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  • Day 9

    Day off n°2 🤡

    April 29, 2022 in South Korea ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

    For the next day off, we had a plan to visit the Jagalchi fish market in Busan (부산 자갈치시장). But it seems like nothing was going well for us 😅

    It started raining early in the morning so we decided to take the bus there, anddddd it didn't come. Fine, we took the bikes and cycled for 20 minutes in the rain until we reached the center of Gimhae where we took the train to Busan. No zombies on it, just Louise, Clara and Clara's terrible sense of orientation! So we followed Clara's itinerary and ended up in the opposite direction. Oops ! 🥴
    We went to the right place in the end (and 1h and a half later, I'm so sorry for this Louise) and visited ! It was really nice except we were soaked, cold and tired. At least we got to eat an amazing lunch at the market cooked by a little nice old lady : some 비빔밥 (bibimbap : bibim meaning to mix and bap meaning rice), some 사시미 (sashimi, raw fish) and some 매운탕 (fish head soup)!🤗
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