you shall hear from us after!
    P.S. don't worry next time I will let susie take over so you don't have to listen to my boring waffle....she didn't want to do it today because she is sulking because "it's too hot and I'm hungry".
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