  • Päivä 16

    Azul tiles, gold, and a funicular

    31. lokakuuta 2018, Portugali ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

    A lovely walk to start the day, a bridge crossing a wide river, then the fabulous fishing port of Viana do Castelo. Took the fun funicular ride to the top of the mountain to see the church perched high over the town - spectacular views - then down to the old town where I visited the local museum - with a great exhibition dedicated to local peasant costumes. Good collection. Also explanations and exhibits about cloth making and embroidery (mainly on wool and linen - flax was grown locally) and the very pretty gold heart jewellery worn in Northern Portugal. Unfortunately photography was strictly prohibited. Then to see a church I’d been told was a “do not miss” and indeed it was a glory of blue tiles and gold. Walked out of town through the port area (I do love a serious working port!) and a few kilometres along the way until I discovered a problem with my phone. Which resulted in me backtracking to find a Vodaphone shop - and I won’t bore you with telling what followed!
    The end result is that I walked 17km from last nights accommodation - but have progressed only 7km. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll do better!
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