2023 Travelling trip

January - May 2023
After years of conversations, saving and planning, we set off on our adventure on NYE 2022 and landed in Bangkok ready for 5 and a half months of adventure. Read more
  • 146footprints
  • 10countries
  • 144days
  • 668photos
  • 78videos
  • 46.7kkilometers
  • 34.7kkilometers
  • 113kilometers
  • 5kilometers
  • Day 41

    Phnom Penh - S-21

    February 10, 2023 in Cambodia ⋅ 🌙 30 °C

    We went to S-21 which has now been turned into a museum. This was somewhat even more upsetting than the killing fields. We paid for the guide, who was a local woman who was 8 at the time of this genecide. She escaped to Vietnam with her mother and 1 sister but her father and brother and sister were murdered. She told us how she wanted to lesnr English so she could be a tour guide to tell people about what happened but she used to cry every day but now she is okay. The prison was once a secondary school, where the classrooms had been turned into prison cells. We first saw the rooms where it was 1 persons cell. These were people who once worked for the regime but Pol Pot was a paranoid man who didn't trust anyone and they would end up dead. He killed for anything, he wanted anyone clever dead and anyone who didn't agree with him but he would make up reasons why they should be dead. We saw the shackles where they would be tied to the metal hospital beds. The once volleyball beams were turned into a torture system where they would tie their hands behind their backs and hang them up and put them in the water jars. We saw prisons cells which had 11 cells in a room. These were build up with cement and brick. Nobody was allowed to talk. There were 20000 prisoners and only 7 survived + 4 children. One of the survivors was an artist, who drew many of the pictures on display to show us his experience such as the water hose into the room as their 'shower' every week. The finals prisons were 16 in a room and separated with wood. They would sleep with their feet in shackles sometimes 20 people in a row. They were tortured beyond belief. There were pictures of the victims everywhere and there were so so many faces, with many young faces in and amongst along with the babies and their mothers. We saw photographs of how some victims were found. There was still blood on the floor from the tortures and the deaths and the rapes. The museum was really informative and provided many documents including from the trials. The sickening this is, none of this was known about universally for another 20 years. By the time there was a trial, Pol Pot was dead at the age of 73 and there were 5 more senior leaders. The man named Duch was one of the main leaders who ran the prison.

    Later on, we went for our final meal with Aron and Rachel to a delicious vegan Indian restaurant and had a 'dopa' daal and paratha. We then went to a rooftop bar and enjoyed cocktails before finally parting ways!
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  • Day 42

    Ho Chi Minh round 2

    February 11, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

    Today we got our first sleeper bus back from. Cambodia to vietnam. It took around 7 hours and was comfortable enough but the horn annoyed us! Our hotel is nice but it's our first windowless room! We had an average meal and then headed to the area with lots of bars, which was cray cray! Loud music, people dragging you into their bars and rats under your feet. I realised today that vietnamese women can NOT dance. We enjoyed sitting and watching the madness along with a woman who kept having balloon after balloon. You had to keep hold of your bag here! There were children breathing fire and begging which was hard to see!Read more

  • Day 43

    Cu Chi Tunnels

    February 12, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

    Today we went on a trip to the Cu Chi tunnels. Our guide Mr Hue first took us to an area that was poisoned during the war and therefore have many handicapped people who now create lots of beautiful crafts. It took about 2 hours to get to the tunnels and we were shown a map which had a key to show the American areas and the Vietnamese. There was a small demonstration to show the different levels of tunnels and the different rooms they had. They dug all these tunnels by hand, and would dig them out together so they would stop and join them up when they got to certain points. We saw a variety of traps that they would make including a tiger trap and an armpit one and a door trap with lots of spikes on. The vietnamese wore sandals which they made. We then had a go at shooting an AK47 which was super expensive (600,000vnd!) for 10 bullets but an experience! It was SOOO loud! We then experienced walking through the tunnels and at one point I was on my hands and knees! My aim was to at least do 20m and managed the whole tunnel, but couldn't stop for pictures and videos like Tom 😂 Tom then went into another small tunnel and experienced how they would get into their tunnels.Read more

  • Day 43

    Best Bahn Mi

    February 12, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

    Our final night in Ho Chi Minh! We found the best bahn mi not far from our hotel. It had 2 shops which was slightly confusing and no menu, just a price list for how many you get so they're all the same but it was the fullest one we'd have with meats and pate and coriander, cucumber and spring onions. Very very tasty!! We then had a short walk to visit a Buddhist statue of the burning buddha who set himself on fire in protest of the people against the religion of Buddhism.Read more

  • Day 44

    Crazy House

    February 13, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    When we arrived in Da Lat we checked into our first shared hostel! We then walked to Crazy House and had a look around. It was good architecture and clever but it was basically walking up and down lots of stairs. The town itself felt odd, we spend AGES finding somewhere to eat and didn't really know what to make of it but we found some food and got back to the hostel where it was loud and they had karaoke on. We had a few drinks before the young guns got the free shuttle into town.Read more

  • Day 45


    February 14, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

    Omg, best day ever! After a dreadful sleep in our first night in the hostel (snoring beasts) we were up early for our adventure day. This was so good, I was very nervous being scared of heights and being under water but it was such a good day and felt safe MOST of the time. Unfortunately our group was bigger than we'd have liked meaning there was lots of waiting around time and a loud, burnt Irish guy. There were 6 activities, the first being an abseil after the practise with a jump at the end. We did this together and I was feeling the nerves on this one and did NOT enjoy the water going up my nose. Next was the zip line, this was good but felt like whiplash when I hit the water. Next was the water slide, first it was forwards and I got so much water in my nose, then we went backwards. The guide told us to relax which I found pretty difficult. The next 2 were my ultimate faves. A 25m Waterfall abseil with a jump backwards from 3 metres up. I was gripping with all my might due to the sheer slippiness but felt a good feeling of accomplishment after! Next up was the scariest for me, the free jump.. Something I've never done but I think being warmed up from the others I just went for it and ended up jumping twice. When I landed in the water it threw me backwards and I had sand everywhere, including inside my gloves! Lastly, the washing machine. This was the scariest for sure as I had no idea what was coming up. You abseiled down for abit but it was more like big steps. Then, you just hung and slid down the rope, but the powerful Waterfall pushes you but I was just in it and felt I had to get out ASAP or I'd drown 😂 At the bottom it pushed you under and he told us not to try to swim which went out my mind as I just wanted to be able to breathe. I felt buzzing after the day and really proud!Read more

  • Day 46

    Mui Ne day 1

    February 15, 2023 in Vietnam

    We took a sleeper bus from Da Lat to Mui Ne which took about 4 and a half hours. It was nice to get to a private room again, although the bathroom was abit shoddy our room was nice and the pool here is good too. We walked to a beach bar which has colourful poofs and it was so nice to just sit in the sun and do nothing! We decided to walk back along the front which was an error as it we had to walk through the Fisher areas which smelt and were quite filthy. I had a headache so when we got back I fell asleep. By the time we went out, many places looked closed. We walked for a while but ended up getting a taxi to a burger place where we got food and drinks. Sadly, I started to feel ill after this.Read more

  • Day 47

    Mui Ne ill day

    February 16, 2023 in Vietnam

    Not much to update on today! I spent the night having sickness and diorrhea 🤮😭 Tom sunbathed by the pool and I joined him for a short stint before heading out to a cafe. Night in with the worlds longest download trying to watch Happy Valley!Read more

  • Day 48

    Mui Ne Tour

    February 17, 2023 in Vietnam

    We decided against the sunrise tour as we were both pretty unwell, but we booked a jeep though our hotel which cost us 500 dong (£17.50) to take us to 4 locations. The first stop was the fairy stream, here we had an hours walk walking through a warm stream which at one point was covered by natural formed sandstone around you but the beauty was soon ruined with some terrible vietnamese karaoke. The walk became pretty rocky at one point but we got to the end to see a disappointing Waterfall. Next was the fishing village which didn't show us much other than the floating boats. Then we're the white sand dunes and the highlight of the trip, although we were thrown into paying for the quad bike which cost us 600vnd for 2 mins of riding!!! It took us to the first spot where people were sandboarding down the dune which looked so fun, but after paying for the the ATV I thought we'd wait to the red sad dunes (big regret!). The next part of the quad was so fun going down the big dunes which took us to the lotus Lake but it wasn't in season so it was just a lake. Here it was pretty peaceful surrounded by huge whitedunes and the blue lake. We then went to the red sand dunes which were not as g00d at all. Noone wad sandboarding here so we didn't bother and I was gutted we'd missed out at the white sand dunes 🙈 we were planning to be here for sunset but it didn't feel that special so we left. Ooops, almost forgot, he also took us to a dragonfruit farm which was cool to see the dragonfruit trees. They reminded me of aloe Vera leaves and were heavy and spiky!Read more

  • Day 49

    Mui Ne > HCM > Don Mueang

    February 18, 2023 in Thailand

    Today we finally left Vietnam for good! We left our hotel in Mui Ne where the lovely lady called the bus to pick us up from our hotel. We got on our shorter than normal sleeper bus and set off on out 5 hour journey back to Ho Chi Minh City for the 3rd time! When we arrived we found a place to get some food and then I'd googled a waxing place which was my highlight of the day! This was a Completely different experience to my underarm wax... Painless, rapid and professional! My legs and brows are looking fresh! If only I had another half an hour to get everything boxed off. We got our cheap grab (120vnd!) and headed to the airport which was super busy and crowded however inside was fine! Tom got ripped off with a 120vnd bottle of tiger and we were late boarding (classic vietnam). This flight was an expensive one and we didn't even get seats together. Not sure how Tom's seat is going but crikey.. I'm next to a guy who fell asleep instantly with snores to rival my mum, the kind where he sounds like he's choking yet still he's not waking. He's also doing neck rolls which make me thing they're going to wake him up but they just keep going. Oh, and the guy in front has just leant his chair back on this already no leg room plane and I can't fathom for the life of me how to lean mine back! Good job it's a short flight ✈️Read more