
июля - августа 2019
Off for and RV trip to Alaska for 6-7 weeks. Traveling with friend Alice who owns the RV. Читать далее
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  • День 11

    Alaska Day 11 Yakatat, AK

    17 июля 2019 г. ⋅ ⛅ 57 °F

    A very early start to the day. Ferry was supposed to dock at 5 AM however we had some rough seas last night and were about an hour behind schedule. Yakatat is a tiny, sleepy fishing village, population ~600 with it’s claim to fame of Fat Grandma’s Cafe for breakfast. So off we went to find Fat Grandma’s. A short walk in a forested area, so green and “clean” smelling. Had rained last night. Quite the eclectic store cafe - combination eatery, general store, curio shop and lending library. 😂. Alice and Diane drank coffee while I went for a walk. Found the post office and the Glassdoor Bar, and the Liquor Store, both in the same building for convenience. Short outing as we had arrived late and back on the sea by 8:30. Last stop until our final destination tomorrow AM, Whittier, AK
    Breakfast and back to the puzzle for the morning. Alice has a short attention span for the puzzle and decided to paint. Pic #1 below is one of her products.
    A real change in scenery today. The forested hills have become snow covered mountains as we travel North and get closer to our destination. More of Mother Nature’s best.
    Had to take the puzzle down about 2/3 finished. 😱. Dinner and prep for leaving at 6 AM tomorrow. I am ready to get off this ferry! 😂😂😂
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  • День 12

    Alaska Day 12 Whittier to Seward AK

    18 июля 2019 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ☀️ 72 °F

    Up early for 6AM departure from ferry! Alaska greeted us with sunshine and clear skies. Temp around 60. Perfect! Off the boat by 6:30 and on our way. Whittier is a small town basically the port town for Anchorage about 60 miles away. There is a 6 mile one lane tunnel to get to the main road to Anchorage or Seward. Had controlled traffic for the tunnel so had to wait there until 7AM.
    Our destination today is Seward AK on the Kenai peninsula, only about 80 miles away. The “bible” I have for navigation is The Milepost - a highly comprehensive publication that literally has information mile by mile for every road in Alaska. Finding that I can’t read the information fast enough before the sites come up. 😂. First stop is the Kenai Peninsula Visitor center however they do not open until 9 so off to look for breakfast. Found an “authentic” locals place in Girdwood - The Girdwood Picnic Table. Interesting folk about, lots of blue and pink hair. 😂

    Then to the Visitors center and a very helpful guy - Larry. Got tons of information and some good tips - a worthwhile stop. Out first tourist spot in Alaska was just down the road, the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center. This Center is a drive through Wildlife park focusing on the rescue and rehabilitation of large animals. You could walk and drive around your leisure and it was very interesting. Numerous spices of wildlife, lots of movies filmed here - Into the Wild - being the most popular. We went to a ranger presentation on the bears and saw several up close and personal. The park was many acres and each of the types of animals has its own section. Besides the bears, Caribou, lynx, porcupine, sitka deer, elk, moose and their biggest project - bison. Over a period of 20 years they have raised an entire herd of bison that had become almost extinct in Alaska. Just recently they released the first group of bison that they had raised. A very good gift shop and onward to Seward.
    Both of us tired today and Alice needed a power nap. I am envious of her ability to do this. We pulled off in a large turnoff and she can put her had back, close her eyes and go to sleep!!! 🙃. Luckily I spotted a trail going off into the woods as we pulled off. So I decided on my first short hike in Alaska. I was rewarded with a trailhead right across a marsh. It was a wonderful, easy path through the woods with lots of up and down but nothing difficult. (I am babying my knee on this trip). I am learning that there hiking trails almost everywhere in Alaska - a hikers paradise.
    A lovely drive to Seward with outstanding scenery, rushing rivers, quiet lakes, green trees and low mountains as well as snowy majestic mountains. Amazing. Arrived in Seward around 3 and found a campsite in an RV Park right downtown on Resurrection Bay. To the grocery store (Safeway), camp set up and some much deserved wine. Dinner at Apollo’s, Greek and Italian, good pasta. To bed early to catch up on some sleep.
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  • День 13

    Alaska Day 13 Seward, AK

    19 июля 2019 г. ⋅ ☀️ 64 °F

    A leisurely AM with some catch up on “life”as we do not have to be to the boat for our tour today until 11:30. Decided to do a Wildlife and Glacier boat trip in Kenai Fjords National Park. Cannot believe that I just got off a boat yesterday and back on a 6 hour cruise today! 😱. However we wanted to take advantage of the good weather figuring it would be a lot more enjoyable to do this trip in the sunshine.
    A very informational trip due to a Park Ranger on board for all kinds of history and detail information about the wildlife and glaciers. We left from the marina in Seward, through Resurrection Bay, out into the Gulf of Alaska and from there into Aialek (Surprise) Bay to the Holgate Glacier. Seas were calm with hazy sun and mostly clouds.
    The Holgate Glacier comes out of the Harding Ice Field which is one of the largest ice fields in the world and spawns many glaciers. We were able to get very close so some pretty good pictures.
    Then the real search for sealife. A long ride to Day Bay - not somewhere the tour was scheduled to go. However whales had been seen there the previous day. We were so very fortunate to find a pod of whales. We followed about 9 different Orca's for close to an hour. They were all around the boat and even one with a mom and baby who was practicing jumping out of the water. Really great fun. On the way back to the harbor, we got a closer look at harbor seals, sea otters and birds, puffins, kittiwakes, and common mergansers. (Mers - ducks). No eagles yet.
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  • День 14

    Alaska Day 14 Seward, AK

    20 июля 2019 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ☁️ 64 °F

    Third day in Seward. I like this town. Quiet but with all the amenities. Spent the AM cleaning up the RV and ourselves. Showering on this trip seems to be a “ project “. 😆. Off to the Alaska Sealife Center, a museum just down the road, highly recommended from several friends who have been here recently. The museum was established for the scientific study for the sustainability of sea life. They have done many well known studies and were being filmed by National Geographic when we were there. Exhibits included very interesting studies of their many projects as well as 10-15 aquariums with a range of sea life. Huge inside and outside water features with sea lions, otters and sea birds that they are rehabilitating. Lots of the exhibits were geared to kids and, since this was a Saturday, lots of them around.
    A cruise around town to check out the murals on many buildings that were highly touted and worth seeing. A stop at a very cute coffee house in a small old church. Very homey atmosphere, lots of art and things for sale, a fun find. A lunch stop at a restaurant right on the bay with outdoor seating, lovely spot.
    Spent the afternoon doing a lot of planning for the rest of our trip. As luck would have it, out next door neighbor, Tim, was a talkative soul but had been RVing 5 times around Alaska and was a font of knowledge of where to go and places to stay. Out to dinner to a restaurant we had read about and had come recommended by friends, The Cookery. Had a wait as they did not take reservations and found close by as saloon that was a fun place to wait. The food at the Cookery was great! 😊👍 Kay started to enjoy the local oysters. Soooooo good. We both had scallops which were terrific! A lazy, fun, day of tourism.
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  • День 15

    Alaska Day 15 Seward to Homer

    21 июля 2019 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ☀️ 72 °F

    There was one more thing we wanted to do before leaving Seward, the Seward Dog Sled Training Center. We scheduled this early so we could do the dog sled ride and still get to Homer where we will be for the next 3-4 days.
    The Iditerod dog sled race is held annually the first Saturday in March. The race is 1000 miles from Anchorage to Nome, AK. Just outside of Seward is a place where they train dogs for this race. The tour was fascinating and included a 45 minute ride through the forest pulled by 14 dogs! Great fun. The information about the Iditerod, the preparation of these dogs and the mushers was fascinating. The fellow who runs this training camp for the dogs and mushers has won the Iditarod 3 times, last in 2017. We got to see and play with some of the new puppies as well. Lots of movie filming done here as well. A really fun morning.
    Off to Homer, AK about 160 miles from Seward. Beautiful scenery the entire way. We traveled from one side of the Kenai penensula to the other. Several stops along the way. First a pottery place in the potter's home shortly out of Seward. Lovely setting and some very different pottery. Kay bought a piece. Next a stop at Moose Pass, a quirky little village with an old time general store and a trading post with a talking moose. 😂. Light lunch and on our way. A couple afternoon rest stops for Alice's power nap and Kay out for a walk. Seems like wherever you pull off the road there is some kind of hiking trail. My kind of place. 😀
    Pulled into our Homer campground around 6:30 PM. We are on the Homer spit, a long skinny peninsula that juts into the Gulf of Alaska. We are at a beachfront campground with water on both sides of us. Quite the spectacular place. A part of the spit is quite touristy in an Alaskan way. Tons of charter boats, fishing and ferry docks along with shops, saloons, and restaurants. Fun place to walk around. We had our cocktail hour in the RV and then to a restaurant on the spit for dinner. More very good local oysters.
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  • День 16

    Alaska Day 16 Homer & Seldovia, AK

    22 июля 2019 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ☀️ 64 °F

    Up and out to catch the ferry from the Homer spit for Seldovia at 11AM. Seldovia is a village across Kachemak Bay, a 45 minute ferry ride and has been recommended by several friends. Wonderful weather today, sunshine and a high of 65. My type of weather. Arrived by noon and started a walk around the town, a small community park, a boardwalk with shops and restaurants and flowers in bloom everywhere. So pretty. Did a bit of shopping in great nursery (think plants) and eclectic gift shop. Then a leisurely lunch on a hotel deck with water views in every direction. After lunch, Kay off for a short real hike and Alice to paint. A trail at the end of town was marked as intermediate on the map. Trail went 1.5 miles across a beautiful wooded area to Bay on the other side of this peninsula. It was a lovely hike, quite a few people on the well marked trail. Also a good test to see how my knee will hold up with some real up and down. Loved being out on my own for awhile, not much alone time in an RV. 🙃. Did about 3.5 miles, knee held up well, will see what tonight brings. Met Alice and we walked to a small Russian Orthodox church, a bit more around town and back to the ferry for a 4:30 departure. A really good afternoon.
    Lots of recommendations to go to the Salty Dog Saloon in Homer. We were ready for a beer after our ferry ride so off we went. What a fun place!! Money (bills) hanging all over the bar. Amazing. Pics do not do it credit. We got a seat at the bar and enjoyed the "vibe". Picked up some fish and chips (salmon) and took home for dinner. An early evening and to bed.
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  • День 17

    Alaska Day 17 Homer

    23 июля 2019 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ⛅ 59 °F

    A short note today. A "work" day and a day off from tourism. We decided to stay another 2 nights here as there is a lot to see and do and we need a "day off". Did all the maintenance stuff today. Cleaned the RV, did laundry, went to the grocery, got gas, and went to the ATM. I said tonight when we were putting everything away, "everything is clean but us". No time for a shower. 😆. Special dinner tonight. Fresh halibut from the dock. Homer is the Halibut capital of the world! Pictures today are some from other days for "catch up".Читать далее

  • День 18

    Alaska Day 18

    24 июля 2019 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ☁️ 59 °F

    A day to explore Homer. First off to the Oceans and Islands Visitor Center. Much more than the usual visitors center - a mini museum, nature walks, lectures, etc. Enjoyable several hours. Then to check out Old Town Homer. Not to much there except a well publicized bakery - Two Sisters. A fun stop for lunch - great baked goods and good sandwiches. Onward to checkout a winery - Bear Creek. All of their wines made from berries. Tasting for 8 wines - $5. 😂. They had 2 types of wines - those blended with grapes and those just berries. Alcohol content from 8-17%. Wines OK. I would consider all as a desert wine. Bought a bottle of my favorite, Black Current. Alice bought a bottle of Port.
    Then a ride to checkout the hills around the town. The fireweed is in full bloom. And sooooo beautiful. A friend of a friend of Alice's told her about the hills on the other side of the mountain. Spectacular scenery with the fireweed covering the hillsides. Next off to the Pratt Museum, a local museum to Alaskan art and culture. I begged off of this one for a nap instead. ( Missed some sleep last night). Alice enjoyed. And one more stop at the Farmers Market which was just closing down and we did not see much.
    So a full-day of tourism, back to campground. Had had some rain last night but cleared this after noon and now sunshine at 9:30PM. Have gotten used to the many hours of daylight. Love the long days. Just wear a sleep mask at night.
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  • День 19

    Alaska Day 19 Homer to Skilak Lake

    25 июля 2019 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ⛅ 64 °F

    Leaving Homer today with good memories but ready for a new adventure. Destination today is somewhere around Soldotna, about half way to Anchorage. We do not have reservations all I called said first come, first serve so off we go. If worst comes to worst, there are always Target parking lots.
    Sightseeing today - 2 planned stops. Anchor Point and Ninilchik - both small villages along the coast. Anchor Point first. This whole area is fishing, all kinds of salmon, steelhead and trout. Rivers and lakes everywhere. At Anchor Point we looked for the sign, "the most Westerly highway in the US". Found it, picture below. Out to the beach t and watched the fishing boats in and out for awhile. On our way back to the RV we found our first geocache of the trip!! Easy to find - really always amazes me that you can play that game anywhere in the world. Then saw a gal taking a picture of something up in a tree. And there were 2 bald eagles!! Have been looking for them, saw one in Homer but at a distance. These were very close and content to stay put through all of our picture taking. A fun stop.
    On to Ninilchik. The draw here is an old Russian Orthodox Church. The church was on a lovely bluff overlooking the sea with a volcanic ridge of mountains across the cove. Just beautiful! This area was first settled by the Athabascan native Americans. They were booted out, first by the Russians there for the fur trading, and later by the Americans. A lot of native Russian interbreeding resulted in a mixed race of which there are still folk living in the area today. There are several Russian Orthodox churchs in the area still used today. Then a quick trip through "old Ninilchik" - mostly abandoned homes in a beautiful setting.
    A stop at a cute coffee shop and on to find a place for the night. We tried at a large campground in Soldotna but we did not like it. So we took a chance on campgrounds around a large lake about 40 miles away. Lake Skilak. And after 7 miles of gravel road, here we are! Have a wonderful spot - all the sites are separated from the others. And they are free!!! I am a very happy camper tonight. I now know what "dry" camping. No hook ups for water, sewer, or electricity. Alice's RV can do all that without hook ups. The days are so long we seldom need lights anyway. Back to civilization tomorrow - next stop Anchorage.
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  • День 20

    Alaska Day 20 Skilak Lake to Anchorage

    26 июля 2019 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ☁️ 59 °F

    Our first rainy day, not heavy just "dripping" on and off all day. Loved our "in the woods by the lake" campground. Left early in search of a good breakfast. Ended up at Coopers Landing - great food and Kay appreciated - no cooking and no dishes. 👍 😂
    Destination today is Anchorage about 100 miles. First stop along the way is a little "off the beaten track" village - Hope, AK. Hope was one of the original Alaskan gold rush towns in the 1800's. However gold mining was short lived there as the Klondike rush was much more lucrative. Now Hope is an historic town with many well preserved tiny houses (now B & B's). Wildflowers abound. Also the same number of dilapidated buildings to add character. As we have seen in most of Alaska, the big sport in the town is fishing. A river flows into the Turnagain Arm of the Gulf of Alaska and the shores were teeming with fisher people. We found out later that the catch is pink salmon. Fishing was good. We watched several being caught just standing there for 10 minutes. An interesting find and away from the tourist trail.
    On to Anchorage with stops for gas (gas really not too expensive - by California standards - has always been under $3/gallon), the Visitor's Center for some more tourist information about the area for which we are heading.
    Arrived at our campground in Anchorage around 6PM. We are camped in Centennial Park, with a large forest all around with walking paths. 😀👍. A walk in the woods before cocktail hour, dinner "in" and to bed.
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