  • Dag 55

    Day 7 on the Meseta

    27 september 2016, Duitsland ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    Sept 27: Been walking across the Meseta now for one week! Today was a very short 11+ km into Leon where we checked into hotel rooms and are kicking back a little.
    Another beautiful city, cathedral and lots of cafes/restaurants. Will be saying goodbye to a couple of folks here after today so may be out celebrating a bit later tonight. Some of us may stay in Leon for one more day . . .

    We've been starting out walks each day between 6:30-7:00am when it's still dark out, but one morning we started at 5:30am to get a little more time in under the stars. Below here and in the next post are some pics from along the way (Sept 22-26). Will create new post tomorrow for today's walk into Leon along with a few pics from tonight's celebration (possibly).

    Pic #1 a morning mist, leaving
    Pic #2 chilling in a great tree at the albergue in Boadilla
    Pic #3 passing through Fromista after leaving Boadilla, we cross the lock gates (esclusa) of the Canal de Castillo
    Pic #4 sweet dawg friend on the Camino
    Pic #5 going through a village after a night in Terradillos, we walked through a courtyard where the trees had been decorated with knitting; definitely reminded me of Portland
    Pic #6 a morning sunrise
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