  • Día 27

    Almost half-way

    18 de mayo de 2018, España ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    A good day of walking. The threatened rain held off, but cloud cover provided relief from a hot sun. It is hard to keep coming up with superlatives but it really was another beautiful day of walking. First along kilometres of Roman road between wide green paddocks, the Roman road marked by many “militaries” (1,000 paces apart - many still surviving), old stone walls, then a steepish climb up the Dehesa Dueña to the high point of the Plata and a fabulous view for miles on a hill topped by wind turbines. Down, down, down (a toboggan would have been fun) to more wide green paddocks and an enormous ranch on which are bred the famous fighting bulls (all behind fences thank you. A stop at the main homestead where I was being picked up by my kind host from the next village. Lots of very healthy free range chooks kept me happy while I waited for my lift, as well as the wonderful sight of a herd of cattle being moved from one paddock to another by three caballeros on horseback - too far away to capture on the camera except for the one who dropped into the house.
    Now happily in the Albergue de Elena and her husband, truly delightful hosts, in San Pedro, one day before Salamanca. A bed, not a bunk!
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